The gunfire outside is still going on, and it is very dense. Although it cannot be seen, it can be guessed that the soldiers of the Self-Defense Force must be engaged in a fierce gun battle with the enemy of unknown forces.

"Aren't you going out to command your men?"

Sheng Tianzi, who was sitting in his seat, behaved very calmly, not flustered at all.

"No need," Hashimoto Shiro shook his head, "I believe in my subordinates, they are a bunch of outstanding guys, although they don't know who the enemy is, but they dare to provoke us Lu Zi, my subordinates must will teach them a lesson.”

Although Shiro Hashimoto spoke with a lot of momentum, he had a lot of sweat on his forehead, and his face was unnatural. The few soldiers who also stayed inside the armored vehicle behaved even more unbearably, but without Hashimoto's Order, they can not open the door at will.

They can only pray secretly in their hearts.

There was loud gunfire outside the car, and there were calls for help and shouts from time to time, but no one in the car spoke, which seemed very strange and out of place.

The gunfire lasted for several minutes, and Hashimoto Shiro couldn't hold back several times, and even put his hands on the doorknob, but he retracted every time.

It's just that he can no longer maintain a calm face, and his face is getting uglier.

Finally, the gunshots that had been clamoring outside finally stopped.

Obviously the gunfire was so intense just now, but now it has become so quiet.

It was so quiet that it seemed to be suffocating.

Cold sweat was billowing from Hashimoto Shiro's forehead, and several other soldiers who were also staying inside the armored vehicle also had panicked expressions on their faces.

"Maori, what happened outside, have the enemies been repelled? Answer quickly."

But there was no response other than rustling on the radio.

Hashimoto Shiro couldn't see his face, but he knew that his face must be ugly at this time.

At this moment, the door of the armored vehicle was knocked several times.


Several people were startled, and pointed their guns at the car door one after another.

No one responded.

"Maori, is that you? Are you outside? Answer me quickly!"

Hashimoto Shiro shouted loudly.

But still no one answered.

Shiro Hashimoto tried to wipe the sweat off his forehead with his hand, but couldn't stop it.

He made a few tactical gestures to his subordinates, which meant that he was ready to rush out, and he also left a soldier to stay in the car with the Holy Son of Heaven.

The other soldiers nodded in agreement, and one of them put his hand on the doorknob and pushed it away abruptly.

The soldiers who were ready inside rushed out in one breath, quickly securing a favorable fighting position.

But when they rushed out, they immediately froze.

This is the outlying area. They were driving on the roads in the outlying area. Although the buildings in the outlying area were dilapidated, the roads were relatively intact.

It was still dark at this time, and it was the darkest moment before dawn. Behind the armored vehicle they were in, there were several military vehicles. The headlights of the military vehicles were on, and the bright light illuminated the surrounding area. On the ground, there is nowhere to hide.

With the help of the light from the headlights, Hashimoto Shiro Sansa and the soldiers who rushed out together also saw that all the dead people were on the nearby ground.

Some people were lying on the ground, some were leaning on the military vehicle, some tried to fight back but were shot dead, and some were killed without even seeing the enemy's direction. The bullet holes were punched, and even the tires were blown out.

The remaining soldiers carefully looked around. An enemy who could almost wipe out a squadron would not be able to leave so easily. The enemy might still be nearby.


A blond loli wearing a red beret suddenly fell from the top of the armored vehicle where they were, and stabbed (sensitive word) into the back of a soldier with a dagger. He screamed in pain, and subconsciously pulled the trigger with his fingers. The girl in the beret grabbed the soldier's shoulders and arms, and led him around in a small circle, hitting his companion with all the bullets.

After the bullets were emptied, all the Self-Defense Force soldiers who left the armored vehicle, including Shiro Hashimoto, died of friendly fire.

The beret loli pulled out the dagger from the soldier's back, quickly wiped it on his neck, pushed him lightly, and he fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Afterwards, the beret loli picked up the assault rifle and pointed it at the only remaining SDF soldier inside the armored vehicle.

The last surviving soldier was stunned. He saw with his own eyes how the petite blond loli wiped out his commander and teammates. Because it was too unbelievable, his hands kept shaking. Obviously the enemy was right in front of him, but he couldn't pull the trigger no matter what.

At this time, a hand wearing a white glove stretched out and pressed the muzzle of the self-defense soldier. The soldier shook his head and turned to look at the Holy Son next to him.

Sheng Tianzi shook his head at him: "Everything is over, surrender."

The soldier was trembling all over, but he still lowered the muzzle of the gun obediently, and finally let the Son of Heaven take the gun away from his hand.

Seeing that the enemy was disarmed, the girl wearing a beret and a sea soul shirt also lowered her gun.

Around, lolis who were also wearing berets and sea soul shirts came out, and the leading girl paid homage to the emperor.

"Comrade Shengtianzi, hello, this is our first meeting. I am Natasha from the Foreign Legion of Weiming City. I am here to rescue you, Kumar, under the order of Comrade President."


In a room of the Holy House.

This room is usually used as an office for ordinary staff of the Holy House, but now it is used as a temporary headquarters by Yi Yi Daxiang.

He didn't have the guts to use the place where the Holy Son of Heaven usually works. They were just admonishing, not rebelling.

Now, in this temporary headquarters, Kazuo Ichijo, Masao Sawada, and Masao Sasaki, who arrived not long ago, are all gathered here.

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