"...that's how it is."

First Lieutenant Sasaki spent a few minutes recounting what happened when they besieged the Sima's mansion, especially Tongzi's miraculous skills.

After Yiyi Daxiang and Sawada Masao heard it, they had one reaction:

Are you fucking kidding me? !

But it's not just First Lieutenant Sasaki, everyone in the third squadron led by him has seen it, and they can all testify to Sasaki Masato.

If there were only a few people, there was still a possibility of collusion, but with so many people, how could it be possible to collude?

Even if Masato Sasaki threatened his subordinates, it is impossible for everyone to say the same thing.

Then there is only one result...

However, with a human body, is it really possible to do things that can only be done in this light novel?

Yiyi Daxiang will soon no longer need to worry about this matter.

Because he has another thing to worry about.

The door of the temporary headquarters was slammed open, and an officer rushed in with a face full of horror.

"It's Haizi, the red deer from Haizi are coming, and there are a lot of them, all outside."

Sawada Masao frowned, the officer who came in to report was his subordinate.

"Sea? How is it possible? What are those octopuses that can only swim in the sea doing on land?"

It was still a Daxiang order.

"Sawada Sansa, let's go out and have a look first."

One Daxiang nodded at Masao Sawada, who understood, and he said to the officer who rushed in to report: "Let the soldiers prepare for battle, but without the order of me or Izusa-sama, you are not allowed to fire first, understand? "


The officer saluted his subordinate officer and one of his assistants one after another, and then rushed out quickly.

"Then let's go out and have a look too, Captain Sasaki, you immediately gather the third squadron to support Sansa Sawada's first squadron. I'm afraid that with only one squadron, I won't be able to stop those octopuses in the sea."

The words behind Yiyi Daxiang were addressed to Masato Sasaki.

"Yiwei, failure is not terrible, but I don't allow one failure after another, do you understand?"

After Sasaki's No. [-] Squadron entered the Holy House, the morale of the soldiers was very low due to unexpected changes they encountered, so Yi Yi Daxiang let them temporarily rest in the Holy House, and the first squadron was responsible for the security task. Do.

But now obviously it doesn't matter so much.

"Yes, I understand."

Masato Sasaki saluted a big Xiang and ran out quickly.

A Daxiang and his assistant came to the courtyard outside, the atmosphere was very tense at this time, not only because of the siege, but also a lot of sea creatures came, and there seemed to be more black people than them.

A Daxiang found a high place, and then picked up the binoculars to look over. The octopuses in the sea had surrounded them. Although there was no heavy firepower in the weapons and equipment, they were all light weapons, but they had an advantage in numbers.

"Damn it, why are these sea red deer here?"

Masao Sawada stood beside Daxiang and cursed in a low voice.

A Daxiang also found it strange, according to common sense, no matter what happened to Lu Zi, it would not be Hai Zi's turn to intervene. Hai Zi has Hai Zi's rules, and Lu Zi also has Lu Zi's rules, Lu Zi will not To take care of Haizi's housework, Haizi would never want to extend his hand to Lu Zi.


At this time, Yiyi Daxiang suddenly discovered that in the telescope, the Haizi soldiers surrounding the Holy House retreated a little, leaving only Haizi soldiers roughly equivalent to a land team, and several Haizi officers. in place.

Yiyi Daxiang's eyesight is very good, which is all due to his disinterest in the rapid development of video games and mobile phones. Even in the dark, he can see those officers only with the light on the wall of the holy residence. Haizi's senior officers, and the veteran soldiers headed by them even bear the rank of admiral.

Although they are not in the same military system, as a senior officer of Lu Zi, Yiyi Daxiang will not fail to know Uesugi Harunobu, and even if he does not, he will know just by his rank.

Haizi's senior officers, especially the commander, stayed behind in person, obviously intending to negotiate.

Chapter 246 Even My Dad Never Hit Me


Although Yi Daxiang thinks that he has nothing to say to the group of octopuses in the sea, he doesn't want to be called a reckless man who doesn't know how to be polite. Since the other party shows that he wants to talk, even if he doesn't accept it, at least he should go Listen to what the other person has to say.

"Sawada Sansa, call a team and come with me to have a look."

Masao Sawada did not do it right away, but said worriedly.

"But, Master Yizuo, could it be a trap?"

"Don't worry, those Haizi red deer don't dare to do anything to me. I'm Lu Zi's joint captain. Except for Mr. Lu, who dares to do anything to me!"

A Daxiang patted Masao Sawada on the shoulder, "What's more, there are the remaining squadrons of your No. [-] Squadron here, as well as Lieutenant Sasaki's No. [-] Squadron. They won't mess around."

These words of Daxiang Yiyi did not dispel Masao Sawada's worries, but he still bowed his head and obeyed, and ran to gather troops.

Not long after, Yiyi Daxiang and Sawada Masao led a Luzi team out of the holy residence, and walked towards the Haizi team of officers and soldiers.

"Stop!" When Yi Yi Daxiang and the others were about to walk in front of each other, a naval officer with the rank of second assistant raised his white-gloved hand and shouted loudly, "Who are you? Please report the number of the unit you belong to." and rank name."

"I'm the captain of Luzi's third regiment, Yiyi Yizuo," Yiyi Daxiang answered the other party's question and stopped the troops. Sawada Masao and other soldiers stopped behind their regiment leader. "Which army do you belong to? Why did you come to the Holy House?"

"shut up!"

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