Uesugi Harunobu Kai suddenly shouted, although Kaizi has basically not fought any battles since the founding of the Tokyo region, and he cannot achieve the "Second Kanto Battle" record like Lu Zi, but in terms of military rank, he is better than A big Xiang is higher than the other.

No matter which country's army it is, the superior is the superior, even if it is only one level higher than you, it is still your commander!

What's more, Uesugi Harunobu has been the commander for so many years, and it is not for nothing, and his momentum is much stronger than that of Daxiang.

At this moment he spoke suddenly, like a lion suddenly angry.

"What have you done yourself, don't you know? You have become sinners in the Tokyo area. It is best to surrender quickly, and then pray that your sins will be dealt with leniently."

"Master Haijiang, we are Lu Zi. Even if we did make a mistake, it will be dealt with by Takeda Lu Future, and it is not your turn to intervene, let alone," a Daxiang changed the subject, becoming neither humble nor overbearing, "Whether we are sinners in the Tokyo area, especially unknown."

One Daxiang's confidence is not inexplicable. Although he is against the trend at the moment, he can't help admiring that he has the foresight to send Hashimoto Shiro Sanzuo to lead the second squadron to escort Lord Shengtianzi to Luzi's base camp one step earlier.

Judging from the time, even if it hasn't arrived yet, it shouldn't be much different, and as long as Lord Shengtian appears in Lu Zi's base camp, Lu Zili's hesitant colleagues will definitely appreciate his righteous deed, even Takeda Masamune Lord General Lu will definitely abandon his past suspicions and quickly send troops to support him.

As long as he thinks of this, even if he is facing a sea general, Yi Yi Daxiang will feel a raging energy gushing out of his body.

However, what Daxiang Ichiichi didn't expect was that after Uesugi Harunobu listened dumbfounded, he directly cursed regardless of self-restraint.

"Red deer! What a group of hopeless red deer!"

A Daxiang's face also sank. Although the other party's military rank is higher than his own, it is not the other party's insult to himself, nor is it Lu Zi's reason.

"Your Excellency, please pay attention to your words. Although you are the general of Haizi, you can't insult our glorious Lu Zi at will."

"Oh," Uesugi Harunobu looked at Daxiang and laughed, "So what if I insult you?"


His own chief was provoked, how could Masao Sawada bear it, he put his hand on the gun on his waist: "Your Excellency, please respect yourself."

"What are you, you are worthy of talking to our Lord Haijiang?" The officer from Haizi also cursed according to Haizi's ceremonial saber.

As a result, this scolding started the beginning, and it was not so easy to stop.

Naturally, Lu Zi's soldiers would not tolerate his chief being scolded for no reason: "I have the guts to say it again, you group of octopuses who only know how to swim in the sea."

"Shut up, you bastards who can't go into the sea."

"If you have the ability to single out, octopus."

"I'm afraid you won't succeed, horse manure."

"If you dare to come here, I will chop you up and make you into takoyaki."

"Take your horse manure and feed the gastrella in the sea."

The soldiers on both sides scolded hard. Amidst all the scolding, Daxiang gradually calmed down. Now that the overall situation has been settled, they don't need to fight this group of red deer from Haizi.

It's not that a big Xiang is afraid of these octopuses in the sea and really wants to fight. Although there are a little fewer people on their side, one man from Lu can fight ten red deer from the sea.

It's just that now that their righteous deed has been accomplished, the friendly forces must have been on the way to reinforce them. After another hour and three quarters, when the friendly forces bring orders from Lord General Takeda and Lord Shengtianzi, these Haizi octopuses will naturally be honest. Go back to your own sea.

If you want to fight with Haizi's red deer, you can do it at any time, but it shouldn't be at this juncture, so as not to spoil the big thing.

"Master Haijiang, let me say it again, please take back what you said just now." Amidst the scolding, Yi Yi Daxiang had to raise his volume so that the other party could hear what he said clearly, "If you take back what you just said A slip of the tongue, I can pretend nothing happened."

However, in the face of his own kindness, Uesugi Harunobu didn't understand at all, and said with a half-smile: "What kind of air is there for the rebel army, or is it because Lu Zi is in this kind of atmosphere, that's why you breed rebellion? "


Yiyi Daxiang thought he had done enough. Although the other party was one level older than him, he swallowed his anger for the sake of the overall situation. He retreated again and again, but the other party pressed him step by step, one by one "rebel army", one by one "rebel ", it is really tolerable.

Now, even if the other party is Haizi's commander, Yiyi Daxiang has to think differently.

You must know that besides himself and Uesugi, there are many officers and soldiers from Lu Zi and Hai Zi surrounded by him. As the captain of the third regiment, he represents Lu Zi's image when negotiating with Hai Zi.

If it was Sawada Sanzuo, he might be able to understand his painstaking efforts, but that's all. Ordinary land soldiers and sea soldiers would never be able to understand his good intentions from the overall situation and long-term perspective. Perhaps in their eyes Here, if you retreat again and again, they will only be regarded as weak by them.

One's own weakness is Lu Zi's weakness, slapping oneself in the face is slapping Lu Zi in the face.

So from now on, how do you let yourself lead the troops?

Thinking of this, Daxiang's tone became tough: "So, do you really regard Lu Zi's dignity as nothing?"

"Oh, Red Deer, what do you want to say?" Uesugi Harunobu said playfully.

A Daxiang deliberately said in a sad tone: "It's nothing, I just think the guys in Haizi really worked hard, and they were managed by such a red deer."

"What do you mean? Kazuo?" Harunobu Uesugi is not an idiot either. Although Daxiang did not swear, the irony in his words can be heard by a fool.

A Daxiang looked at Haruno Uesugi with indifferent eyes: "I don't mean anything."

"You take back what you just said immediately, and apologize to me, immediately, immediately!"

"Why should I apologize for telling the truth?"

"You... Red Deer Yelang!"

Uesugi Harunobu, who couldn't think of anything to counter the other party's words, chose the simplest counterattack.

That was a slap in the face.

A Daxiang was slapped in the face, and he was immediately stunned.

Lu Zi didn't slap him like he used to do in the old Japan. What's more, even if he stood at attention, only Lu Zi's commander was qualified to slap him. What is Hai Zi?Dare to ride on Lu Zi's head!

"Bastard! You...you dare to hit me?"

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