One Daxiang touched his hot cheek, although Uesugi Harunobu was getting older, but the sea general-sama didn't hold back at all just now, and Yiichi felt that his cheek was a little numb.

His tone was full of disbelief: "Even my father never hit me!"

Uesugi Harunobu slapped him with another backhand, Daxiang didn't expect the opponent to continue to strike, he was unprepared, and now the other cheek was numb.


A Daxiang roared, at this moment, he doesn't care about the overall situation, and he doesn't care about the rank, this sea red deer dares to beat people in public?

Fuck the big picture!Fuck you sir!

One Daxiang rushed straight up and pushed Uesugi Harunobu to the ground. One Daxiang fell down with the opponent, but one Daxiang was younger after all, and Lu Zi was better than Haizi in terms of physical training. There were many, so Yiyi Daxiang quickly got up, he sat directly on Uesugi Harunobu, raised his fist the size of a casserole, and greeted Uesugi Harunobu.

The officers and soldiers on both sides were all stunned, not only them, but even the soldiers from both sides in the distance were also stunned.

Lu Zihai's senior military officers huddled together outside the holy residence...

What is this operation?

"This... Lord Sea General!"

The officers and soldiers from Kaizi had to react first. Although Haruno Uesugi took advantage of it at first and slapped a big sho twice, after all, it was because a big sho was unprepared, and now they are old and weak. Lord Sea General is completely at a disadvantage.

"Quick... Hurry up and protect Lord Sea General!"

As soon as Haizi's officer drank, Haizi's soldiers came to their senses, and they ran towards the wrestling two.

"Haizi's gang of red deer will bully more and less!"

"Quick, let's help Master Yizuo too!"

Originally, Haizi's people didn't move, and Lu Zi's people wouldn't move either, but now that Haizi's people moved, Lu Zi's people also rushed forward like a conditioned reflex.

I don't know their initial thoughts, whether it was a fight or a fight, and who made the move first. It may be that a soldier from Haizi touched Lu Zi first, or a soldier from Lu Zi subconsciously scolded him first. Said a sentence from the sea...

The contradiction between Lu Haizi is like an oil barrel full of oil, as long as a spark can cause a big explosion.

Then the soldiers of Haizi and Luzi also fought together.

Dozens of Lu Haizi's officers and soldiers fought like gangsters on the street. If they weren't all wearing Lu Haizi's military uniforms, it would be possible to directly shoot the sequel of the bloody high school.

Then, staying in the holy residence and being ordered by Uesugi Harunobu to retreat farther away, it is also impossible for the officers and soldiers of the land and sea to watch their officers and colleagues fight with the group of sea red deer (Lu Zima) Deer) fight, he stood by and watched.


This was an unprecedented melee. The number of people in the melee even exceeded [-] people. Everyone dropped their weapons and heavy equipment, and used their fists to severely teach those who wore different military uniforms from their own.

As for the original reason for this scuffle, that is not important, the important thing is to kill these sea red deer (land self red deer)!

When Sheng Tianzi and the Lolitas of the Foreign Legion who escorted Sheng Tianzi returned to the holy residence, what they saw was this scene of a big melee. Some people had already exhausted their strength and fell to the ground, but some were still there Keep hitting.

Of course, Yiyi Daxiang and Uesugi Harunobu were rescued by their respective soldiers. Although they did not use weapons, both of them had bruised noses and swollen faces, especially Uesugi Harunobu Kaisho. The doctor makes a good set of teeth.

" all stop fighting..."

Sheng Tianzi tried to stop it, but once a man's hormones are stimulated, it is not so easy to stop, and these guys are already red-eyed, and they can no longer listen to other voices.

Except for a few Lu Haizi soldiers on the outskirts who heard the voice, turned their heads and found that it was the Holy Son of Heaven, and then stopped angrily, more people were still in the continuous melee.

Seeing this, Natasha pulled the bolt, and then flew towards the sky.

The sound of gunfire tearing through the air resounded, and the crowd in the scuffle stopped. Everyone turned their heads in a daze to look at Natasha, who was shooting towards the sky, and Sheng Tianzi, who was protected by lolis.


This farce initiated by Lu Zi finally came to an end after General Takeda Masamune, who had received the news and rushed to the Holy Residence, arrived at the Holy Residence.

Even after Sheng Tianzi was rescued by the lolis, Daxiang Yiyi, the captain of the third regiment who launched the rebellion, still refused to obey the order of Sheng Tianzi, and Haruno Uesugi would try to let Haizi attack by force, but was stopped by Sheng Tianzi down.

Chapter 247 Summoning Scorpio


Too many people have died in this farce that should not have happened, and too much unnecessary blood has been shed. If the loyal and brave Haizi soldiers and innocent Luzi soldiers continue to bleed and die, only Aldebaran outside will be happy and Gastrea Legion.

It should be noted that when referring to Haizi here, the Holy Son of Heaven refers to "loyal and brave Haizi soldiers", but when referring to Lu Zi, he refers to "innocent Lu Zi soldiers"...

One is a soldier and the other is a soldier. Although there is only one word difference between the two, there is a world of difference.

It was not until the arrival of the First Wing and Tank Squadron led by Takeda Masamune that the situation finally improved.

A Daxiang thought it was a friendly army, and then Takeda Masamune taught a lesson to a Daxiang, what is the real "protect my enemy, beat my teammates".

The Type 10 tanks of the Chariot Squadron turned their muzzles, and before Yi Daxiang came back to his senses, they directly bombarded Yi Daxiang, Masao Sawada standing beside him, and several land soldiers who were closer. Became scum.

Then he brought the first regiment and tank squadron, and directly launched a strong attack on the remaining soldiers of the rebel army entrenched in the Holy House.

It wasn't until all the rebels in the holy residence obediently raised their hands and surrendered that the gloomy General Takeda gave the order to take the prisoners and treat the wounded.

More than half of the third wing was killed and injured, and the wing leader and the squadron leaders of the first and third squadrons were all killed. According to normal evaluation standards, the third wing has lost its combat effectiveness and can no longer perform combat missions.

The first wing and the tank squadron that launched the attack also suffered a lot of casualties, especially two Type 10 tanks were destroyed by the rebels' anti-tank weapons during the attack.

Originally, Lu Zi in the Tokyo area was just an ordinary infantry brigade, and the entire Lu Zi had only one tank squadron.

A chariot squadron has 12 chariots. Of course, this number refers to the sum of all types of chariots. There are only six Type 10 tanks as the main force. One of them has been paralyzed in the repair shop all year round due to a malfunction. There are only five that can come in handy.

As a result, two vehicles were scrapped in one go during the suppression of civil strife.

Although the loss was huge, especially just thinking about the pension, Takeda Masamune felt a strong discomfort in his stomach, but there was no way.

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