Since the end of the gastritis war, Lu Zi has always regarded himself as the winner of the second Kanto battle and the guardian of the Tokyo area. However, because of a fool like Ichijo Izuo, Lu Zi's glorious image is gone forever. Back, it was even painted with indelible stains.

No one can bear betrayal, not even the idol of the Holy Son of Heaven.

Therefore, in order to prove that Lu Zi did not rebel, and in order to win the trust of the emperor, Takeda Masamune had no choice but to make the previous decision to destroy the rebel army.


A night of turmoil, as it was called after that night.

Lu Zi, who won the second Kanto battle and is the patron saint in the hearts of the citizens of Tokyo, unexpectedly rebelled and committed crimes during the turbulent night, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

After this night, Lu Zi's prestige was greatly reduced and he was no longer trusted.

Therefore, Lu Zi, who was originally stationed near Stele No. [-], was asked to lay down his weapons and withdraw from Stele No. [-] to be monitored by the police and special raid forces.

The civilian police force stepped forward to replace Lu Zi.

Naturally, Lu Zi's high-level officials were extremely dissatisfied with this. They believed that it was just a traitor, which could not represent the disloyalty of all Lu Zi. Moreover, the third Kanto battle was imminent. animal.

However, General Takeda, as the supreme commander, forcibly suppressed all opposing voices.

Takeda Riku seemed to have aged a decade since the tumultuous night.

As the supreme commander, his subordinates rebelled, and he bears the unshirkable responsibility.

Even if he could use the excuse of ignorance to shirk his relationship with the rebels, he couldn't take off the hat of incompetence.

And it is precisely because he is old and well-informed that he sees farther than other officers.

Although the Holy Son of Heaven wanted Lu Zi to withdraw from the defense area and hand over his weapons, which seemed to be arbitrarily demanding and did not care about Lu Zi's face at all, but it was actually giving Lu Zi a step down.

You know, leading troops into the first district without authorization, controlling the holy residence, kidnapping the holy emperor, and attacking Tiantong's mansion and Sima's mansion, what is this?

This is already naked rebellion.

Looking at any country, no head of state can tolerate rebellion.

That's right, Takeda Masamune did personally lead troops to wipe out those rebels, but if there is one, there are two, who can guarantee that the other Lu Zihui will not have two hearts?

Therefore, withdrawing from the defense zone and surrendering weapons is actually the best result.

If Shengtianzi and Shengju didn't care about it, and even praised it wildly, then Masamune Takeda would break out in a cold sweat, wondering if he planned to consume them all in the next third Kanto battle.

So Takeda Masamune, who understood this truth, personally slapped the faces of the officers who shouted the loudest, and showed his attitude with practical actions.

And the other Army officers from the army saw that Lord General Lu made such a statement, and they had no choice but to obey obediently.


A few days later, near the huge stone monument No. [-].

The neighborhood is as bleak as ever.

Weeds emerged from the cracks in the rocks, vines covered the collapsed buildings, and the wreckage of the car lay quietly on the ground.

In the distance, the tall giant stone monument is already covered with white spots. Even from downtown Tokyo, you can see it without a telescope.

I don't know how Sima Heavy Industry developed this kind of white spot, and it can be so realistic.

Since the turbulent nights of the previous few days, the law and order in downtown Tokyo has become much better.

I don't know whether it was the bloodshed during the battle of Weiming City during the day and the turbulent night at night that made the citizens wake up, or because they realized that there was no possibility of escape because of the collapse of the huge stone monument, they simply gave up on themselves...

Tongzi stood under the No. [-] boulder, and looked up at the boulder.

Today is the day the monolith fell.

But because the white spots on the huge stone tablet are not real erosion fluid, this huge stone tablet will not collapse.

That's why Tongzi came to add fuel to the flames.

She walked around the huge stone tablet, walked to the front of the huge stone tablet, jumped up, then twisted her waist vigorously, drew a semicircle with her right leg, and kicked the huge stone tablet.


There was only a bang, and a pit visible to the naked eye appeared at the place where Tongzi kicked it. There was a circle of cracks around the pit, and then these cracks spread to the surroundings, densely packed, and eventually spread all over the entire huge stone tablet.

Amidst the loud bang, the giant stone tablet fell, setting off a large cloud of smoke and dust, and the rubble was shot in all directions.

But Tongzi is the only person near the No. [-] giant stone monument, and there is no one else, so there is no need to worry about the aftermath of the collapse that will affect others.

The movement of the collapse of the giant stone monument must be visible even to the citizens of downtown Tokyo with the naked eye.

But at the moment when the No. [-] giant stone tablet fell, the smoke and dust had not completely dissipated. Standing in the smoke and dust, Tongzi stretched out her right hand, and the light of spells lit up in her hand.

"The formation is made."

A brand new, pure stone monument slowly rose from the ground, where the original No. [-] monument collapsed, and Tongzi sprayed Mario onto the monument.

Mario Jet is one of the achievements of the New World Creation Project of the Wuxiang Club. It has been successfully tested on the swordtail fish Shishi Shika. Its main function is to refract light at will to achieve the effect of optical camouflage that is invisible to the naked eye.

Of course Tongzi would not joke about the lives of her subordinates and innocent people. She exploded the No. [-] monolith to cooperate with Sima Weizhi's plan and make it look like "the monolith is really corroded by the erosive fluid".

But she will not really let her policemen resist the gastrulation that invaded because there is no magnetic field enchantment emitted by the giant stone tablet, so she will use the "formation" skill to make the oysters in the king's treasure house into The new monolith.

As for using Mario Jet to make the new giant stone tablet invisible, it is naturally to make the fake show more realistic...

Only by dragging the citizens of the Tokyo area out of their comfortable and peaceful days can they clearly understand what kind of era they are living in.

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