This is not a comfortable era where you can eat and wait to die;

It is also not an era of distress because of studies, work, female tickets, or mortgages;

It is not an era where people can discriminate at will and oppress those who can protect their lives and safety...

Perhaps it was the comfortable and peaceful life of the past nine years that made them forget how many people shed blood and sacrificed for their peace in their work and life.

——Now, Tongzi wants them to recall the fear of being dominated by Gastrea.

The new No. [-] megalithic monument was built, and Mario jets were all smeared on the new megalithic monument to ensure that it would not be visible to the naked eye unless special detection equipment was used.

it's time……

Tongzi took out the walkie-talkie.

"Weizhi, it's almost time, call Scorpio."

From the intercom, a reply came from Sima Weizhi.


Tongzi put down the walkie-talkie, looked at the lush jungle in the unexplored area in the distance, and waited quietly.

She didn't know what Sima Weizhi was going to do with that broken children's bicycle, and she didn't know why a broken children's bicycle could summon the most powerful gastrula.

After she waited in place for about half an hour, she heard a shrill howl that didn't sound like a human voice in the direction of Tokyo Bay in the distance.


In the first district of the Tokyo area, the door of the command room of the Japanese National Security Council in the underground bunker of the holy house was forcefully opened, and the holy emperor walked in quickly.

All the cabinet members in the room got up from the long table together.

The Son of Heaven waved his hands at them, and then looked at the huge electronic screen on the wall.

"Is it true? Scorpio really appeared?"

Then she saw the red dot representing Scorpio on the electronic screen.

"Lord Setenko." A window popped up on the electronic screen, and in the window was Uesugi Harunobu Kaisho in uniform, "I, Uesugi Harunobu, will block the honor of Kaiji, and I will definitely block Scorpio from the gate of the Tokyo area."

Sheng Tianzi tried his best to show a smile.

"Well, then please entrust Lord Uesugi, and Kaizi's loyal and brave officers and soldiers."

Haruno Uesugi saluted, and the screen switched to the ocean, which should be from the video equipment on one of the warships.

Sheng Tianzi and other members of the cabinet stared at the screen closely, not even daring to take a breath.

The picture rotated, and all the surrounding warships were photographed. It can be seen that Haizi's warships came out in full force, and the morale of the officers and soldiers on the warships was also very high. It seemed that they were not worried at all that they were facing stage five Scorpios.

A cabinet member said beside him: "Master Sheng Tianzi, please don't worry too much. Haizi's warships are equipped with pure-piercing bullets, and they will definitely be able to win the battle."

The Holy Son forced a smile.

Everyone in the command room showed nervousness and uneasiness, but they remained calm.

Chuan Jia Bullet is the hole card they place high hopes on.

The warships departing from the Tokyo area soon arrived at the sea near Tokyo Bay.

When seeing the scene in the picture, all the staff in the command room were stunned.

"This...this is..."

"Scorpio? Is this the Scorpio?"

As you can see from the picture, there is a giant creature in the distance, a creature that is so huge that it is almost the size of a hill.

Red eyes are all over the body, and these eyes seem to be alive, and they will turn around, giving people a horrible and disgusting feeling.

Apart from the huge and red eyes all over the body, it is difficult to describe it with other words. In fact, it is completely impossible to describe its appearance with any known creature on earth.

It is like a creature that came out of the Cthulhu mythology, and any description of its appearance is pale and powerless.

Even during the gastrulation war nine years ago, no stage five landed in Japan, and no Japanese had actually seen the appearance of stage five with their own eyes. Even the images and materials about stage five were few and far between, because There are very few lucky ones who can survive after facing the fifth stage.

Therefore, when seeing Scorpio, even if it is only seen through the screen, the shock brought by the huge size of Scorpio is enough to surprise the cabinet members.

"Master Shengtianzi, it was Kongzi's fighter jets that launched the attack."

In the picture, two fighter jets formed two formations and flew over Haizi's fleet, and then several bright flames pierced the sky and accurately hit the hill-like constellation Scorpio.



There was cheers in the conference commander's room, and the cabinet members were very excited, but Sheng Tianzi had a dignified expression.

Seeing Sheng Tianzi's expression, the cabinet members gradually calmed down and continued to look at the screen.

Chapter 248 Ola Ola Ola Ola


After the smoke from the explosion dissipated, some wounds could be seen where the missile hit, but these wounds were insignificant compared to the Scorpio, which was as big as a mountain.

And the most important thing is that the wound that was blown out by the missile healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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