Next, Haizi's warships also did their best. All kinds of missiles, torpedoes, and even gas bombs were vented towards Scorpio. For the fifth stage with super strong gastrulation, it has no effect at all.

As for the most anticipated piercing bullet, it was covered on the heart, and the thick scales bounced off.

Scorpio's head and chest are covered with thick scales. Missiles and torpedoes can blow up wounds in other places, but there is nothing they can do in these two places, even piercing bullets are useless.

Through the electronic screen, the faces of the cabinet members who saw this picture were deathly gray.


"Is this a Scorpio?"

Tongzi stood on the top of a church in an abandoned town not far from Tokyo Bay, looking into the distance.

On the sea outside Tokyo Bay in the distance, Scorpio is constantly under fire from Kongzi and Haizi.

Cannonballs and missiles flew, dazzling flames came and went, and the sound and light effects were so good that they exploded.

It's a pity that it's useless.

The huge gastroenterus can cause a small-scale tsunami just by moving, with countless tentacles dancing wildly, stirring up the sea water and blocking incoming missiles, even if some missiles can pass through the tentacles and hit the Scorpio body, but unable to cause effective damage.

The wounds from the blast will heal quickly.

This is why Scorpio ignores Kongzi and Haizi and rushes towards the Tokyo area. If it intends to deal with Kongzi and Haizi, then flying around in the sky is like a fly-like fighter to Scorpio , and the slow-moving warships on the sea compared to Scorpio, they will definitely be wiped out.

Scorpio is just waving its tentacles to block the incoming missiles and torpedoes. It doesn't matter if it can block it or not. It drags its huge body, separates the sea water, and heads towards the Tokyo area.

Looking at Scorpio who was trying hard to come towards the Tokyo area, for some reason, Kiriko remembered the broken children's bicycle.

She couldn't believe it when she knew that the broken children's bicycle turned out to be a medium that summoned a Scorpio, which was comparable to a mobile natural disaster.

Regarding the gastrulation war nine years ago, and the information before the war, none of these were mentioned on the Internet, in the library, or in textbooks.

The official statement is that it was destroyed during the war, and the current schools in the Tokyo area all explain this.

But Tongzi, who has been in and out of the holy residence many times, knows that all these materials have not been destroyed, but they cannot be found in his private capacity.

These are included in the classified information, and only those with level [-] access authority can browse all the information.

By the way, even though she is hailed as a hero in the Tokyo area, Kiriko's access authority is only level six.

What can be found is only some fragmented information.

Tongzi has no interest in gradually increasing the level. She quietly entered the supercomputer location of the Holy House, asked the grandson of the sage to analyze it, and simulated the access authority of the twelfth level.

In fact, the official statement is not wrong. It is true that a considerable amount of data was lost due to the gastrulation war, but some data have survived.

When Tongzi read the remaining information, she realized why the Tokyo area kept it secret.

It can be predicted that if these materials are made public, what kind of uproar will be caused.

Regarding the origin of gastrulation, no one can say clearly, because the structure and other forms of gastrulation are completely contrary to common sense.

For example, if an ant is enlarged to the size of a dinosaur, first the ant's feet will be broken due to its own weight, but the gastritis virus can rewrite the DNA, making one ant so huge while the other is not. Break your own leg.

It is precisely because of these common sense violations that the more widely accepted statement is that gastrulation is not a product of the earth, but a creature from extraterrestrials.

However, the information seen from the supercomputer is not the case at all.

Simply put, Gastrea is the product of human death.

Some high-ranking people, because of their blind pursuit of turning human beings into higher-dimensional existence, conducted taboo human experiments.

They set up a super-large laboratory in a place called Qixing Village, an isolated place that doesn't even have a name on the map, and conducted brutal experiments on the villagers there.

After that, people from all over Japan—whether Japanese or foreign tourists—were kidnapped for experiments. As for the missing people, they were blamed on murderers or kidnappers...

After several years, ten years, or decades of research, and after sacrificing an unknown number of innocent people, their research finally succeeded.

They have indeed transformed creatures that are different from humans. This brand new species has stronger vitality than humans, and it can regenerate even if its arms are cut off. regeneration……

Even extremely low temperature or ultra high temperature, even a vacuum environment, cannot completely kill it, and it can quickly adapt to the environment.

It was the earliest gastratus, the one that is now known as Scorpius.

The information about how Scorpio got out of control and escaped from the super-large laboratory is blank, but judging from the conclusions afterwards, it is undoubtedly a success.

At the super-large laboratory set up in Qixing Village, something similar to the "butterfly incident" probably happened.

After that, it was the beginning of the nightmare...

After reading this information, Tongzi couldn't help sighing that this is a crazier world than the Tokyo Ghoul world. The Hezu clan in the Tokyo Ghoul world is just thinking about how to maintain their rule, but the human beings in this world, He was trying his best to die.

Even if the gastrulation war breaks out, most of the world's territory has been reduced to a paradise for gastritis. At this time, there are still people who are so deadly that they want to create gastritis that are resistant to gastritis... …

That's right, it's about the Wuxiang Club, a dead horse thing.

"Master Tong, Scorpio is starting to land."

The reminder from the grandson of the sage rang in his mind, bringing Tongzi back from the memories.

So Tongzi looked forward.

At the port of Tokyo Bay, ships of all sizes are parked. When the huge body of Scorpio lands on land, the tentacles dancing wildly all over the body will smash or sink the ship, or the sea water will shake when it lands. Moored ships capsized.

Tongzi took out the satellite phone and dialed Sima Weizhi's number.

"Weizhi, inform Kongzi and Haizi to let their people retreat quickly, otherwise I will not be responsible if they accidentally injure friendly troops later."

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