
The command room of the Japanese National Security Council in the underground bunker of the Holy House in the first district of the Tokyo area.

There is already a panic here.

The cabinet members and staff of the Holy House all turned pale.

Although they are still working hard, their pale expressions and trembling bodies have already exposed their hearts.

"Guys, we haven't lost yet."

The cabinet members looked at the Holy Son of Heaven in a pure white dress.

The Holy Son of Heaven at this time is a little different from usual.

The members of the cabinet stared blankly at the Holy Son of Heaven.

In fact, even in the holy residence, many people think that the holy emperor is only young and beautiful, and the government affairs should be handled by Tiantong Kikunojo.

If there is no Tiantong Chrysanthemum, the Holy Son of Heaven is nothing more than a vase.

But now, cabinet members have no such idea.

Sheng Tianzi pointed to a point on the electronic screen, and as she moved, a window popped up at the point.

"This is……"

What appeared in the window were two orbits of more than one kilometer, running through the sky at an elevation angle of [-] degrees, and inserting thin clouds.

"The Ladder of Heaven."

This is a super-huge decisive weapon prepared for Gastrea at the end of the Gastrea War nine years ago.

Speaking of which, the Japanese's fascination and enthusiasm for duel weapons is also unique.

When the war is at a stalemate, as long as it is an animation or game made by the Japanese, there will inevitably be a plot of "relying on the decisive weapon to change the situation of the battle".

The Ladder of the Sky, also known as the linear super-electromagnetic projection device, is a rail gun module that can accelerate metal flying objects with a diameter of less than [-] millimeters to sub-light speed and launch them.

It is a pity that this decisive weapon was abandoned together with the position before firing a single shot.

After the stone monument was built, the Tokyo area faced many post-war problems. Even if the high-level officials thought about bringing back the decisive weapon, it would take a lot of time to dismantle it under normal circumstances, not to mention that this was an unexplored field, disassembly is even more difficult.

So this procrastination has been delayed until now.

But now, the Ladder of Heaven, which is in an unexplored area, is actually a good thing.

As long as you send someone to the Ladder of Heaven, activate this decisive weapon, and use this to hit the heart of Scorpio, even at the fifth stage, you will definitely be able to defeat it.

"But, can it be started?"

Some cabinet members raised doubts.

"Since the Ladder of Heaven was built, it has been abandoned together with the country. It has not been used for nine years, can it still be activated?"

Another cabinet member said, "The protective layer of the cable cover is buried in the ground, so it will not be damaged by the gastritis raging on the ground, and since it is used as a decisive weapon, reliability is naturally taken into consideration, so theoretically speaking, Even now, nine years later, it still works."

"Compared to this, I am more worried about who will activate the ladder of heaven and how to activate the ladder of heaven?"

The Ladder of Heaven is located in an unexplored area. To activate the Ladder of Heaven, one must pass through an unexplored area.

And with the approach of Scorpio, the gastrula in the unexplored area all became irritable. Entering the unexplored area at this time is almost the same as sending them to death.

A member of the cabinet suggested: "Isn't it enough to use an empty helicopter to fly directly to the location of the ladder of the sky? Wouldn't it be possible to avoid the gastritis on the ground?"

Another member of the cabinet objected: "But what if there are flying gastritis? In normal times, helicopters can take advantage of the night and the habits of gastritis to sneak up on them, but now the gastrulation in the entire unexplored area has been alarmed." Now, it might not be easy to sneak close again."

"Then how about letting Kongzi's fighter jets accompany you?"

"It's a good idea to accompany the fighter jets. Hey, call the Air Force headquarters immediately and call all the flying things in the Air Force."

"But, who should be sent to activate the ladder of heaven?"

Listening to the speeches of the cabinet members, Sheng Tianzi had an idea in her heart. She picked up the phone and found Tongzi's name in the address book.

But before dialing, I heard a cabinet member next to me suddenly say, "What is that?"

Everyone looked at the electronic screen.

The upper half of the screen position on the electronic screen is switched to a picture, which is the picture taken from the monitor of the sea warship:

In the frame, a black trail appears that cuts through the atmosphere, leaving a clear void in the sky.

The black trail was so fast that it was impossible to see what it was, but I could barely make out that it was a figure in a black windbreaker.

Almost half of the body of the Scorpio climbed onto the land, apparently also noticed the attacking black shadow, it stretched out its tentacles, and intertwined layers of tentacles in front of it to form a giant net.

This net can both block possible attacks and become a weapon to capture the enemy when needed.

The figure did not rush directly into the net, but swung its fist in the direction of Scorpio.

Just one punch.

At a distance of hundreds of meters between the two sides, the black figure swung a fist more than a hundred meters away.

A terrifying air wave exploded from the fist immediately, and the air waves visible to the naked eye surged towards Scorpio layer upon layer. A huge round hole also appeared.

The figure tapped in the void, as if something in the air made her take a step forward, her figure jumped hundreds of meters, turned over and came to the top of the Scorpio, and then...

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