After a while, Chelsea, who was bathing and changing, came out, which made the butler's eyes light up.

The previous Chelsea, pretending to be a village girl from the countryside, naturally wore baggy, ill-fitting dirty clothes, and her hair was messed up on purpose.

But after washing and bathing, Chelsea's face and figure were perfectly set off.

"Good, really good."

The butler felt itchy in his heart, but he didn't do anything.

It's not that he has strong restraint, but that he knows that if he eats the fruit of the prefect before the prefect, he may not have good fruit in the future.

So the housekeeper restrained his impulse and took Chelsea to the prefect's room.

"Master Taishou, this is..."

Before the butler finished speaking, the prefect of Heishan City jumped up with bright eyes.

"Oh, it's not bad, it's really the best." The prefect circled around Chelsea twice, looking at her while turning.

Chelsea lowered her head deeply, which looked like a normal reaction of a village girl seeing a prefect, but in fact, it was Chelsea who didn't want to see the prefect's disgusting face.

"Housekeeper, you have done a great job, go down first, and I will reward you a lot later."


The butler bowed knowingly, then walked out and closed the door behind him.

After the butler left, the eunuch stretched out a finger, supported Chelsea's chin, and forcibly lifted her face.

"Good, really good."

An expression of fascination appeared on the prefect's face.

Chelsea felt very disgusted in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face: "Too... Lord Prefect, are your shoulders sore? Let me pinch your shoulders for you."

In fact, the prefect wanted Chelsea to help him pinch other places, but it would be good to start with the shoulders first.

So the eunuch sat down on the sofa and let Chelsea rub his shoulders for him.

Chelsea's hands were soft and warm, and the massage technique was very good, and the eunuch quickly fell asleep comfortably.

Hearing the eunuch's slight snoring, Chelsea's eyes flashed brightly.

She fumbled around her chest, and then something miraculous happened, a puff of smoke appeared out of nowhere, and after the puff of smoke passed, Chelsea was still wearing a maid's dress, and she didn't change much, but in In her hand, there was a makeup box.

This thing that looks like a makeup box is actually one of the forty-eight pieces of Teigu made by the founding emperor. It is called Transformation Free Gaia Foundation. This Teigu allows the user to transform into anything according to their own wishes. .

So here comes the question, where did Chelsea Teigu hide before, so that she wasn't found when she entered the prefect's mansion?

This is of course a girl's secret (note ①).

Chelsea carefully took out a poisonous needle from the Teigu.

This poisonous needle is stained with venom from a very dangerous super-dangerous species. Not to mention ordinary people, even Lian Jiazi will die if his skin is scratched by this venom.

Strange to say, whether it is the assassination troops of the Empire or the assassins of the Revolutionary Army, the results of the assassination are all positive, while someone like Chelsea who disguises, lurks, and uses poison is a different kind.

Just as Chelsea was about to pierce the poisonous needle into the eunuch's skin, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the room.

She was startled, and quickly put the poisonous needle back into Teigu, and turned Teigu into an accessory to wear again. When she was done, there was a knock on the door.

"Master Prefect, Lord Prefect." It was the housekeeper who brought Chelsea in who spoke.

The prefect who had fallen asleep with his eyes closed was also woken up.


The butler said anxiously.

"I'm very sorry for interrupting your rest. I deserve to die. The tax official you sent to collect taxes in a nearby village has returned. He said that there is an extremely urgent matter and he must tell you in person."

The eunuch who was woken up said badly.

"...Tell him to get out."


The housekeeper answered and opened the door, and then the tax officer and Tongzi walked in together.

With the tax official leading the way, it was not too easy to enter this Black Mountain City, and even the prefect's mansion was not questioned too much.

Even the guards showed ambiguous expressions when they looked at Tongzi.

No wonder people hate Erwuzi so much, Erwuzi's destructive power is too great.

Seeing the tax official walking in, the prefect couldn't help but feel strange.

How come the taxes are collected so quickly?

Obviously those untouchables should not have surplus food to hand over, not to mention that he asked the tax official to increase the tax specially, which was an increase of [-]% compared with previous years.

But when he saw Tongzi, his gaze immediately focused on Tongzi, and he couldn't move away no matter what.

"Who is this woman?"

The prefect asked the tax official.

The tax official didn't answer, Kiriko said.

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