"I'm here to talk to you about the tax issues of the villages in your territory."

"Oh, I see."

The prefect understands.




Remark ①: In the original book, Chelsea turned into a cat for the mission, but when she turned into a cat, the clothes on her body would disappear along with it, and Teigu didn’t hold it in her mouth, but she didn’t know where she hid it .The original author didn't explain it, so my guess is that maybe Chelsea's Teigu also has the ability to be similar to the space-type Teigu. would become a small, unobtrusive adornment to wear on her.

Chapter 254 Capture of Montenegro City


He could tell at a glance that Tongzi was not a mud leg in his territory.

Nonsense, how could those muddy legs give birth to such a beautiful woman.

This woman was probably also from a wealthy family in the city.

He meets many people like the girl in black in front of him every year.

I have received a good education that is different from that of the untouchables, and I have been influenced by benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust since I was a child, and I have a sincere heart that sees injustice.

Is that so? If so, it’s a good time to take advantage of it.

As the prefect, I have played with all kinds of women, and to be honest, I am a little tired of playing.

After all, Montenegro City is not a big city, and there are very few good-looking women, and most of those women dare not resist him because of their status.

Once or twice is okay, but if you play too much, you will still get tired of it.

But the woman in black windbreaker in front of me is different...

Walking around with two swords on his back, it shows that he is very confident in his sword skills, and the tax officer under him is willing to lead the way, which means that the soldiers he sent to the tax officer were all defeated by this woman.

Not bad, really good.

The prefect looked at Tongzi's gaze, and became more and more salivating.

Such a woman must have a different feeling when playing.

"You said just now that you came here for the taxation of the villages in my territory, right? But, what should I do?" the prefect said pretending to be distressed.

"Taxes are set by the empire. Although I am the prefect, I have no right to question the decision of the empire. How the empire stipulates, so I can only do what I do."

The prefect raised his eyelids and looked at Tongzi, not hiding the desire in his eyes at all.

"It's just that it's not that there is no way at all, but the premise lies in how far you are willing to go."

The prefect grinned, revealing a disgusting smile.

Next, this girl will definitely be very entangled and hesitant, but no matter how entangled and hesitant she is in her heart, she will definitely choose to give in in the end.

If you want to talk about why the prefect knows, because this kind of thing has happened before, and more than once.

These fledgling teenagers are always eager to change the world, but what they don't know is that people can't change the environment, only people can be changed.

No matter how fierce your passion is, it will eventually be extinguished by reality.

Because this is reality, the rule of this world.

Some people are born to rule everything, while some people are born to be exploited for life.


That can only hold back.

The prefect knows that in the middle and lower levels of the empire, there are many people with lofty ideals who are worried about the current situation of the empire. They are worried about the current situation of the empire, and they worry that if it continues, the country will inevitably fail.

Prefects have seen such people a lot, but these people often don't live long.

Because the empire's assassination forces would always find them and let them die with ideals.

When the prefect was thinking, Tongzi smiled slightly: "Master prefect, guess what I'm thinking?"

The prefect was taken aback for a moment.

Tongzi said: "I don't know if you have heard such a sentence, 'When you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, then as long as you solve the person who raised the problem, the problem will naturally be solved'."

Tongzi smiled slightly, "Just now you said that taxes are set by the empire, right? But don't forget that the empire is also composed of countless people, and the promulgation of such strict taxes is also promulgated by people, so the question Isn’t this very simple? As long as the person who issued this strict tax is eliminated, the problem will naturally be solved, won’t it?”

"you you you you you……"

Beads of sweat oozed from the eunuch's forehead, slid across his bloated face, and finally dripped to the ground, leaving unsightly sweat stains.

He never imagined that the girl in front of him would be so bold!

She dared to say such outrageous words in front of her, isn't she afraid of implicating the whole family?

The reason why the prefect was so sure that the girl would have to succumb in the end was that besides the army, the empire also had an assassination force lurking in the shadows.

It is said that if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. If you are on the assassination list of the assassination force, then it is useless to hide anywhere, not to mention that even if you can hide, you still have family and friends...

Isn't this girl afraid of the Imperial Assassins?

"Come on, Wei..."

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