Chitong nodded lightly, and then exerted force on her feet, the ground shattered under her kick, and Chitong's petite figure shot towards Tongzi like a cannonball.

The blade in his hand was as fast as lightning, and a silver light appeared in the air, directly hitting Tongzi's chest.


Bright sparks exploded between the two, killing with one blow. Murasame and the pitch-black long sword collided in the air, refusing to give in to each other.

Chitong didn't choose to wrestle with Tongzi, Murura, who was stabbing on the black long sword, suddenly changed direction, the long knife faced the blade of the black long sword, and slashed towards the hilt, trying to cut off Tongzi's fingers.

And Tongzi used a little force, directly using more strength than Chitong, to bounce Murasame away.Then he kicked Chi Tong in the abdomen, sending her flying.

Tongzi was about to pursue, but she frowned, her body reacted subconsciously, and the jet-black long sword circled in the air to protect her back.


The sound of the spear point piercing the blade sounded, and after the sound, Brand's figure emerged from the air.

This guy Brand really knows how to play tactics. He took advantage of the gap between Chitong and Tongzi's frontal battle, activated the transparency function of the evil spirit haunting operation armor, and then went around behind, intending to perform a righteous backstab on Tongzi's waist .

In a two-on-one attack, the opponent has the advantage of attacking from two angles, making it difficult for the opponent to deal with it. However, Brand's use of his Teigu's transparency ability makes it even more difficult for the opponent to figure out where he will attack from, thus creating a one-shot attack. A must-kill chance.

Seeing that his righteous backstab was unsuccessful, Brand retracted the spear, then switched his left and right hands, and lowered his center of gravity.


Dozens of gun shadows appeared in the air, and the red light struck Tongzi like a shooting star.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Tongzi swung the pitch-black long sword in her hand into a whirlwind, protecting her whole body.

The black light and the red light are constantly interlacing and colliding in the air.

Chi Tong, who was kicked out, also joined the battle.

Chitong's sword skills are unpretentious, without any fancy moves, but her sword skills were honed with the blood of the enemy when she was assassinating troops in the empire.

It's not pretty, but it's practical enough.

In addition to the sharp wind of the sword, that knife is also an existence that people have to care about. One hit kills Murasame, as long as it is rubbed on the skin, it will be infected with curse poison, and will die from the poison in a very short time , there is no cure.

Chitong and Brand were one behind the other, and they attacked Tongzi, but Tongzi, who was under the attack of the two, did not panic at all. She held a sword in each hand, one black and the other white, and attacked all the attacks of the two of them one by one. next.

The subordinates brought by Tongzi standing in the distance, as well as Najehitan and Hill, were all stunned.

Especially Najahitan.

She didn't expect Tongzi to be able to resist Chitong and Brand for so long on her own.

You must know that these two people are not mediocre.

Chi Tong was the strongest of the seven elites in the imperial assassination force. Even Gozqi, who was born in the former Huangquan Temple and one of the former Raksha Four Ghosts, and was regarded as a serious threat by the revolutionary army, was beheaded by Chi Tong himself.

As for Brand...

The title of "Hundred People Beheaded" is enough.

But now, even with the joint efforts of these two people, they were unable to take Tongzi down.

Who is that girl in black...

"I'm a little tired, it's almost time to end."

Just when Najie Xitan was shocked, she heard a voice suddenly coming from the field, and after Tongzi blocked Chitong's attack again, she changed her forehand and backhand, turning her forehand holding the silver-white long sword into a He held it with his backhand, then waved it with his backhand, and used brute force to pick up Chitong's long knife.

Chitong only felt a strong force coming from her, her mouth numb, and she subconsciously let go of the hand holding Murasame. Not only that, even though her body subconsciously reacted and gave up Murasame, her hands were still numb from the shock.

And taking advantage of this moment, Tongzi stepped forward suddenly, then took out the veritaserum with his free hand, and stabbed Chitong's neck with a needle.

Chitong's reaction was quick, she quickly pulled out the veritaserum, and retreated more than ten meters away.

But it was already too late at this time, the effect of the veritaserum potion kicked in, even though she realized something was wrong, she still couldn't do anything about it. In the end, her gaze became dull, and she slowly sat on the ground, entering the sage time.

The prodigal bitch like Tongzi is probably the only one who uses Veritaserum as an anesthetic.

"Red pupil!"

Brand was startled, and then he glared at Tongzi: "You bastard! What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything, I just told her to be more honest." Tongzi turned to look at her subordinates, "What are you all still doing, hurry over and take her down."

But before Tongzi's subordinates could move, there was a purple figure rushing towards Chitong.

It was Hill who was protecting Najie Xitan by her side.


Brand immediately understood Hill's intentions, so he also rushed forward, intending to hold Tongzi back.

If Tongzi was held back, the ordinary soldiers she brought would not be able to stop Hill, who had excellent combat talent and also had Tegu.

This is reality, not animation.

The one-by-one delivery situation in some animations is impossible in reality.

However, when Brand pounced on Tongzi, his eyes suddenly blurred, and then Tongzi had disappeared from his sight.

"Sorry, you should take a break too."

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