When he heard this voice coming from behind him, he felt something pierce his neck, and then, like Chi Tong, his eyes became dizzy and he stood still.

As for Hill, who jumped at Chitong, after seeing that Brand was also subdued, she made a move that surprised Tongzi:

Instead of taking advantage of the time Brand bought for herself to save Chitong, she quickly retreated to Najie Xitan's side.

"Boss, hurry up."


"Night raids can do without Hill, but night raids can't do without BOSS."

Tongzi was a little surprised that Hill would give up Chitong, but after thinking about it for a while, it is understandable. If Hill chose to save Chitong just now, it would be useless. Najie Xitan with Chitong would definitely not be able to run fast , the two will be caught up by then.

That being the case, it would be better to let Najie Xitan run away by herself. If she runs away, she can bring reinforcements back to rescue them.

Thinking of this, Tongzi couldn't help but take another look at the girl with glasses. Unexpectedly, this girl with glasses named Hill looked dumb and seemed easy to deceive, but in fact she was very thoughtful.

"Don't be so sad, I won't hurt you."

Tongzi walked slowly towards Najie Hitan and Hill, while his subordinates came up to put shackles on Chitong and Brand's hands and feet who had no resistance, and took away the one-hit kill. Murasame and Evil Ghost Haunted Operation Armor.

Hill was unconvinced and said: "Arrest our companions, is this what you said will not hurt us?"

Tongzi spread her hands and said helplessly, "I really didn't hurt them. If I intend to kill you, why should I arrest them?"

But even if Tongzi said so, Hill still didn't trust Tongzi: "Hmph, who knows what kind of heart you have."

"It seems that no matter what I say, you won't believe it, so what about Miss Najie Hitan?" Tongzi turned to look at Najie Hitan, "You should understand better, if I really want to harm you, It is more than enough to kill you, and there is no need to spend much time arresting you, what I just said is still valid, if you are willing to join me, I will let them go immediately."

Najie Xitan thought for a while: "You let them go first."

"it is good."

Without thinking, Tongzi asked her subordinates to let go of Chitong and Brand who had already been under control, and uncuffed their handcuffs and ankles.

Najie Xitan and Hill did not expect that Tongzi would actually do what he said, and both of them were taken aback, but Najie Xitan noticed that even though Tongzi's men let go of Chitong and Brand, the two of them The person still stood there without moving.

Najie Xitan glared at Tongzi: "What did you do to them?"

Tongzi waved her hand: "Just let them be quiet for a while, don't worry, I have controlled the dose and it won't cause any damage to their bodies."

"Hand over the antidote!"

"Miss Najie Xitan, this is not right. I told you before that I want you to join me. Now that I have shown my sincerity, what about your sincerity?"

Najie Xitan nodded, and seemed to be persuaded by Tongzi, but she suddenly took out a whistle and put it in her mouth to blow it.

A shadow enveloped Tongzi's head, and a huge flying dangerous species appeared above Tongzi, flying towards Tongzi.

The appearance of the dangerous species, especially the breath of the powerful dangerous species, made the horses panic.

The horses of the cavalry brought by Tongzi became flustered and tried to escape from here.

But Tongzi stood there motionless as if she had been frightened stupid.

"good chance!"

While Tongzi seemed to be in danger of flying, Najie Xitan suddenly shot out a fist from the right arm, and the fist circled in the air. Chitong and Brand, who had passed but still stood still, circled around and tied them up.

Najie Xitan showed joy, and was about to withdraw her fist and call Hill to retreat, but a huge black shadow fell towards them.

Najie Xitan raised her head, the look of joy was still on her face.

"This is……"


The dead body of the dangerous flying species fell from the sky and hit the ground, while the wings of the dangerous flying species pressed on Najehitan and Hill, pinning them down.

Tongzi flicked the black long sword to shake off the blood on the blade, then sheathed the sword, walked up to Najie Hitan and Hill, and looked at them condescendingly: "Miss Najie Hitan, since you don't If you are willing to have a toast, then I have to treat you to a fine wine."

Najehitan and Hill, who were suppressed by the corpse of the flying dangerous species, had no strength to resist at all. First, they were given a shot of Veritaserum by Tongzi, and then Tongzi took away the Teigu, and put on their hands and feet. in shackles.

Tongzi and his subordinates returned to the city, took Najie Xitan and others with them, and walked towards the dungeon.

Tongzi would not deliberately abuse them, she would give them three meals a day, and the environment of the dungeon had been cleaned repeatedly when she took over Montenegro City.

Whether it was a night raid, or the imperial assassination troops captured before, in fact, she planned to recruit them, and her combat power was never too much.

However, when Tongzi returned to the dungeon with the night raiders, he happened to see the prison guard who was in charge of guarding the imperial assassination troops and hurried out of the dungeon.

He seemed panicked, as if something serious had happened, and when he saw Tongzi, he ran over quickly: "Master Tong, something is wrong, people from the Imperial Assassination Troop, they..."

Chapter 262 Captives and Side Effects


Tongzi was startled, and before the prison guard finished speaking, she jumped off the horse and rushed into the dungeon quickly.

At the same time, she secretly said in her heart:

Those guys escaped from prison?

This is impossible!

Their weapons were confiscated, their hands and feet were bound, and it was impossible to break free...

Could it be that there is an inner ghost?

Tongzi thought so, but he had already run into the dungeon area where the imperial assassination troops were held, and the guards inside saw Tongzi suddenly appearing in front of them like a gust of wind. They were all shocked, and then saluted Tongzi: " Master Tong."

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