"Well, since you're not from the empire, I'll let you off this time. So, Master Amori, why did you come to the empire?"

"Hinomoto hopes to become a vassal state of the empire, become the east gate of the empire, and defend the empire from all enemies that invade from the sea."

But Tongzi didn't feel happy because of the beautiful words of Tianniao Mima. Instead, she frowned, thinking that this matter was not simple.

"Master Tianniao, I heard that your country closed the country and refused all foreign exchanges [-] years ago, but now you bring some people into the empire, hoping to submit to my empire. I am curious, what is your reason for doing this? ?”

Sitting upright on the throne for a long time, it was a little uncomfortable, Tongzi changed her posture, her right elbow rested on the armrest of the throne, her chin rested on the palm of her hand, and one leg rested on the other knee.

The pose looks lazy at first glance, but it also looks like a lioness is squinting and sizing up a trespassing lioness.

"Or let me put it another way, what do you want?"

Tongzi never believed that there would be pies in the sky, nor did she believe that some people would show favor to others for no reason.

Generally speaking, if someone suddenly shows courteousness to you, there are two possibilities: one is asking for something from you, and the other is a liar.

The foreign peoples in the north were willing to submit to the empire and become a vassal state of the empire, which was frightened by Esdes.

They are worried that if they don't serve the empire as a dog, they will be wiped out.

But the son of the general who ruled Japan suddenly ran to the empire and said, "The happiest thing in this life is to be a dog for the empire."

What does this mean?What is this for?

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Her Royal Highness, it's just that it's inconvenient here, I don't know if I can do it in private..."

"it is good."

Tongzi thought for a while, anyway, today's court meeting is actually coming to an end, so let those civil servants of the Conscience faction go down, and do as they said before.

But Bude didn't retreat, he was a great general, so he naturally had the heavy responsibility to protect the princess.

Tongzi changed her posture of sitting on the throne, and asked, "What's the matter, let's talk about it now."

Amano Mima bowed her head respectfully.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, what you said before is correct. I do have something to ask of you. Before I tell you my purpose, I need to explain to you what happened in my country."

"You also know that Japan closed the country [-] years ago and refused all foreign exchanges, but this was actually a last resort, because twenty years ago, an immortal monster landed in Japan, in order to fight against Kabane. ——It is the threat of the name of the undead monster—my father, the shogun, built castles called 'posts' in various places."

Bude snorted, and said with great disdain: "It's nonsense, there is no creature in this world that cannot be killed."

The blue-haired young man and the green-haired uncle brought by Tianniaomeima seemed dissatisfied with Bude's interruption, but they were all stopped by Tianniaomeima.

Mima Tennori was full of respect: "Yes, what you said is that there are indeed no immortal monsters in this world. It took us a long time to discover that those monsters can actually be killed —Just use a powerful weapon to destroy their steel-covered hearts."

Tongzi leaned her face on her right hand, and the elbow of her right hand leaned on the armrest of the throne: "So, Lord Tianniao, do you mean that you want the empire to send troops to help you sweep Kabane on the island?"

"No, how dare I bother the empire?" Mima Tianniao shook her head, "In fact, I came here mainly because I hope that the empire can sell us a batch of weapons. The reason why my citizens stick to the post is Because I don't have enough powerful weapons to fight against Kabane."

Amano Mima sighed, and then looked at Tongzi with hope, "If the empire is willing to sell us weapons, then Japan will always be a vassal state of the empire."

Tongzi didn't answer right away.

"Well, Lord Tianniao spoke earnestly, but the issue of weapons is a big matter that needs to be discussed. Please wait for a few days before giving Master Tianniao an answer."

Tianniao Meima also knew that this matter should not be rushed for a while, so she resigned.


When everyone went down, only Tongzi was left alone in the audience hall.

In fact, Tongzi had already thought of the answer just now.

Just to show solemnity, I deliberately asked Tianniao Mima to wait for a few days.

Sell, why not sell?

The standard long-range weapons currently installed by the imperial army are actually lagging behind the Tokyo area. After all, the Tokyo area is already 2030, and the technological development of the empire is very deformed.

Although the automatic rifles equipped by many wealthy businessmen's guards look like submachine guns in appearance, they are far lower than the firearms in the Tokyo area in terms of rate of fire and power.

This is also why, even though the technology of Mingming Empire has even launched missiles and laser guns, there are still many soldiers fighting with swords and shields.

A large number of factories outside Montenegro are under construction. Once this heavy industry and military industrial base is completed, a large number of weapons will be produced continuously. By then, these new weapons will inevitably replace the weak weapons and equipment of the empire.

So what to do with these outdated weapons and equipment?

Reheat to dissolve?

This is indeed a way, but the benefits of doing so are too low.

It's better to sell the waste products that are about to be eliminated as first-hand goods to Tianniao Mima and the others.

It doesn't matter if they don't bring that much money, Japan is an island country, and there must be gold and silver mines in their country, and it's okay to lease the mining rights of gold and silver mines to the empire.


A few days later, the audience hall.

"Your Highness, I wonder if Your Highness has made a decision?"

Although Amano Mima tried her best to remain calm, his tone was still trembling and excited.

Because this trip to the empire was actually smuggled by him.

He does not represent Hinomoto, nor has he been instructed by his father, the shogun, everything is just his own opinion.

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