And the weapons and equipment purchased in the empire - if it is successful, it will not be handed over to the shogunate, but will be equipped with his private armed forces - Karakata.

The reason why Kabane, the undead monster, has been raging in Japan for twenty years, and the disaster is still not over, is mainly because the weapons used by Japanese warriors are steam cylinders that are more backward than the empire.

If this kind of steam canister wants to penetrate Kabane's heart membrane, it must hit the same position accurately for several consecutive shots, or it can only be shot at a very close distance to penetrate Kabane's heart. film.

But in fact, this only exists in theory, and reality will never be as beautiful as fantasy.

That's why Amazoni came to the Empire secretly. As long as the Empire can sell him weapons, he can lead the Karakata out of the station, take the initiative to meet Kabane, and recover the land taken by Kabane.

Although Amano Mima tried her best to conceal herself, Tongzi could still see that he attached great importance to promoting trade with the empire in his heart.

"Lord Tianniao, I have discussed with the ministers. The empire and Japan are separated by a narrow strip of water. They are allies. Now that the allies are in trouble, the empire should lend a helping hand, so it is only a mere weapon, so naturally it is not a problem."

No matter how calm Tianniao Meima was, she also showed a happy expression: "So, Your Royal Highness agrees?"

Tongzi nodded: "But you are newcomers, you must not know the weapons of our empire, but it doesn't matter, come with me, I will show you, so you can feel more at ease, right?"

Although Tianniao Meima said "the empire sold us, there is nothing wrong with it", but the joy and excitement in her eyes cannot be erased.


Tianniao Mima and his party followed Tong Zi to the training ground of the imperial palace.

This training ground was originally where Bude stayed, because the family motto of the general is not to interfere with government affairs, and as a general, it is his duty to protect the palace, so he neither stays in the audience hall nor leaves the palace. If you don't, you can only stay at home except this training ground.

To be honest, apart from Bude's old-fashioned and stubbornness, he is actually a very respectable warrior.

Even though he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, even in a high position, Bude has never relaxed his training, so Bude and Esdes are also known as the two strongest in the empire.

But after the little emperor disappeared... after Tongzi took office, Bude seldom came to the training ground, not because he was lazy, but because Tongzi asked him to come to the audience hall for the court meeting.

The general is the head of generals, how can he stay in the training ground all day long, and he is not an otaku.

Bude struggled with the imperial daughter's edict and the family's family motto, but in the end he chose the former.

Because there was an order before coming, the guards had prepared a steel plate in the training ground in advance.

After arriving at the training ground, Tongzi looked at Tianniao Mima: "Master Tianniao, I heard you say that Kabane's heart is covered with a steel-like film, which is difficult for ordinary guns to penetrate, right?"

Mima Tiandori nodded: "The Kabane will stop its activity only if the heart is penetrated, but there are also warriors who cut off Kabane's head with a knife to stop the Kabane's activity. However, fighting Kabane in close quarters requires courage and skill. Very accessible."

Tongzi suddenly pointed to the steel plate in the distance: "Then how do you think the thickness of that steel plate compares with Kabane's heart membrane?"

Tianniao Mima didn't answer right away, but walked over. He looked at it, and even stretched out his hand to pinch the thickness of the steel plate before walking back.

"It should be similar to Kabane's heart membrane, maybe a little thicker."

"That's good, let's show you the weapons of the empire."

A guard next to him respectfully handed over a rifle. Tongzi didn't talk nonsense, raised the rifle and aimed at the steel plate in the distance.


A bullet hole appeared directly in the steel plate.

Amano Mima and a group of Hinomoto's people were all shocked.

Since Kabane landed in Nippon, the steam craftsmen of Nippon are not vegetarians. Of course, they are not reconciled to letting Kabane take away their land.

The steam craftsmen worked hard, but the research and development of weapons had little effect.

Even the best steam cylinder can only make a pit on the steel plate.

Naturally, such a powerful weapon can't penetrate Kabane's heart membrane, so it needs to hit the same position several times in a row.

But the rifle Tongzi demonstrated just now was different.

With just one shot, a hole was punched in the steel plate.

When Amazono Mima looked at Kiriko—to be precise, when she looked at the rifle in Kiriko's hand, her eyes couldn't help becoming fiery.

However, he soon realized his gaffe, quickly calmed down, and on the surface he returned to the appearance of that noble son.

But what he didn't know was that the scene he just had had been captured by Tongzi's eyes.

Great, the fish has been hooked.

The reason why she took so much trouble to demonstrate to Tianniao Mima was naturally to sell this batch of weapons and equipment (which are actually items that are about to be eliminated in the empire) at a good price.

If there was no demonstration, how would Tianniao Mima know the preciousness of these weapons?If he didn't know the value of these weapons, how could Tongzi extract benefits from him?

Although the power of this rifle is good, in fact, this kind of rifle has been eliminated in the empire itself. Even the private guards of the rich use automatic weapons that can fire continuously.

Moreover, this kind of rifle can only guarantee power and accuracy within a few tens of meters. If it exceeds [-] meters, both power and accuracy will drop greatly. If it exceeds [-] meters, it is no different from a water gun.

Tianniao Mima asked eagerly: "Your Highness, how many of these guns are you willing to sell to us? I bought them all."

"Don't worry, Lord Tianniao, this is just an appetizer."

While talking, the guard came over with another weapon.

The length of this weapon is shorter than that of a rifle, and it is even larger. From the appearance, it looks like several barrels are combined together.

Tongzi held this huge weapon in his left hand, and held the joystick on the rear side of the weapon with his right hand. As the joystick shook, multiple barrels began to rotate, and then sprayed out flames.

A large number of bullets sprayed out, and the metal torrent enveloped the steel plate in the distance, and the sound of clanging was endless. When the gunfire stopped, the steel plate was already densely packed with bullet holes.


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