But how did it become like this?

And judging by the appearance of this friendly army, it is clear that they are deserters who have suffered a defeat.

The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army lay down directly on the street to rest, while the high-level members of the Revolutionary Army entered the prefect's mansion to discuss matters.

A general of the Revolutionary Army stood at the door of the meeting hall. He paced up and down the door, and even looked up at the distant sky from time to time.

"Don't turn around anymore, you're going to make me dizzy." Another general of the Revolutionary Army couldn't help but said.

The Revolutionary general ignored the colleague who spoke, and addressed Ulfric instead.

"Master Ulfric, is it all right if we don't travel overnight?"

Ulfric sat in the head chair in the room, looking tired and looking as if he had aged a decade.

"It's okay, it will be dark soon, and even if the imperial army can catch up, it is impossible to launch an attack at night. The soldiers have been driving for half a day, and they are exhausted. Let everyone take a good rest and continue running tomorrow. .”

Since Ulfric said so, no one else disagreed.

After a while, another general of the Revolutionary Army asked.

"Lord Ulfric, where are we going next? Should we return to the base camp of the Revolutionary Army and prepare to resist the attack of the Imperial Army?"

Ulfric shook his head. "No, we're going west."


The generals of the revolutionary army were all taken aback. They glanced at each other, and they could see each other's surprised expressions from each other's eyes.

"However, Lord Ulfric, although most of the combat power of the foreign nations in the west was wiped out by the imperial army at the Sishui Pass, most of the combat power of our revolutionary army also surrendered to the imperial army. , to conquer foreign nations in the West, I am afraid it will be very difficult to accomplish.”

The first thing they thought of was that Ulfric wanted to transfer the scope of activities of the revolutionary army to the territory of foreign nations in the West?

After all, the empire is now in the limelight, and it will definitely take advantage of the victory to pursue and uproot all the revolutionary forces in the south.

However, the foreign nations in the West are already outside the pass, and it will not be so easy for the empire to pursue them.

It's just that their revolutionary army is an outsider after all. Let alone relying on this strength alone, it is not easy to conquer foreign nations in the West.

"No, we are not going to conquer the foreign nations of the West, we are going to go further west than the foreign nations of the West."

The generals of the Revolutionary Army were taken aback.

"You mean to cross the Great Desert?"

"But, what can we do when we go to the country on the other side of the desert? Even if we establish a stronghold there, raising troops in the future and crossing the desert will greatly affect our logistics supplies."

Ulfric waved a hand.

"Everyone, don't mention the matter of the new country in the future. You have seen it, it is not the power of human beings at all. Under that kind of terrifying power, how many people are not enough. For the current plan, we can only give up the founding of the country. Meng, go to the other side of the desert and become a mercenary."

This was actually Ulfric's true intention.

On the way back, Ulfric thought a lot.

If they fled back to the base camp of the revolutionary army in the south in one breath, would it be possible to reorganize the revolutionary army again and resist the invasion of the imperial army?

The answer is no.

Not to mention the imperial army that has now changed its shotguns, the girl who fought against a million during the day is a natural moat that they can't cross.

All the Teigu envoys and vassal envoys of the Revolutionary Army died in the daytime battle, and they couldn't even hold on for a few minutes.

Ordinary soldiers, no matter how many there are, what is the use?

So there was only one thing Ulfric thought of, which was to cross the desert and escape to the western countries.

It just so happens that the Western countries have been at war for decades or hundreds of years, and there are not many years of real peace.

Where there is war, people with fighting skills are bound to be needed.

Ulfric and the others go there, so that they can be used.

However, once you go there, you will never be able to return to the empire.

However, this is the best way.

There is no better way than this.

The generals were all downcast.


A revolutionary general stood up angrily, "Why, why did it become like this!"

Even now, he couldn't believe that they had failed.

And still in that dramatic way, the curtain came to an end.

At this time, footsteps sounded slowly from outside the door, and everyone was taken aback for a moment, turning their heads to look at the door of the prefect's mansion.

A girl in a black windbreaker came in from the door with a smile on her face.

"You...you are..."

The generals of the revolutionary army all recognized this girl as the hundreds of thousands of people who wiped out all the foreign nations in the West during the day, and also killed all the Teigu envoys of their revolutionary army in one go, causing the morale of the revolutionary army to plummet. In the end, the chief culprit for the shattering of the dream of founding a nation.

But what they didn't expect was that the other party would appear here.

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