If they were riding a flying dragon, they would indeed be able to catch up with them, but the opponent went deep alone, which they did not expect.


A general called out immediately.

However, there was no sound other than the sound of the wind, and naturally there was no sound of guards rushing to protect their footsteps.

"Guards! Guards! There are assassins!"

Another general shouted repeatedly, but there was also no response.

Tongzi walked into the hall and made a "shh" gesture to them: "Stop yelling, those loyal subordinates who are still guarding the surroundings even though they are very tired, have already been dealt with by me."

The sound of drawing a sword out of its sheath sounded.

The generals of the revolutionary army drew their weapons and pointed at Tongzi.

The empire builds a country with military force, valuing martial arts over literature. Most of the generals of the revolutionary army were also generals of the empire before, so they naturally followed the same pattern of the empire.

Generals who can lead troops are themselves warriors.

However, their hands were shaking.

As long as they witnessed the massacre during the day, it is impossible to remain indifferent in front of this woman.

Among the senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army, only Ulfric could barely maintain his calm: "I know you are here to kill us, but before we die, can you tell us who you are?"

Tongzi flicked her long hair: "Since you want to know so much, well... I am the princess who will succeed the little emperor and rule the empire."

"Princess?" Ulfric frowned, "But I heard that the royal blood was almost lost at the hands of Minister Ernest. How did you survive?"

Tongzi didn't answer, but asked instead: "Is this question important?"

Ulfric nodded: "You are right, this question is really not important, then let's talk about the important question, Your Highness, I don't know what to do to let you let us live?"

The generals of the Revolutionary Army all looked at Ulfric in surprise.

After all, Ulfric has always given them the impression of a tough guy. Originally, according to the image in their minds, Ulfric should fight to the end at this time.

Tongzi looked at Ulfric, who was wearing more gorgeous armor among the generals of the Revolutionary Army. She smiled and said, "Your name is Ulfric, right? Since you are the leader of the Revolutionary Army, you should be better than ordinary Soldiers know better, right? Throughout the thousand-year history of the empire, have you seen any rebel leader who survived?"

"Yes, you are right, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"Your Highness, I don't know if you are clear. Although the empire does not expressly stipulate that women are not allowed to inherit the throne, there is an unwritten rule that only adult men have a strong claim to the throne. After all, you are a woman, and you only have a weak claim to the throne. Even after ascending the throne, legitimacy is not as high as that of men."

Tongzi narrowed her eyes slightly: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"The revolutionary army lost, and it was a complete defeat, but we lost to you, and we were convinced. But some people may not think so. They have not seen your strength, and they only think that a woman is not worthy of sitting on the throne. And since you are so One royal heir is still 'alive', so it is hard to say that there will be no other royal heirs who are still 'alive'..."

"I think you need an army, not an imperial army, but an army that belongs to you and can only be mobilized by you. This army has one and only one purpose, which is to be loyal to you to the death and remove all obstacles for your throne .”

"If you have the intention, I am willing to be the deputy commander of this army, and I am willing to swear allegiance to you to the death."

Having said that, Ulfric knelt down on one knee, making a gesture of submission.

Seeing Ulfric kneeling on one knee, the other generals of the Revolutionary Army, who didn't understand what Lao Wu was playing, quickly knelt down and shouted in unison: "I am willing to be a pawn for Your Royal Highness!" , I will swear allegiance to Her Royal Highness to the death."

In the prefect's mansion, which was still tense just now, the atmosphere has changed.

It was clearly a hostile relationship just now, but now it has become a relationship of loyalty and loyalty.

Ulfric and the generals of the Revolutionary Army knelt on one knee, lowered their heads, and did not speak.

The air is very quiet, so quiet that even a needle falling to the ground can be heard clearly.

The girl in black in front of her didn't speak, she just stood there, Ulfric didn't dare to look up, he didn't know the expression on the girl's face.

After a while, when Ulfric himself didn't know whether he should continue to wait, Tongzi finally spoke: "Ulfric, I have to admit that if you don't live in this era, it's up to you This mouth, and your reaction speed, definitely have a lot to do."

Ulfric said nothing, because he wasn't sure what Kiriko meant by that.

"But you're wrong, you're too shrewd."

Chapter 279 Please Your Majesty Mount Your Horse


"His Royal Highness..."

Ulfric's heart tightened, he spoke hastily, but was interrupted by Tongzi again.

"You are too smart, so smart that I am not at the same level as me. It may take me half a day to figure out the problem, but you can think of it in just a quarter of an hour. If you have been my subordinate before and have received my favor , sacrificed your life and shed blood for me, that’s all.”

Tongzi changed the subject and her tone became cold.

"But you and I used to face each other with swords, I really can't rest assured."

"Your Royal Highness, before it was just everyone's own master, and I couldn't help myself. I guarantee that in the future, Her Royal Highness will follow the lead."

Tongzi shook her finger "tsk tsk tsk".

"This doesn't seem right, Ulfric, I clearly remember that I once sent an envoy to your base camp to negotiate a peace. If I remember correctly, what I asked Bud to tell you at that time was—as long as you are willing Returning to the empire, the guilt of treason can be forgiven, and you can find suitable positions in the empire for those of you who serve as generals in the revolutionary army. After all, although the empire is large, talents cannot be wasted."

"However, how did you do it? You rejected my good intentions. Not only that, but you also believed that the empire was weak, united with foreign nations in the West, and formally rebelled."

Ulfric's back was dripping with sweat.

"That is……"

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