Qilin's eyes moved, she looked around for a while, and then looked at her delicate body without a thread on her body.

Ah, there is no clothes on.Athena, can you get me some clothes to cover up?

"Of course." Athena's voice came.

The next moment, holy light enveloped Qilin's whole body.

"It's different from the main universe. The rules of the void are that there are no rules. Therefore, if the power of the god-killing tool that I can use in the main universe does not reach 100%, then I can exert [-]% perfect power in the void. "

In the void...

While Qilin was still thinking, the white and gold armor had already covered her whole body.

Behind him, a metal ring gradually rose up and turned around Qilin's back.

Well... powerful force!

At the moment when the armor covered Qilin's whole body, Qilin felt the already immeasurable divine power on her body...increased several times!

"This is the sacred garment, an armor that only god-level combat power can possess. Now, you can already exert more than [-]% of my power."

Ninety percent power...how powerful?

"Do you still have any memory of the Void God who killed you before?"


Qilin nodded, and Qilin always remembered Yan's terrifying strength.

Just a split second...killed me...

"Now, it should be effortless for you to kill him in one blow."

Kill him effortlessly... in one hit?

! ! ! ! ! !

This... is it really possible?Qilin couldn't believe it.The God of the Void was so powerful before, even my brother couldn't get it cheap...

"No matter how powerful a god is, the gap between him and a god king is still a natural barrier. This gap...is like the gap between a human being and a god. Moreover, what you inherit is not one godhead, but...five. "

what!Yes, five godheads.Could it be that these godheads are all...

"Well, they are all godheads at the level of god kings."

Ah this...

Qilin was dumbfounded.

Five godheads at the level of god kings... is this true?

Qi Lin felt like a pauper who had just received [-] billion trillion trillion... yuan in cash.

It's just... just... that feeling of being almost buried in money.

Is that... is there a weapon?

"Well, want to try it?"

hmm... this...

……Is it really possible?

"Of course, whose weapon do you want to use? Friendly reminder, you will soon face at least four fallen people and three void gods. Therefore, obtaining weapons is also a necessary choice."

Ah...then...I want to try the Sea Emperor's weapon.

"Huh?" There seemed to be some doubts in Athena's voice, "Are you sure?"

Well, sure.

"Agreement·Sea Emperor·Poseidon, activate. God-killing Tool·Sea God Trident, concretization completed!"

In the palm of Qilin's right hand, a golden blue light flickered.

Then, a trident shining with blue-golden light appeared in her hand.

The Seagod Trident... I want this, how do I use it?

"Qi Lin, your fighting talent is very good. You don't need any guidance, just use it as you like."

Ah... When Qilin was still hesitating how to use the Seagod Trident, the space around her suddenly became chaotic.

"Be careful...there are more Fallen than I thought. Six Fallen plus three Void Gods."


If it was before, Qilin suspected that as long as she was surrounded by such a powerful lineup, she would be torn to pieces by the breath released by the powerful void force.

But now, she doesn't seem to feel any pressure.

At most it's just a little... uncomfortable feeling.

"The gods...perish, erase...forever...fallen into the void."

"Hmph, erase? Qilin, they want to erase you? If it were you, what would you do?" Athena's voice was a little more murderous.

Ah...then we're going to... fight back, right?

"The answer is correct. But now I'm a little... angry. Can I borrow your body for a while?"

Ah, yes... After all, I was able to come back from the dead and become so strong... All of this is due to you.

"Well, then thank you very much."

Qilin closed her eyes.


The moment her eyes opened again, an invincible aura erupted from her instantly.

"You guys go up together, or I'll be wasting my time." Qilin said as she mentioned the Seagod Trident.

"Arrogant god, do you really think that you can do whatever you want in the void because you are a god king?" The surrounding void and chaos once again surrounded Qi Lin's sight.

"That's what I think. If the nine kings in the void appeared here, I might still feel some pressure. But..." Qilin's eyes turned cold.

Behind her, metallic wings spread out one by one.Each wing is composed of countless tiny pieces, just like Keisha's silver wings.

"Kill!" Qilin yelled, and the Seagod Trident shone dazzlingly.

...In an instant, the sound of huge waves sounded all around.

"What's the sound?" Some doubtful voices came out of the void and chaos.

"Of course...the sound of the sea."

"Stop joking, how could there be a sea in the void?"

"Really? I think..." Qilin paused and said, "The sea of ​​void is also a sea. The sea of ​​chaos is also a sea. They are as vast as the sea...then I...can't use it?"


The entire area began to shake violently.

"what is this?"

"Let you listen to...the sound of the sea."


The power of the void spread out like a tide, completely unstoppable.

Amidst the power of the void erupting like a tide, there were faint screams from the fallen and the void god.

"How is it possible! You are not... why can you use the power of the void!"

"I said that the sea of ​​the void is also a sea. Even if it is in the void, it is even in your home field. But as long as I am..." Qilin continued to wave her trident, "This place will always be my home field .”

"...It's a domain! When did you... open it?"

"Does it... take time to open the domain?" Qi Lin asked back, and then she raised her hand.

A blue magic circle so huge that it completely covered the entire area appeared under her feet.

Afterwards, Qilin stomped her feet lightly.

boom!boom!boom!boom! ...

Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang! ...


The magic circle dissipated, Qilin took back the trident, and the invincible look between her brows also slowly dissipated, and the bewildered expression that originally belonged to Qilin returned.

"How about it, have you seen how I use it?"

Well, while urging the Seagod Trident to link up with the power of the void... the Seagod's Domain was activated instantly, and the hidden magic circle was used to hide the power of the Sea God into the power of the void...

"It seems that you are very talented in fighting. Would you like to try it yourself?"

Ah I……

Qilin was embarrassed.

I have said so much, but this is actually what happened at the same moment.

At that moment, pretend to be able to manipulate the power of the void, and then directly release the power of the sea emperor and the sea god's domain with a concealed magic circle to destroy the opponent.

Moreover, since Athena spoke very easily... it shouldn't be difficult.

But this is at least... one mind... four purposes, right?

And it doesn't just take momentary mastery.But also to burst out such a huge force in an instant.

This... How is it possible to do this? Hey!


"You seem to... have some minor complaints?"

My control is not that strong, and I can't be single-minded... so many uses, this...

"Qi Lin, what you have now is a godhead, which means that the things you can control will be very precise. Not to mention the operation just now, you can do it with ten times more accurate operation. As long as you believe in yourself, everything will be fine. possible."

trust yourself……

Qilin took back the Seagod Trident, and then turned her gaze to her palm.

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