Qilin suddenly felt a familiar yet strange feeling.

Is this body... still my own?


Primitive God Realm.

This... is too difficult, right?

Jiang Heng didn't even know how many times he had been "killed" by Tifeng.

It is estimated that years can only be used as a counting unit.

After a rough estimate, Jiang Heng found that he had been killed by the other party non-stop for tens of thousands of years.

However, it still couldn't change the fate of being killed in seconds.

However, Jiang Heng still felt that his strength was indeed slowly getting stronger.

At least, his current body can forcibly withstand Typhon's blow... flat a.

This is already something that I could hardly imagine before.

The body Gaia created for Jiang Heng continued to improve Jiang Heng from the most ordinary state of an ordinary person after being destroyed by Typhon.

However, even so, Jiang Heng can't imagine what kind of circumstances he was able to support himself now.

Except death, death, death...

For tens of thousands of years, only death accompanied...

Compared with before, Jiang Heng's state of mind has almost completed an unimaginable transformation.

once, twice...

Not only that, but Jiang Heng felt that he was slowly believing that he could succeed.

Humans...maybe really can defeat the gods.

Although his body was as small as dust in front of Tifeng, who was bigger than the mountains, Jiang Heng no longer thought he was so small.

"Son, are you tired?"

Fortunately... although he died so many times.But after each death, at least I am more resistant to beating than the previous one.

"This is a good thing. Child, your potential is so huge that you can't even imagine it. This process is very long. I will do my best to completely transform your potential into your strength."

To fully transform potential into strength... So, actually, I need to last this long because... potential needs to be developed, right?

"Yes, so when the time is right, you need to take a good rest."

I understand, what is my current strength?

"With your current pure strength, you should soon be able to... touch the threshold of a demigod."

Pure power... touches the threshold of a demigod!

Jiang Heng froze for a moment.

Well, this means... my body has reached...at least the standard of the previous three generations of gods without relying on any form of energy improvement!

That is to say, even if I don't have any energy, the defense of my physical body can reach the level of three generations of gods.

Only ten thousand years have passed, and there are still many ten thousand years left, which is enough for me to rise to... an unimaginable height.

Jiang Heng was suddenly curious about his ultimate potential.

The limit of my physical body... Can I really defeat the God of Titans?

"Son, take a good rest. During this period, you can...accept the power of my inheritance."

...The power of inheritance?

"Yes, the first agreement is just a framework of my ability. My real power is not limited to this. However, the main core of my ability is...creation."

Creation... seems somewhat similar to Ge Xiaolun's ability.

Created... something?

"Not just things, you can also create many things that are only in the concept stage. Everything created with my ability...does not obey any laws and laws. You can create ice that can melt the sky, absolutely Zero-degree flames... All words and words are nothing more than symbols in front of the power of creation."

Then this... how to accept it.

"The power of creativity, the most important thing is that you have enough imagination. This is very important. Child, I think based on your experience, you should be able to create... a work that satisfies you."

Is it really possible?

"Son, do you know what the proudest thing I've created...is?"

Is it... the first agreement, the core of the Titans?

"No. It's life."


"Yes, I gave the word life... real vitality. This is the most proud work I have created. For example, human beings. Even weak human beings have power comparable to gods. I, With my own creative power, I have created a life with infinite possibilities, a life with the same creative power..."

I... seem to understand what you mean.

"Yes child, you already understand. Human beings have infinite possibilities. Although there are infinite malice and obstacles that hinder your progress. However, every step of the burden is not meaningless."

"Child...you have unlimited possibilities. I want to witness my proudest work here, the most outstanding representative of my children."

"Where is your limit... Where is the limit of human beings...?"

The limits of humanity...

No, people are... never limitless.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Deep in the void.

"... Athena! Damn woman... why did she appear in the void?"

"Wang... seems to be a woman named Qilin in the super god universe. Her soul... was swallowed by the last void portal, and after that..."

"...So, she is Athena's...adapter? But doesn't that woman have...five god-king godheads now? Could it be..." There was a bit of doubt in the voice of the Void King.

"... Athena? She is in the void? Where is it!" There were a few more sounds in the void.

Immediately afterwards, four figures appeared vaguely in the void and chaos.

Half of their bodies were corrupted by the void, but the other half of their bodies was still clearly recognizable.

It can be seen that they were... also gods.

"... I forgot, you are not dead yet. After being forced into the sea of ​​void... how does it feel?"

"The power of the void... is nothing more than the means and power we use to take revenge on her." Among the four of them, a man with a thunder symbol between his eyebrows said.

"As expected of the former king of the gods, even though he is under the fence, he is still so domineering. It really impresses me."

A purple ray of light appeared in the center of the four fallen god kings, and gradually took on a human form.

"Yapo, are you... provoking me?" The thunder between Zeus' eyebrows flashed white light, but this white light soon mixed with the power of the void and turned into a light purple.

"No, no, no... I just sympathize with you guys." The body of Yabo, the king of the void, was completely condensed. "As a god king, I understand the feeling of ruling one side. Moreover, you are the god kings of the main universe. Probably... just The power of faith has already benefited you endlessly. But now...you don't even count as life, which is really ironic."

"...Yapo, did your previous proposal... still count?" Apollo beside Zeus asked.

"Of course it counts. How could I forget my proposal? I authorized you the power of the void so that you can kill Athena and destroy the sanctuary. And I... get Athena's former territory, and each of your territory half."

"Your condition... is equivalent to handing over two-thirds of the entire God Realm to you." Poseidon said, "This is also the reason why we have not agreed to you."

"I didn't ask you to dedicate the entire sanctuary to me, which is already extraordinarily sympathetic." Yabo's voice was still neither salty nor weak.

"Yabo, we are not your subordinates!"

"I know what I know. But, after all, you guys are... dependent on others, right? I'm not an Ophiuchus, who completely sacrifices myself without asking for anything in return. I'm more like...you god-kings, selfish god-kings."

"You!..." However, Apollo could only utter one word, and fell silent.

"I'm telling the truth. Among you gods, the two gods I admire the most... The first one is Athena, there is no doubt that this is the first one I have met in countless years that can really threaten The existence of the void. As for the second one..." Yabo looked at Zeus.

"What I admire is Ophiuchus...Nan Ding. If it weren't for Void and this world, I might still like her very much. But it's a pity...they are the biggest enemies of Void. Before...I struggled It took a lot of guessing to devise a plan to make Nanding fall, and shattered all the light of hope in her lantern into the void. But unexpectedly... it was still leaked back to the real world."

"The light of hope has been lost to the present world? Yabo, you understand the pros and cons of it... If this goes on..."

"So, I don't want to wait anymore. I will give you a chance, and now Athena has appeared in the void. I will let Yaron follow you, just in case."

"...Then where are you going?" Hades, who had been silent at the side, suddenly spoke, and looked at Yabo.

"I'm going to take back the light of hope that spilled out. Hope is like sparks. The soul of life is the fuel. It ignites at one touch. Even if you know that this ray of life is meaningless, Will do it too...it will cause me no small trouble."

"...You don't have to go in person, I will solve this matter."

"Huh?" Hades' words made Yapo slightly surprised, "Don't you want to find Athena and take revenge?"

"Of course I want to tear her soul into pieces and get back my godhead. But..." Hardy paused, then continued, "Although that time, I met the one who possessed the four godheads. Athena is a fiasco, but... there is one thing I need to confirm."

"Confirm what?"

"Her relationship with...the negotiator."

"The negotiator?" Yabo thought thoughtfully, "... I remembered, before Jiang Heng... the last negotiator of the Titan core. That guy... is really difficult to deal with, and he has the real Titan God Even I... have to be careful with the presence of the King God Throne."

"But he died."

"...I'm not surprised. Athena, who has the godhead of the four god kings, if she is not in the void, even I am not her opponent in a single fight."

"But... why do they fight each other? You know, defeating Zeus, Apollo and Poseidon, without the unconditional help of the negotiator, Athena's soul would have been completely torn apart."

"...This is a problem. His death... the soul of the dead negotiator should have fallen to the underworld, right? Then... isn't it easy to understand?"

Hades was silent for a while.


Then, he continued.

"At first, I thought so too. The negotiator used his own death, and then used the power of the Titan that flowed out when he died, to help Athena locate the location of Netherland all the way. But... this is obviously wrong. Maybe there is I don't know about other circumstances. But... what I don't understand is why... he is willing to die like this, or the kind of... complete death that makes his soul annihilate."

"...Then you go and figure out these things." After that, Yabo looked at Hades, "Let me, Zeus, Poseidon and Apollo deal with Athena. You and Yaron, Go to the Transcendent Universe, while snuffing out the last ray of hope, it's best... to find out all of this."

"...Are you also interested in this matter?"

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