"Hmph, it's really an interesting expression." Gilgamesh curled his lips, leaning on the throne and admiring the way Sidika scratched his hair, "The hero who just contributed to Uruk, hurry up and stop Uruk. The atrocities of Luke's new city gods, otherwise the king will be responsible for what they do."

"Then I'll retire first!"

Seeing Siddiga's hurried back, Gilgamesh snorted softly, dragged his chin and picked up the clay tablet at hand.

"Even the hero who saves the world looks so flustered in front of [family members]?"

"Wang, forgive my stupidity, I want to know one thing." Siduri hesitated for a moment and lowered her head.

"Let's talk about Siduri, it is the power of the ministers to ask the king. Although this king doesn't like to tell you everything, but occasionally this king will happily tell you when he is free."

In other words, even when he's not available, he'll answer your question with a stinky face, no matter how stupid that question is to him.

There is no way, the king just sees the future that his courtiers can't see, and even an excellent person like Xi Duli will be confused because he is too good as a king.


Although it was a little strange why Gilgamesh laughed suddenly, but it was not once or twice, so Siduri simply said her doubts.

"I don't have the eyes to see the future like the king, so I don't know Mr. Siddija. But the king once said that this is a trial, a trial that proves that human beings can live without relying on God, so they must rely on Mankind's own power triumphed, but Lord Siddigar he..."

"Almost the spokesperson of another god? No wonder you are confused, Siduri." Gilgamesh calmed down and crossed his fingers to look through the ceiling where a hole had been smashed by Ishtar not long ago. Sky.

"Well, Siduri, go and cut the funds for repairing the temple of Ishtar by two floors to repair the ceiling of the shrine."

"Understood, I will send someone to make clay tablets."

"Well, well done." Gilgamesh continued, changing his position as if skipping a trivial episode, "[Hedica] is not something that humans, past and present, can understand. The special existence of meaning can only be correctly understood by future human beings, and the pure white hero who is favored by God and expected by human beings is the intersection of theocracy and human rights, in other words..."

"He has the right to choose whether the world should continue to believe in gods or should exchange rights to humans, and whether to continue the age of gods or end the age of gods will naturally appear in his choice. But unfortunately, it should be a choice between the two. He insisted on doing it. The third choice came out, although it was a very stupid choice, but I liked it very much, and I liked that I really wanted to see him."

In other words, there are many special meanings, but among them, wanting to see a real person is the biggest reason.

Siduri sighed lightly. Although she has matured a lot, Gilgamesh, the king, has not changed in essence.

"His almighty fighting ability is also very much liked by this king. Of course, this king also has a bad taste in calling him to see what kind of expression this hero will show when he faces the problem of choosing one or the other again."

"But Wang, you won't let him choose."

"Of course, I am the king of Uruk." Gilgamesh put his left hand on his chin and raised his legs, showing a rebellious smile.

"All the treasures in this world belong to the king, and the right to choose is also the king's. The answer has already been chosen by the king, and it is not his turn to trouble him as a minister."

"Hidika's only duty in this era is to protect Uruk as a servant of this king, and the other things...including the Greek goddess are all handled by this king."

Chapter 15 The Sleeping Goddess

It was a huge cave covered in bright red, and the surrounding rocks were pulsing like muscles in a trance, and just being here would make you feel uncomfortable.

The winding and twisting road forms a huge maze of the entire blood-colored cave. I am afraid that just stepping here will be trapped here forever, and then become a part of this maze.

A woman whose hair color was very similar to the surrounding rocks smashed the rocks in front of her with her feet and reached the end of the maze.

"Mother said she didn't like that you came here in such a violent way." A handsome young man with long green hair and a white shirt that was completely different from the surrounding color looked at the woman who appeared after kicking the rock wall with some trouble.

This is a face that the people of Uruk would be astonished to see, because this face is the only friend of their great king, and it is an existence that can never be desecrated.

He was supposed to sleep in the underworld, no, maybe he couldn't even sleep in the underworld, it should be said that his body was placed in the underworld.But this body opened its eyes once again, and started its activities again in a way that the people of Uruk could not accept.

It is not Enkidu, Gilgamesh's best friend, but another being who uses Enkidu's body, and is the enemy of mankind who is on the side of the master of this purgatory-like cave.

"Only she can do such a delicate operation as plugging in a magic stove. It seems that she has done a good job of resuming exercise, Enkidu."

"Please don't call me by the name of the owner on this body. My name is Jin Gu, which is a better weapon of the gods." Jin Gu, who denied the name of Enkidu, politely expressed his dissatisfaction and said at the same time. the name of the woman in front of her.

"Is Lord Ares intending to return the power of mother?"

"What to return, this thing didn't belong to her at all. Isn't it strange that the virgin goddess has this kind of power? [Hundreds of Warcraft]? What's the name?" Ares folded his arms and kicked Jin Jin. On the stone wall next to Gu, countless cracks spread to the end of the entire maze in Jin Gu's helpless sigh.

"Really, both mother and you are embarrassing."


The shattered stone wall shrouds the tide of chaos, another name for the Mud of the Holy Grail.At the center of Chaos is a gigantic egg, and the tidal waves of Chaos are rippling silently with the sound of a huge heartbeat.

"Now it's actually curled up in the egg, it seems that the absorption of Tiamat's power has reached the last step." Ares stepped into the chaotic tide without caring, and the turbid mud just tried to follow the boots. Climbing up, he was forced to retreat by the scorching, magma-like fighting intent that was the complete opposite of the silent life.

"Well, it looks like we can't get along well at any time." Ares walked in front of the dome, and his bright red eyes seemed to see the silver-haired girl in the center through the eggshell.


"Mother needs a larger body in order to better grasp the power of Tiamat, so she uses the mud of the Holy Grail to shape her body." Jin Gu stood far outside the chaotic tide, singing like a bard Said, "The day when my mother is reborn will definitely show the most beautiful body in the world, and my mother's wish will be fulfilled after that."

"Are you still unwilling to talk to me? At least let me confirm if you are still alive." Ares ignored the self-intoxicated Jin Gu, raised his hand and knocked on the eggshell, but as always, there was no response.

"All right then, [Sidika]."

The simple three made the giant egg shake as if it had some huge magic power, and the silent chaotic tide set off a huge wave.The dull collision sound came from the position where it first touched the eggshell of the three words [Hedika], as if the beasts in the dark were struggling frantically.

"You, what are you doing, why are you provoking Mother Mother?" Jin Gu shouted outside the Chaos Tide, losing his calm and indifferent anxiety, "If Mother Mother didn't give birth to a perfect body, everything would be in vain!"

"Isn't this confirming that she is still alive? Calm down, that's how old enemies greet you."

Ares nodded as if confirming something, turned his head and left the Chaos Tide and dropped the giant egg that was still making violent noises.

"You, you just left?!" Jin Gu glanced at the giant egg with some embarrassment, thinking that part of his mother's power was still on Ares, he gritted his teeth and caught up with Ares.

"Master Ares, please return your power to Master Mother, only in this way can we create a more perfect human being in the next generation."

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