"A more perfect human?" Ares stopped, and slowly turned his head to look at Jin Gu.

Jin Gu thought that Ares intended to listen to him, and immediately said: "It is made by me as the prototype of a new human..."

"I thought you were going to say something, even if you really wanted the prototype, it wouldn't be you." Ares interrupted Jin Gu impatiently and turned his head to leave.

"Also, don't talk to me about recreating human beings, it's not like we haven't done this kind of thing."

"Wait, I'm the most perfect creation created by the gods!" Jin Gu accelerated his pace and surpassed Ares as if he had realized something, and said in a hasty voice, "I should be far better than the old man, Shidi. Ga's performance... eh!"

The hand tightly gripping the throat forcibly interrupted Jin Gu's speech. Ares's eyes were always looking forward, but Jin Gu was lifted up with a fierce gesture of clasping his fingers into Jin Gu's neck.

"I just dug you out of the underworld because I thought you might be useful for attacking Uruk, so I hope you can stay in the arsenal as a siege weapon at other times, understand?"


"Very good." Ares let go of his hand and let Jin Gu fall to the ground.

"Also, neither I nor Athena have long lost interest in creating new human beings. No matter how many times they are created, it is meaningless. What we expect is not something that can be obtained by creating this cheap word."

"Cough, cough..." Jin Gu covered his throat and looked at Ares's back with some fear. Just now Ares really planned to kill him because he mentioned [Sidiga].

When this body restarted, he gained a lot of knowledge, including the knowledge of an individual named [Hedika].From his point of view, Hidega is nothing but an individual made by the Greek gods using old humans. As the weapon of the gods created by the Sumerian gods, he should be far more perfect than Hidega.

He should have dismissed the old human individual named Hidiga, but both Ares and his mother had a great obsession with this old human individual.

He was unwilling and curious, and he wanted to prove himself better.But neither the sleeping mother nor Ares even gave him a chance to compare.

As if that were taboo, no, provocative.

Jin Gu covered his head, and deep obsessions emerged in his supposedly spotless eyes.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ishtar has been quite unhappy recently, and the specific [recent] time period starts from Gilgamesh's rejection of her marriage proposal.Before that, she had been smooth sailing as the center of the gods' point. Even if there was a little setback in the middle like a hedgehog, the great goddess Ishtar would not ignore it.

Ishtar had to admit that Gilgamesh was pretty good, especially when it came to angering her.First she rejected her marriage proposal and then cut off her tribute, and now she has given her temple to two little goddesses!

This is simply a provocative act of smearing her face with mud, and even the generous goddess Ishtar can't let it go.But if it was too much to throw Gugalana down like before, it would be Gilgamesh who was at fault for cutting off her fortune, not the people of Uruk who wanted to offer the gem but were cut off.

There is a grievance and a debtor, and if she is looking for trouble, she is looking for Gilgamesh and the two little goddesses who robbed her house.

She wanted to sit on Gugalana's head and look down at the two little goddesses, telling them the truth that only she, Ishtar, robbed others and no one else could rob her.

But she overturned because she forgot where she had left the Gugalana, and the timing of it was a bit unfortunate.

"[I], how long will this poor acid goddess stay in that position." Stheno leaned on Sidiga's left shoulder and scratched Medusa with her head bowed with the olive branch in her hand.

"I don't know, because it's been a few minutes." Yuri Ellie yawned cutely on the right shoulder of Siddija.

While they were replenishing the elements of [Lovely Son's Panic Pleasure] element, this naked goddess descended from the sky, raising her hand to summon something as if she wanted you to look good.Siddija was going to knock the goddess down on the spot, but because the goddess didn't summon anything and because it was too funny not to accept this reality and keep still, they stopped Sidiga.

"I, I remember that the Gugalana should be properly tied there...probably." Ishtar's face was stiff and full of cold sweat, looking at the ceiling with a pattern that was no longer her favorite.

"Speaking of which, when was the last time I fed it... Could it go out to find something to eat when it's hungry!?"

"Pfft ha ha ha ha... [I], I can't take it anymore." Yuri Ellie collapsed on Sidiga with a smile covering her stomach, rubbing her stomach while wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Sidiga was three years old. When I was young, I knew that even if I crawled, I had to get up and prepare three meals a day to feed us."

Leaving aside why your comparison object is someone else's pet, don't you think it is cruel to let a three-year-old kid cook for you?Oh, forgot you did something even crueler, which was to threaten me with three meals a day if I didn't work so hard.

Siddigar grumbled inwardly while facing the emotionless statue with a blank face.

"It's so noisy! I'm Ishtar! Hey, there must be someone doing things like feeding the cows for me! Although, although I promised to raise it well when I asked for it... What am I talking about!"

Ishtar's face flushed red, and he waved his arms as if he wanted to take the words that he just said disappeared into thin air.

"Enough, I am undoubtedly a better goddess than the two of you. I will now impose divine punishment on Uruk who dared to betray me. If you can stop it, try it!"

Obviously angry, but Ishtar, who will definitely carry the anger to the end, flew directly out of the temple.

Snoot smiled and raised his two hands on his head, raised his index and middle fingers, and made a wiggling bunny ear motion.


"Three." Yuri Ellie, who was almost two-in-one, immediately understood Snowte's thoughts. She pointed her right index finger on her cheek and her left hand gestured the sign of victory in front of her face.

"...Two." Medusa, who had been tossed for many years, was forced to put up two fingers on her cheeks under the pressure of Steno and Yurielle's eyes, showing a reluctant but cute smile .

This is the behavior that is very interesting and can reflect family harmony in the eyes of Steno and Urielle, referred to as the Gorgon family special activity. By the way, the interesting thing about this activity is how shameful Sidika and Medusa can be. kind of place.

Siddija took a deep breath, put her index finger on her lips and raised her mouth, revealing a mysterious smile with a hint of evil that was completely opposite to the gentle image of sunshine.


"Hey, why didn't you come out to stop... what happened?" Ishtar, who flew outside and waited for a long time but no one chased after him, rushed into the temple angrily, just about to question Steno and Yurielle Was there a scene of four people lying on the floor with their faces covered in various poses when she realized that she was an urban god, so that she was shocked to forget what to say next?

Sidika was lying on the ground with her face covered and she was about to lose her breath. It was okay when he was a child. He is now a serious adult. An adult can no longer be an adult, and he has experienced strong winds and waves. This kind of role-playing is the same. Shame is killing him, especially the guy around his neck who usually likes to complain and stock up on food is muttering [that smile just now is Miss Long's dish].

Medusa, who didn't get much better, was lying on the opposite side of Siddigar with smoke on her head, and let her, who positioned herself as Siddija's mature and reliable sister, do such a thing, and she deserved it. sisters?

Unlike Medusa and Sedica, who were blown away by their own shame, Steno and Urielle simply twisted their bodies on the mat happily after seeing what they wanted to see.

"This is just a special event for the Gorgon family~ Don't worry about it." Stheno took a few deep breaths before he recovered. He hung his tender bare feet on Siddija and raised his chin.

"What's wrong? How come the goddess Ishtar who threatened to destroy Uruk is back?"

"This..." Ishtar should have been bombed directly, but her eyes kept glancing at Hidega. If she remembered correctly, this white-haired human was a servant summoned by Gilgamesh. In other words, he is a hero that Gilgamesh looks up to.

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