But this hero was not angry after being stepped on by the goddess, but also lowered his body to make the goddess' feet more comfortable... Although she knew that being stepped on by the goddess was indeed a compliment to human beings, but this subconscious reaction was too...

"Ah~ this is the special reward method of the Gorgon family." Yuri Ellie stepped on her feet with a smile, "Isn't my son just a mother's play... a small bench."

Siddija lowered his head heavily, and the cruel reality told him that his instinctive reaction to Steno and Yurielle had been engraved in the spiritual foundation.

PS~ There will be no reward. As I said before, there will be no reward. If you save enough manuscripts, you will add more updates. If there are more explosions, you will explode. If you don’t save the manuscript, you can’t add more, so there will be no reward. , I personally don't like the act of offering bounties, because those chapters were originally intended for me to publish, and it's not that they won't be published without a bounty, and those chapters are not free. Got it.

PS year-end money is good to buy things you like ~ such as games, krypton gold and so on, there is no need to spend it on things that will definitely be posted but not immediately.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ishtar folded her arms across her chest and tried hard to be cold and majestic as a goddess, but it was a pity that the two goddesses opposite her were smiling like two foxes and couldn't tell the depth.Maybe it was her illusion, she always felt that the two goddesses were showing off something, but she just didn't understand what they were showing off.

Is it an elegant pattern?

Ishtar looked up at the pattern on the ceiling, and there were no gems on it.

Is it a comfortable bed?

Ishtar turned his body and looked at the mat under Steno and Uriel's buttocks. There were no gems on it either.

Could it be a richer tribute? !

Ishtar turned around abruptly and looked at the altar where the tributes of the Uruk people were usually placed. There was only food on it. Most of the food was fruit and sweets, and there were no piles of gems.

So what are they showing off?

"Ha~ [I] ah, she is a poor goddess who fell into a pile of gems." Steno lowered his shoulders boringly.

"That's right, it's too tacky." Yuri Ellie patted the bed and motioned for Siddija and Medusa to sit down. It's still too embarrassing to show off their son with the best of different gods.

"What, what's the matter, I just like gems. If I fall into the pile of gems, I will be so happy that my godhead collapses." Ishtar, who always felt underestimated but didn't know where he was underestimated, stiffly changed the topic. .

"I said, do you have any self-awareness as an urban god! I'm going to destroy Uruk, don't you hurry up and stop me, don't you have a bad conscience when you accept the sacrifice?"

"Obviously you are a city god, but you have given us a very good precedent for the senior who threw away the disaster beast after being rejected because of his courtship." Steno curled his long lavender hair, and the delicate texture between them made the She nodded in satisfaction, and she glanced at the guilty Ishtar with a playful smile.

"By the way, these are not sacrifices, but the rewards for the construction of the city wall by Sidika. In other words, this is the reward after paying."

"Obviously someone else did it, why are you so at ease?"

"Because he is our lovely son, isn't it the son's job to take care of the mothers who are soft and soft and easy to overturn?" Yuri Ellie proudly issued the declaration of a useless mother.

"You must make up for the years of under-care!"

"I don't care about these things! Forget it! I'm going to destroy Uruk now!" Ishtar, who always felt like he was being played as a monkey, raised his right hand at Steno in a rage.

"Ah, I know. The attacks you use all require gems. You are so poor that you run here and try to grab some gems. Do you really have the ability to destroy Uruk?"

Yurielle, who is loved by men for her carefree attitude, cute smile, and innocent words and deeds, is essentially a poisonous-tongued goddess with a cute appearance.It's a pity that only men are dizzy and confused, women will not be confused by this appearance at all, so Ishtar is shaking righteously.

"Then I will use all my belongings to destroy the two of you, Ma Anna!" Ma Anna, who looks extremely cool and powerful but is actually a super gem crusher, appeared behind Ishtar. .

Legend has it that Ishtar destroyed the entire mountain because he was unhappy with the Abifu Mountain, which was revered by the king of the gods. Draining the Styx used to swear is a meaning.The difference is that Ishtar is praised for doing this, and Artemis will definitely be spanked by Zeus or Hera.

Ishtar, who has the power to destroy the entire Lingfeng, wants to destroy Uruk easily, even if the power evolved from the legend of Abifu Mountain can be used just like a super precious gemstone. Maanna blew up an entire city.

Ishtar obviously intends to use the second method, probably influenced by the character of the owner of the body he relies on, and feels that the first method is too cruel and no one can stop him.

She just wants to prove that Ishtar is better as a city god, but the embarrassing thing is that Ma Anna, who has always been very obedient, has no response, even if she keeps giving orders to fill all the property, Ma Anna has no intention of attacking , but there is a sad "click, click, click" sound that the empty magazines keep filling up.

"It's a lie! Is it possible that all the gems have been used up!? I obviously have a lot left!" Ishtar squatted on the ground holding his head in disbelief, "Think about it, Ish Tal, my little vault is in... ah, I remember, I put all the gems on Gugalana..."

Ishtar just kept squatting on the ground and became petrified. His face was ashen and pale as a beautiful statue of a frustrated body.

It's not that Hidega can't understand Ishtar's behavior of putting gems on Gugalana. It's like having too much money and don't want to keep it all on him, so he put it in a private bank, but the current situation is that the private bank is being She lost it.

"If you want to laugh, just laugh...I already...it doesn't matter..." Ishtar kept squatting on the ground and showed an autistic smile, and her beautiful long hair was dragged on the ground as if it had lost its vitality.

"I can't live without gems."

Is it because of this autism? !

It stands to reason that Hidega shouldn't have any sympathy for this goddess who wants Uruk at every turn, but Ishtar can't help but have the same face as Rin Tohsaka, a student under the second generation... and body, What if this body is really Tohsaka Rin for various reasons, if there is an accident, there is no way to explain to the second generation.

The most important thing is that if I leave it alone, maybe Ishtar will squat here until the end of the world, and the mothers have begun to express their dissatisfaction by twisting their bodies restlessly.

"Haha..." Siddija stretched out his hand into the dragon scale and took it out. In the shrill screams coming from his head, he took out a turquoise gem with a crystal-like texture and placed it in Ishtar. before.

"I picked it up on the way to Kusa. There are footprints similar to divine beasts around. I think it should be the footprints of Gugalana, so this gem should have fallen out of your small vault."

[No, no, no, no!You stole it from Miss Long!The one eaten by Miss Long is Miss Long's! ]

"Wow ah ah ah, this is lapis lazuli!" Ishtar instantly revived at a speed visible to the naked eye, grabbed the lapis lazuli and rubbed his face directly, "Oh oh oh... I can feel it. This perfect texture, it's mine! Most importantly, it has my teeth marks on it too! I have such teeth marks on every gemstone"


After a long silence, the dragon scales on Siddija's neck spat out gems and gold coins like vomit.

"This, is this God's obvious spirit!" Ishtar, who was obviously a god but met a miracle, opened his arms and greeted the heavy rain of gems and gold with intoxication on his face... Hit his face It will definitely hurt, but it should be a drizzle to God.

"All my lost gems are back!"

Chapter 18嗯,基操

"No! The number is wrong! Why are there so few!"

Hidega looked at Ishtar with a headache, who had been submerged in gems but was still in Sapo. The reason for Sapo was that the number of gems was wrong.Sidika didn't think the guy on him had a secret, because he was full of her nauseated vomit.

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