"I just picked up gems all the way in Kusa, that's all, it's useless for me to ask for these gems."

"Just picked up a whole way of gems? You actually said such powerful words so indifferently!" Ishtar hugged his head suspiciously of life, "Can I exchange with you? Destroy the one that doesn't even have gemstone veins. Breaking the mountain for you, the golden rule."

The corner of Sidika's mouth twitched, as if he had accidentally learned a great secret in Sumerian mythology.This goddess who was so poor and maddened at that time couldn't have blown up the entire mountain because she thought that there were some mineral veins under the Ebeif Mountain, which is known as Lingfeng.

"But, maybe it was picked up by King Gilgamesh."

"Ha! Why is it that nasty ghost!"

The hater in your mouth gave you a faint glance behind you and left silently. I think the budget for repairing your temple will be cut again.

Siddigar kept a polite smile. How could a humanoid troublemaker like Ishtar enter Uruk without disturbing Gilgamesh, but out of the majesty of the king, Gilgamesh walked over quite indifferently. So as soon as I came, I heard Ishtar, who was buried in such a small pile of gems, talking bad about him.

It was decided that the pile of gems with the goddess's tooth mark will not be returned to you, and the budget for repairing the temple will be cut by [-]%.

Gilgamesh quietly exited the stage. Cutting off the budget for repairing the temple for no reason would definitely arouse Siduri's dissatisfaction. As a wise king, he would not do anything that would trouble the pious ministers, so he must do the math. [Good things] done by Shtar.

Ishtar, who was completely unaware that his lost gems would never come back, was carefully counting each gem.

"With these gems, I can spend it with the red-haired goddess, everyone is a god of war, who is afraid of who!"

It was just Ishtar's muttering to himself, not having any special thoughts, but this unintentional remark made Siddija's eyes narrow.

"This era is ... Ares-sama?"

"Ah? You know that red-haired goddess. Speaking of which, you do have a similar sense of power." Ishtar turned her head and glanced at Hidega, which was probably the first time she looked [seriously] Siddigar, so she saw a lot.

"It turns out that it's really a bad joke."

Ishtar put all the gems in Maanna's storage bin in one go and sat on Maanna with her legs crossed.

"Although these gems were originally mine, I had lost them, so I took these gems as a sacrifice you gave me. My principle is to give power equivalent to the sacrifice, and you gave me Ishtar I will give you half the value of the gems in Erjinku, and I will give you back accordingly. Tell me, human, what do you want me to give you?"

"Next, you will continue to look for Gugalana, right?"

"That's right, but don't even think about asking me to lend you Gugalana to protect Uruk." Ishtar leaned forward slightly with Maanna's body in his hands, "It's not that I'm stingy, Gugalan. It is not suitable for protection, its attacks are indiscriminate, and those who resist disaster may destroy Uruk first."

"That's not what I meant." Siddija waved his hand, scratching his cheeks and said a little embarrassedly, "I want you to meet an orange-haired human girl and a purple-haired girl on the way to find Gugalana. Subservient girls, please protect them from coming to Uruk."

"Mesopotamia will be in disaster soon, I should have waited for them myself, but Uruk may also need me to guard, so I can only ask others."

"Is the wish made to God for others? It turns out that you are this type of human being, which is really rare." Ishtar raised his brows in surprise.

"No wonder you, as a human being, have as many powers as mine, um... If you were born in Mesopotamia, I might propose to you."

"No! Mothers absolutely disagree!" Steno slammed into Sidiga's neck and stared at Ishtar fiercely like a calf-protecting female beast, "Such a woman has everything from her clothes to her character. Violating the Gorgon's standards for daughters-in-law."

"That's right, mothers will never agree." Urielle hugged Sidga from behind and sandwiched Sedica between her and Stheno like a sandwich to form [absolutely bad Women's Line of Defense].

"A man's lower body is completely uncontrollable. If one day your son threw into my arms, you should struggle a little bit~"

Ishtar covered her mouth to reveal a little devilish laughter, and the panicked reactions of Steno and Urielle gave her a victory in the goddess' position.

"Ah, by the way, you call Sidika here." Ishtar tilted his head and looked at Sidika, who was still sitting in the center of the goddess, "I have different feelings for different people. The transaction method, considering that you have such a devout attitude towards me (God), sending two people is considered a gift service, I still owe you a wish, and let me know after thinking about it.”

After speaking, Ishtar flew out of the temple humming an unknown ditty as if she had won a battle. The question of what to do in the first place has disappeared in the piles of gems, and she also took two The little guy in her temple got a good amount of money back.

If you rob my temple, then I will tease your son, even if you don't tease it.

"Master Ares?" Siddija sighed heavily while pinching his eyebrows, he could almost imagine what Uruk was going to meet next.

If it is just a simple disaster, then it can be resisted, but it is just a pure release of power.But if the real body of the disaster is war, things will not be so simple. The huge force in the hands of one person is methodically refined into countless forces that are overwhelming.

Although Ares has basically never won, the premise is that her opponent is Athena, who is also the god of war.Aside from Athena, no god in Greece could outperform Ares in strategy.

"...It looks like you can't come to accompany us recently." Steno also knows what it means for Ares to be an enemy. It should be said that no matter who is on the opposite side of the Twelve Greek Gods and Pluto, it is for Sidiga. A great misery.


"Don't show such a bitter expression, come and give mothers a hug." Steno and Urielle opened their arms at the same time, showing a look of anticipation towards Siddija.

Siddigar smiled helplessly, and hugged Steno, Uriel and Medusa tightly in her arms.

"Mothers will protect you."

"It's me who protects you."

PS Recently, there were five confirmed cases near my home. I also found that someone sneaked back from Wuhan and was confirmed to be infected. Well, although I don’t agree with treating them with the same attitude as the infected person in the biochemical crisis, this kind of thing can’t be have a fluke mentality

Come Chapter 19, a set of combo punches, you're welcome

"The god of war? Hmph, isn't that goddess who can only make troubles able to do something good? Siduri, add another layer to the budget for repairing the Ishtar Temple."

Gilgamesh is worthy of being a wise king, and the rewards and punishments are clear, although the budget used is all the gems with the tooth marks of the goddess that he picked up while wandering around Cusa that day.

"Your Majesty is too indifferent, the other party may be a god of war far more powerful than Lord Ishtar." Siduri reluctantly wrote down Gilgamesh's order and recently repaired Ishtar The budget of the Ishtar Temple depends on the mood of the king. If the chair is uncomfortable, the budget will be deducted. If it goes on like this, the Ishtar Temple will deduct the budget to the king.

"Siduri, you can only prove your ability in the face of a crisis. This is an opportunity to prove that this king is a very powerful strategist. However, it is indeed a bit difficult for this king to be alone. The heroes at the moment are only this king and Hidega."

"King, you don't want to summon other servants, right?" Sidgar looked suspiciously at Gilgamesh, who was ruddy and even a little lively. It wasn't because of the recent use of magic power to transition back to light.

"Hmph, this king is not that fragile, there is no problem in summoning seventeen or eight more servants!" Gilgamesh clapped his hands as if to prove, "This king has completed the second summon, caster come out. ."

"caster?" Siddija raised her brows and quickly glanced around. There was indeed a spiritual Servant here, but it didn't appear for a long time.

"What's wrong, caster? Siddigar shouldn't be your old acquaintance." Gilgamesh frowned, and it was disrespectful that he didn't come out even after he had been summoned.

"What? He threatened to give you a set of punches and dare not come out? Aren't you immortal?... It's because you're immortal that you're afraid. I don't know when this combo punch will hit, and when will the combo punch be? Ending with death? Hey! You can't get out!"

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