"But I didn't expect that King Gilgamesh would actually summon Musashibo Benkei. That's your comrade-in-arms who has been with you all the time."

"Ah, that guy is a fake."

"Oh, it's a fake... um!" Fujimaru Rika was shocked, just as Ushiwakamaru seemed to say something very casual just now!

"That guy said he was Musashibo Benkei, but it's just similar. It's not Benkei himself. It's probably a monk who preached about me and Benkei." Ushiwakamaru pulled out the long sword around his waist and waved it casually. twice.

"No matter what, I have been with Musashibo Benkei for a long time, so I don't even recognize my comrades, but this guy probably has something to hide, so I didn't expose it, but..."

Ushiwakamaru raised his long sword, and under the moonlight, Ushiwakamaru's eyes flashed with the cold light reflected from the blade.

"After defeating all the monsters, I tricked him into the temple and chopped him up."

Alas!This kid is so scary!

Fujimaru Rika sat beside Ushiwakamaru and shivered, but Ushiwakamaru didn't even notice that he said shocking words and still stuck to Fujimaru Rika with great enthusiasm.

The only one who can save Fujimaru Rika is washing the dishes at the moment, so Fujimaru Rika will continue to listen to Ushiwakamaru's words that destroy the impression of the [passionate ordinary girl] before Sidika has finished washing the dishes.

Chapter 41 is just with friends

Fujimaru Rika's second day in Uruk started with Fufu pressing her face down and nearly suffocating to death. After breakfast, her first job was shaving wool, then she made bricks with mud, and finally Lunch and an afternoon of combat training.

Of course, Mash fights with the Uruk soldiers as the imaginary enemy. As the master, Fujimaru Tatsuka is lying on the side as a power bank, enjoying the wonderful feeling that he will be extremely tired if he does nothing.

Because of the very reasonable work arrangement, Fujimaru Rika did not notice the passage of time at all, and Mash's gentle smile was as penetrating as herbal tea after overwork.

If only Mash didn't smile so softly while pressing Uruk's soldiers to the ground.

"On the second day, I feel like I've been here for a long time. It seems that you can easily adapt to the environment, Lixiang."

Sidika waved at Leonidas and said hello, and sat next to Tatsuka Fujimaru, who was lying on the ground in a big letter shape.

"Maybe I have the potential to be a peasant woman, just kidding." Fujimaru Rika propped up her body, cradled her legs and tilted her head to look at Sidika, "Is there a mission for King Gilgamesh to send us?"

"The clay tablet of the destiny, the king wrote the prophecy on it. The stone tablet is now in Kusa City, and the king wants you to get it back."

"Just that clay tablet is enough?" Fujimaru Rika turned to look at the clay tablet in the hands of passers-by, "It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

"It's really not difficult. It's the territory of the goddess Ishtar, and the civilians there have been taken to Uruk by the king long ago. It's a completely empty city at will. What, do you think this task is very simple."

"It's quite simple, but..." Fujimaru Tatsuka looked at Sidika suspiciously, and Sidika's smiling appearance always made her feel like she would be tricked.

"There won't be anything scary there."

"Then take Merlin with you, anyway, this guy is idle and bored." Siddija raised his finger and pointed at Merlin, who was dangling beside the training ground.

"The pay is great, by the way."

The completely peasant-like Fujimaru Rika didn't resist the words "high reward", and since Xidika didn't come with him, the mission might not really be dangerous.

"So suspicious..." Fujimaru Rika touched her chin and walked on the road, she always felt that Sidika was planning something, but she just couldn't tell.

"Senior, no doubt, Mr. Sidika will not harm us."

There was also a caring little padded jacket beside him who was soothing softly, and Fujimaru Rika had no other choice but to compromise.

"Huh?" Fujimaru Rika stopped, and she saw an old man in a black robe sitting in the corner.

She walked over without thinking too much, took out a dry biscuit from her arms and handed it to the old man.

"Sir, you don't look very well."

The body is haggard, not to mention that there are flies entangled around him, these insects seem to be aware of the old man's imminent death and make an annoying insect chirping.

"Stay away, he is still alive and well!" Fujimaru Tachika waved his arms a few times, but unfortunately these little bugs escaped extremely nimbly.

"Resisting the coming of death and trying to continue the destiny that has ended is a kind of evil. It is also evil to not bear the end of other people's destiny, arrogant evil, but the old man still wants to thank you for your kindness." The old man caught the dry cake, his gray eyes Under the cloak, he looked at Tatsuka Fujimaru.

"Originally, I just came to pay back a favor, but I didn't expect to owe a new favor. This is probably fate."

"I'm just doing my best, I don't want to repay it." Fujimaru Tachika scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, and at this time the old man had already stood up.

"The old man will tell you something in return." The old man took a step back with a cane, and the gust of wind around him made Fujimaru Rika subconsciously raise his hand to block his eyes.

"It is not your responsibility to slay the snake, the spear of vengeance is directed at [God]."

When the wind dissipated, the old man also disappeared, Fujimaru Rika pouted, and clenched the dry biscuit in her arms and muttered, "I thought there would be martial arts secrets."

"Senior, this kind of help that wants to be rewarded is also a kind of evil." Matthew imitated the old man's tone and taught Fujimaru Tachika.

"Then I don't get bad news in return. The simple things have now become responsible." It's not that Fujimaru Rika doesn't understand anything. She really wanted to help a little and ended up helping someone hidden in Wukong. The big man in Luke is better now, and the situation seems to have become more complicated.

"Anyway, let me tell Almighty Hidega about this first. As an ordinary peasant woman, I still have the task of completing that astronomical reward."

Talking to people who are either able to see the future or have extraordinary intelligence Simple things.

"Mysterious old man?" Gilgamesh felt that the face on his face was a little unbearable. Whether it was an enemy or a friend, just squatting in the corner of Uruk without him knowing it would hurt his self-esteem.

"I said it was a favor." Siddija could probably guess who the old man was. If he were to make fun of that guy at another time, it's a pity that he's not in that mood now.

"King, please allow me to leave Uruk and go to the north to investigate the situation. I have a bad feeling."

"Now that no matter how bad things happen, this king will not be surprised, so I allow it." Gilgamesh shook the clay tablet in his hand.

"Then I'd like to trouble the king to rest on time while I'm away. Although there are still many sacrifices that Ereshkigal is willing to let you leave, it's better not to go to the underworld casually at this juncture."

"Long-winded, are you the king's nanny?" Gilgamesh waved his hand impatiently.

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