"Then I'll tell Steno that they will leave after a while, and I'll be back as soon as possible."

After Sidgar left the tower, Gilgamesh put down the clay tablet in his hand, leaned on the throne and complained to Siduri: "Siduri, don't you think Sidgar has recently [faced the king's] Is the attitude] a little subtle?"

"That's because the king's [the king's proper posture] is a bit subtle when he is facing Lord Sidgar." Siduri tilted her head for a while and then nodded seriously.

"After all, Lord Hidega will go to the underworld to pick you up every three or five minutes. In the eyes of the people of Uruk, the majestic and reliable appearance of the king is not much left in the eyes of Lord Hidega."

"This really bothers this king. Recently, he slapped his nose on his face."

Although he said so, Gilgamesh's expression was very soft, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"King, now you look like Lord Enkidu is still there." Siduri couldn't help sighing looking at Gilgamesh's calm and indifferent expression even in the face of crisis.

"...Siduri, this is the most boring joke this king has heard recently."

Gilgamesh put down the clay tablet and closed his eyes against the throne.

"This king needs to rest for a while now, you go down first."

"...Yes." Only then did Siduri realize what she said. She wanted to apologize, but Gilgamesh's appearance was obviously that she didn't want to hear anything, so she had to hold the clay tablet and exit the tower.

Gilgamesh opened his eyes only after Siduri left.

He doesn't blame Siduri for saying such things. For him, Enki is an irreplaceable friend, and Sidgar has changed from a hero he admired to an irreplaceable friend in the past six months. It is precisely because That's how Siduri would say such a thing.

After all, he once said that he only had Enkidu as a friend in this world. Now that there is one more friend, such a misunderstanding will naturally arise.

But Enkidu and Hidega are two completely opposite beings.

Enki will tell him what was wrong, and then simply and rudely tell him why he was wrong. If he goes to the underworld because of overwork, next time Enki will force him to rest with his fists.

Sidika condoned his mistakes, and at the same time made him change a little bit of himself, he would respect his consciousness and restore it when he died of overwork.

There is actually no comparison between the two, and the time of acquaintance is different, so there is no question of whether they can be replaced. [Replacement] is an insult to his two important friendships.

Gilgamesh picked up the clay tablet, and the king's work resumed after a short break, even if he died suddenly again, because he had a friend who could bring him out of the underworld.

The hero-king Gilgamesh is accompanied by Enkidu, and in this false history, the sage-king Gilgamesh is accompanied by Sidgar, that's all.

Chapter 42 This time, don't offer victory

The location north of the absolute monster front line is the most dangerous place in this era. A terrifying wave of monsters can be seen from a hundred meters away. The bottomless nests are eating away at Mesopotamia, like an abyss-like nest mouth. Glittering scarlet light.

Even the most elite legions of Uruk may not be able to pass through here, but Siddija came here alone, and the smaller the number of people, the easier it is to move.

The serious breath shielding made him avoid the senses of the monsters, but he would be discovered if he went deeper.

"That's it."

Hidega stopped, and in the middle of the process, everyone noticed that his monsters had been smashed to pieces. Although the smell of blood would attract other monsters, but fortunately those monsters were not high IQ, they just thought they were being swallowed by a free meal. own kind.

But the next line of defense is not something that can be perfunctory.

He has always been standing on an invisible boundary line looking at the huge lair deep in the north, and if he takes a step forward, he will be discovered.

No, he should have been discovered long ago, and she will come over only one step further.

"We have to meet sooner or later anyway."

Siddija sighed lightly and took a step forward. The next second, a blood-red figure appeared in front of him, at a distance that was almost sticking together.

Siddigar took a step back calmly.

"Master Ares."

"If you don't come here, it's okay. You should know that we are in different positions now." Ares held his chest like a door god and stood in front of Sidika.

"I don't think you want to force it, right? Athena's blessing won't fail twice, right?"

"At that time, the blessing given by Lord Athena was that I would not go to Tartaros Hell, so that was not a mistake."

"In other words, you know it's wrong and you have to drill in it. It's really stupid." Ares found a stone and sat down, looking like he had no intention of fighting.

"Go back, as long as I'm here, you can't move forward."

Siddija slowly clenched his fists, and before he did anything, the dragon scales on his neck stood up in an attacking posture.

[Old Lord, if you become an enemy, I will bite and kill you without hesitation! ]

"..." Ares fell silent as she watched the dragon scales on Siddija's neck, and after a long time she tilted her head, "You... who are you here?"

[...Wah ah ah ah ah ah--Miss Long is dead!It was Miss Long who was guarding the golden fleece, it was Miss Long who was killed as a sacrifice, and it was Miss Long who was skinned and cramped to make equipment!Uhhhhh-]

Siddija covered his ears, and the painful cry that came directly from his head made the corners of his eyes twitch.Just now, he felt that he was not as high as her at the level of consciousness, but it didn't take long for him to return to his original state.

"Cough, this is, this is a tactic, a tactic to break through the enemy's inner defense!" Ares tilted his head and coughed awkwardly.

Sir Ares, how can you attack the high-end operation of the enemy's psychology.

Even if she couldn't show Hermes' blessing, Siddija could see through Ares that he was lying, and of course the guy around his neck could see through, and he was crying even louder now.

"It looks like I really have to go home empty-handed." Sidika glanced at the depths of the north unwillingly, and instinctively told him that things might not be so bad in the past, but his body couldn't do it. .

"Hidika, go back. You can choose to wait quietly for the end to come, or you can fight to the death when that moment comes. This is an unavoidable war."

Ares stood up and came to Siddija, looking at the child who was much taller than her and pursed her lips.

"This time... don't dedicate victory to us."

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