Many American soldiers died without knowing why, because they were killed by bullets from heavy machine guns or general-purpose machine guns before they could see clearly what was happening in front of them.

When they finally approached a distance of [-] meters, the assault rifles also began to fire.

At the same time, the grenadiers and mortars behind also began to fire shells continuously.

Those American soldiers didn't understand what was going on, so they were killed.

"HidingbehindthetankLetthetankscoverus"【Hiding behind the tank!Let the tanks cover our charge! 】

Seeing that the situation was wrong, an American soldier looked at the tanks following him and shouted loudly.

Then the soldiers behind began to hide behind the tank and charge.

"Anti-tank guns are ready! The bazooka is ready, enter a hundred meters, and the bazooka fires rockets!"

When the major battalion commander saw the US tanks rushing up to cover the US soldiers, and the distance was within [-] meters, he immediately shouted.

Needless to say, the bazooka, the principle of this kind of thing is not difficult, and it is easy to manufacture, so after the upgrade of the information base, Han Ling has equipped troops on a large scale.

However, the range is the same as that on the earth. The range of the current bazooka is about [-] meters!

The anti-tank guns of the Han army are [-]mm anti-tank guns.

Following the words of the major battalion commander, all the anti-tank guns were pushed out.


With the sound of a cannon, a US military M3 Grant tank suddenly became a pile of scrap iron and did not move.

Because of the early outbreak of World War II, the U.S. military's weapons and equipment also began to be updated in advance.

According to the wheel of history, the U.S. military in this period should be equipped with M2 light tanks, but now it is equipped with M3 medium tanks.

As for the M4, it is still in the minds of US military tank design researchers. As for when it will come out, I don't know.

"The firepower of the Han army exceeded my expectations! I didn't expect their firepower to be so powerful! Order the troops to stop attacking immediately! In addition, order our air force to take off immediately to intercept the Han army's Black Hawk fighter planes and cover the retreat of the ground troops!"

Brad came to put down the binoculars and said something to the staff behind him, then turned around and walked away, and Meng Ge Mali shrugged helplessly and left!

Chapter 621: Cannon fodder

On the night of October [-], [-], Ismailia, inside the underground headquarters of the Citi Army

Fighting for most of the day today, the entire army retreated in the afternoon, and then it was revised, rescued the wounded, counted casualties, etc., until [-] o'clock in the evening, the most accurate casualty data came out!

"Today we killed [-] people, and a total of [-] people were lightly or severely wounded. In addition, our army lost [-] tanks and [-] artillery pieces of various types. Three eleven trucks"

A Citi Army staff officer was reading slowly in front of Bradley, while he was sitting in his seat listening quietly, took out a cigarette and lit it slowly, took a deep breath and exhaled A smoke ring.

Montgomery next to him frowned when he heard the number of casualties.

To be honest, for a front army with [-] million coalition troops, more than [-] casualties are really not worth mentioning, it is completely a drop in the bucket.

But the problem is, this is just one of their charges!

wrong!This is their half charge, not even a charge is completed, just half a charge.

Under the power of the Han army's heavy machine guns, general-purpose machine guns, assault rifles, mortars, and grenade grenades, they charged more than [-] people in half a charge!Is this casualty a bit heavy?

How long did it take to attack?Is there two hours?

In less than two hours, there were more than [-] casualties. Even anyone who heard the casualties would feel toothache.

"Okay! I see, you go out!"

Bradley waved his hand wearily. He didn't expect so many casualties in just half a charge.

A front about [-] meters long can swallow more than [-] of them in less than two hours.

"General Bradley! It seems that our situation is not very good! The firepower of the Han army is unexpectedly fierce. Today is only half a charge, less than two hours. We have more than [-] casualties. It's really not an easy task to eat them!"

"Strong firepower? It is indeed very strong. Their firepower is many times stronger than ours! I thought about it just now. After our troops charged within a distance of [-] meters, they suffered the most casualties. Almost half of the casualties were It was produced within a distance of [-] meters. I have to say that their rifles are indeed very powerful. A weapon like that can be used as a light machine gun!"

"En! The firepower is powerful, but the ammunition consumption is also great!"

Montgomery shrugged, and said with a smile in his eyes.

Of course Bradley knew what he meant, didn't he just want to consume the ammunition of the Han army?But the question is, how many people will be used to consume the ammunition of the Han army?And is it really possible to consume their ammunition?

"Mr. Viscount Montgomery, I know what you want to say. Do you want to use human life to consume their ammunition? First of all, let's not say how many soldiers' lives will be killed or injured. Even if we use this method, we can really consume them. Their ammunition? Did you know that the Han army's logistical supplies were mainly transported by airships!

As far as I know, there are a large number of airship logistics supplies in the Han Empire. The reason why the Han Empire can fight on all sides is because their logistics supplies are transported by airships.

Back then, the armored troops of the Han Empire were able to run so fast without worrying that the logistics supply line would be cut off by those Slavs because their logistics supply was transported by airships, and it was impossible for the Slavs without air supremacy to cut it off They are logistical.

Now it's the same, if they use dropships to deliver ammunition supplies, maybe we can try, but they use airships.The speed of this thing is too fast, and it's still in a straight line, we can't consume their ammunition supply at all! "

Bradley had a wry smile on his face. He knew that Montgomery had never faced the Han army, and their main enemy before was Mustache, so he didn't have so much time to study the Han Empire.

But since the war started, no!Since before the start of the war, Lao Luo has regarded the Han Empire as an imaginary enemy. Since then, Mi Jian has begun to study the Han Empire in depth.

They discovered that all the logistics and supply transportation of the Han Empire was carried by airships. What is even more amazing is that so far, there has been no accident of an airship explosion in the Han Empire.

Since the Han Empire raised troops from their emperor Han Ling, airship transportation has always been with them.

Whether it was a war or a war to unify the country, the logistics transportation of the Han Empire mainly relied on airships, which is why they dared to use a large amount of ammunition in every battle.

Just like today's artillery confrontation, most countries dare not confront each other like this.

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