You know, they are all fighting thousands of miles away, and ammunition supplies have to travel nearly [-] miles to arrive.

But the Han Empire dared to fight. Today, the artillery units of the Han army are fighting more solidly than Mi Jian's artillery units.

Although the Citi Army has concentrated more than [-] artillery pieces of various types today, this is the reason why it has been storing ammunition for so long.

But if the Citi Army continues to use artillery fire in this way, it is estimated that their artillery resources will become very tense in a short time.

"No, no, no! General Bradley, you didn't understand what I meant. I didn't intend to use the lives of our coalition soldiers to consume the ammunition of the Han army. You know, there are quite a few locals here!

I believe that we only need to gather some people to the front line and let them be cannon fodder in the front, without their fighting power!

And as they advance, we can attack slowly from the wings. "

war!This is a place where there are no old and children, no women old and weak, no men and women.

Do whatever it takes to win!

As long as you can win, as long as you are the winner, the history books will be written by you.

Bald eagles have never been good birds, including those famous players.

"Mr. Viscount Montgomery, if I do this, I believe I will soon receive a subpoena from a military court in China. Our congressmen will never allow us to do such a thing outside!"

Bradley shook his head like a rattle.To be honest, they also want to do this kind of thing.

The problem is that there is still a member of parliament in their country, and there are military courts.

If those congressmen knew that he was fighting in this way, those people might let him understand the role of Congress!

Chapter 622 : Forward or retreat?

"Okay! It seems that we can only use other methods!"

Montgomery shrugged, with a look of helplessness on his face.If it were him, he would have already done so.Isn't it just sacrificing some indigenous cannon fodder!

What are you afraid of, the local aborigines have always had no status in their country, and they don't care about this in their country, as long as they can win the war.

"It's not a question of whether we use other methods! Our attack today is a tentative attack. The main purpose is to survey the actual combat effectiveness of the Han army. In the past, we only knew that the Han army's combat effectiveness was strong, but we didn't know what their combat effectiveness was. place!"

Bradley paused when he said this, and then continued: "After today's test, we can only roughly estimate a result! But now a question arises in front of us. Are we going to attack or not? Back off!

If it is an offensive, can we defeat the two million Han troops in front of us? If we retreat, then our goal of opening up the second battlefield will be declared a failure and bankrupt! "

When Bradley asked this question, Montgomery frowned.

The firepower of the Han army was unexpectedly strong, but they had no advantage in the air force.

"I think there should be water in it! Since the Han army is so powerful, and they have two million troops, far more people than us, why don't they attack? Instead, they are defending?"

Montgomery asked suddenly after thinking for a while.

"I don't know either. Maybe only the commander of the Han army knows about this issue!"

kindness!When Bradley and the others were wondering why Hao Mengling didn't attack and had to defend with an army of two million, Hao Mengling was planning to attack.

"Today, the Citi Army dispatched [-] troops to attack our Ismailia defense line. However, our army has strong firepower and advanced weapons and equipment, so they only rushed to a distance of about [-] meters in front of our position. After that, they had to retreat. Now they haven't launched an attack all afternoon!"

A staff officer stood behind Hao Mengling, looking at a document in his hand and reading.

"Three hundred and fifty meters? How many artillery pieces have been concentrated by the Citi Army today? Is there any detailed data? How many planes have they dispatched?"

Hao Mengling frowned.

"We don't know the exact number yet, but according to the telegrams sent by the frontline troops, they have concentrated at least [-] artillery pieces of various types! Their air force dispatched about [-] pieces!"

"Two thousand? Three hundred?"

"No! This is a tentative attack by the Citi Army!"

Hao Mengling immediately came to his senses. According to the information sent to him by the military department, the [-] million troops of the Yingmi coalition in North Africa this time have a total of more than [-] artillery pieces of various types, including mortars of course. These artillery pieces.

But apart from mortars and artillery, the Citi Army has at least [-] other artillery pieces.

But this time they only concentrated more than [-] cannons. Even if there is a gap, it cannot be a few thousand!

Frontline troops are not fools!

And their planes only dispatched [-]!

You know, there are [-] Army Air Forces sent by the Citigroup to North Africa, in addition to the aircraft on their aircraft carrier and the Bald Eagle Navy aircraft carrier.

There were a total of about [-] fighter jets, but only [-] were dispatched. This was obviously a temptation.

"Hehe! Interesting! It seems that Bradley is quite cautious, and he still wants to make a tentative attack!"

The corner of Hao Mengling's mouth curled up. Although such an enemy is more difficult to deal with, even harder to fight, it's more interesting this way, isn't it?

"Adjutant, when will the armored troops from Central Asia arrive?"

Hao Mengling asked without turning her head.


good!After Yang Qing and Wang Chenggang took Central Asia, there were more than [-] armored troops of the Han Empire in Central Asia.

And Han Ling asked Hao Mengling to end the fighting in the Middle East as soon as possible, which naturally required him to be equipped with enough strength.

Among them, the assault of armored forces is very necessary, so Han Ling dispatched more than [-] tanks from Central Asia to the Middle East from the southwest.

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