"According to their telegram, it will arrive at us on the [-]th!"

The adjutant glanced at the telegram in his hand and said.

"The [-]th? This is only the [-]th! What a long wait! Have all the trucks from China arrived?"

Hao Mengling asked another question again.

"Not yet, it is said that the transport ship is on the way! All will arrive on the [-]th!"

The trucks shipped from the mainland of the empire were used by Hao Mengling to transport logistical supplies over short distances.In fact, it is most accurate to say that this is used to transport the logistical supplies of the armored forces.

The logistics supplies transported by the airship from the empire will be unloaded at a certain place, and then quickly go back to carry the supplies again.

"No. [-]! No. [-]! Let the armored troops rest for a few days. By the way, has the empire brought all the equipment for fighting in the desert?"

"It's all here! Make sure that the soldiers of the armored forces can quickly use these desert equipment when they arrive!"

Desert warfare is different from other warfare.

First of all, the desert has a huge temperature difference between day and night, which can turn you into a dog at noon and freeze you into a dog at night.

When fighting in the desert, the combat uniforms of the troops will be changed.

Whether it was fighting domestically or in Siberia before, if it was summer, it was enough to wear summer combat uniforms.

If it is winter, winter combat uniforms will do.

But not in the desert, the desert combat uniform is a special combat clothing.

In the past, before the Han Empire entered the desert, it had already designed combat uniforms for many troops fighting in the desert.

The first is winter and summer combat uniforms.

This kind of combat uniform is a kind of changeable combat uniform, which can be changed into short sleeves or long sleeves.

During the day, you can change to short sleeves, but there will be a layer of tulle on these positions on the arms, which is to prevent the skin from being sunburned.

At night, it can be changed to long sleeves.

And it is worth mentioning that pants, whether it is day or night, are trousers.And the military boots are specially designed desert boots.

Because in the desert, not only the scorching sun will burn your skin, but also the grains of sand may burn you at noon.

So military boots, these are special military boots.

Since Hao Mengling's troops had come to the Middle East a long time ago, they had already been equipped with these equipments.But the Armored Forces are not!He just came, so he needs to change into these equipments.

Chapter 623 : Is it an offense or a counterattack?

"En! Just prepare these things! Let's wait slowly! Let's see if the Citi Army dares to attack. If not, we are the only ones to attack!"

Hao Mengling looked at the huge map with a hint of worry in her eyes.

He understood what Han Ling meant, he wanted to eat up the [-] million Yingmi allied forces, otherwise he wouldn't have sent him [-] armored troops.Moreover, the air force has also increased from [-] Black Hawk fighters to [-].

The purpose is to let him eat the [-] million coalition troops of Yingmi.Otherwise, it would be impossible to give him such a powerful force.

Why did he arrange it like this before?

Form the troops faintly into an encirclement shape, and give up going to other places in Ismailia?

I just want to let the Citi Army come in, but this Bradley is very smart!

Hao Mengling had never fought against him before, and underestimated this opponent. Unexpectedly, Bradley did not rush to attack, but instead sent an army to conduct a tentative attack.But that's okay too.In fact, no matter whether it is Hao Mengling's attack or Bradley's attack, Hao Mengling thinks it is okay, because he only needs one result, and that is to eat the [-] million Yingmi coalition army.

It's just that if the Yingmi coalition army doesn't enter his full set, it will be difficult for him to eat all the [-] million coalition troops.

It is really difficult for two million troops to encircle [-] million troops.In fact, it can't be said to be difficult!

The difficult part is to eat all the ones left after the siege.

The elite are like the will army, and after surrounding the Soviet army, they didn't eat all of them. It depends on the Soviet general Rossokowski and Marshal Budyonny, didn't they also run out?

Time is passing slowly, Han Ling is also preparing, what is he preparing for?

Of course, when he was preparing to eat Lao Maozi in one bite, the will of the little bearded man was about to hit the capital of the big bearded man.

And these other battles in Linda Grad are about to happen.

This is the time when the Will Army begins to consume power, and he must obtain accurate data on the power consumption of the Will Army, only in this way can he grasp this speed well.

In addition, Shen Chengzhang's Australian fleet is now constantly conquering the islands west of Hawaii.

Shen Chengzhang is conquering these places, while Mi Jian is constantly sending fleet support.

During this period, there were several battles between the Australian fleet of the Han Empire and Mi Jian's sea fleet, and Mi Jian's carrier-based aircraft suffered heavy losses.

But in the end, Mi Jian slipped away when he saw that the situation was wrong, and the Australian fleet did not pursue it, because it was Shen Chengzhang's order.

Shen Chengzhang was not in a hurry to pursue them, nor was he afraid that they would run away.

You run slowly!Anyway, he is not afraid.Now swallow these islands one by one, and come to clean you up at the end.

When the time comes when he encircles the Hawaiian Islands, let's see where your Citi Army fleet can go.He didn't believe that these Citi troops would give up the Hawaiian Islands so easily and hand over Hawaii to him.

If this is the case, Shen Chengzhang would be happy, let it go!I just wanted a strategic location in this sea area!

So Shen Chengzhang is not in a hurry, you guys run!

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