They flew over Ismailia in a huge air formation towards Cairo.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, when Sun Fumin's armored group was still on the road and was about to reach Cairo, they were about to reach the sky above Cairo.

"I am Lieutenant General Gao Zhihang, the supreme air force commander for this operation! Please pay attention to the bombers, we are about to reach the sky above Cairo, please lower the altitude and prepare to drop bombs! The target is all military measures of the coalition forces.

All the Black Hawk fighters are ready to intercept the Citi Air Force, destroy them severely, and avenge the brothers who died a few days ago! "

"Intercontinental bombing squad received!"

"Dive 051 brigade received!"

"Dive 050 brigade received!"

"Dive 049 brigade received!"

"Dive 048 brigade received!"

"Dive 044 brigade received!"

A few minutes later, both the intercontinental bomber and the dive bomber had lowered their altitude and appeared over Cairo.

At this time, Bradley and Montgomery were looking at the map.

Just now they have received news from the forward observation post that a large armored fleet is heading towards Cairo.

"General Bradley, this must be the armored group of the Han army! We want to fight these big steel guys in the desert and in the wild. It is really wishful thinking. I think we can only rely on the city of Cairo." It is possible to block the attack of the armored group of the Han army!"

Montgomery sat aside and lit a cigarette and said.

"I know! But it's only possible! It is said that the Han army sent an armored group with more than [-] vehicles this time. It is really a huge armored group!

In addition to being able to hold them back in the city, in the wild and in the desert, our team, which lacks armor and anti-tank forces, is no match for them at all! "

Bradley is also very aware of these things, fighting against the armored groups of the Han army in the wild and in the desert, unless his brain is showing off.

"Now it's up to us to see if our defenses can withstand their attack! A few days ago we won and ordered the team to build fortifications!"

Montgomery shrugged and said casually.



Just when Montgomery's voice had just fallen, there was a heavy engine roar from the sky outside.

Bradley and Montgomery ran to the window after being stunned for a moment.

Seeing the bombers appearing in the sky, the two couldn't help swallowing.

Among them, the size of the intercontinental bomber is especially huge.

In front of him, the heavy bomber looked like a child standing in front of a tall man about [-] meters tall.

But there are no heavy bombers here, only dive bombers for comparison.

What kind of contrast?

A dive bomber in front of an intercontinental bomber is like a newborn child in front of adults.

"I bought it! What kind of bomber is this?"

Montgomery opened his mouth in surprise when he saw the more than one hundred bombers in the sky that seemed to cover the sky.

"Our intelligence personnel in Asia once sent back a message saying that there is a super-large bomber in the Han Empire, which is several times the heavy bomber of the Han Empire. At that time, we didn't believe it. Now it seems that the telegram is true. , the Han Empire does have super-large bombers, and it is this kind of bombers that we are talking about."


While Bradley is talking here, the pilots of those bombers are dropping bombs!


One after another aerial bombs fell to the ground with a whistling sound, and then continued to drop bombs amidst explosions.

"Quick! Conceal! Conceal! In addition, order the air force to take off immediately to intercept the enemy plane!"

While speaking, Bradley asked the staff to convey the order.

Bradley's order came too late, and before his order had been sent to the various teams, the dive bombers also began to attack.

Two squadrons of fifty dive bombers flew towards the largest bridge over the Nile.

They didn't go to blow up bridges, they went to protect bridges.

They're going to take out the coalition forces at both ends of the bridge.

Because this bridge is the key to the rear armored team crossing the Nile.

Once they are blown up by the coalition forces, they can only stop here before the pontoon bridge team builds a bridge enough to allow large-scale armored groups to pass through.

At that time, it will be a battle to cross the river, so they first kill the Citi Army soldiers at both ends of the bridge to prevent the bridge from being blown up.

In the sound of explosions, the coalition forces at both ends of the bridge ran away. They didn't want to blow up the bridge, or they didn't receive such an order at all.

As all the bombers began to drop bombs, the whole of Cairo was plunged into the sound of explosions.

Two intercontinental bombing brigades carried [-] tons of bombs, and six dive bomber brigades carried [-] tons of bombs. A total of [-] tons of bombs began to be tilted in Cairo, the historic city.

Although the target of the bombers is the military target of the coalition forces, how likely is the chance of accidental injury?

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