Moreover, intercontinental bombers cannot drop bombs as accurately as dive bombers. They can only drop bombs roughly, so the consequences are serious.

Many people in Cairo died in this accidental war.

For such a situation, both Hao Mengling and Sun Fumin knew that there was no way to do it.

Although it is said that war does not harm civilians, how can this kind of thing be avoided?

Is it because of the aliens that you let your brother take his life to do it?

This is obviously impossible, so Hao Mengling can only say sorry to them at most.

Some things are not something they can decide.

Your Majesty wants to decide on the war as soon as possible, this is the quickest way.

The bombing continued, and a large number of coalition forces in Cairo died, while the air force taking off from the airport was quickly intercepted by Black Hawk fighter planes.

The two sides engaged in an air battle in the sky, and the results speak for themselves.

The air force had just taken off, and before they could react to what was going on, they were attacked by the Black Hawk fighter jets that sprang out from the clouds.

Chapter 635: Desert Tiger [[-]]

Those bombers in the sky bombed there as if no one was there, and seemed to have no sense of the air battle happening next to them.

In fact, it can't be said that they don't feel it, but their confidence in their own Black Hawk fighters.They believe that the Black Hawk fighter will not let any enemy plane approach them and others.

In fact, this is indeed the case, no Air Eagle Mi Army can get close to the bomber.

When a large group of dive bombers attacked several airports in and outside Cairo, the remaining planes deployed by Yingmi in Cairo were completely scrapped before they could take off.

Bradley and Montgomery hid in a basement, listening to the continuous explosions above, their eyes showed a look of confusion, the bombing was so powerful that even they old soldiers felt air force.

Thinking of those huge planes just now, a flash of fear flashed in the hearts of Bradley and Montgomery.

Up to now, they don't know what happened to the army inside the city and the army outside the city, and they don't even know whether the army is well concealed.

Because now they can't contact a single team, as if their command has become a blind and deaf man.

As for those air defense teams, they are the first target of the dive bombers, and the dive bombers will kill them first.

The bombing will always pass. When Sun Fumin's armored group rushed outside Cairo, Cairo was already in ruins.

There are bombed buildings everywhere, people killed by the bombing.

There are the Yingmi coalition forces and the people of Cairo.Looking at those Cairo people who fell on the ground, Sun Fumin showed no expression in his eyes.

He was originally an iron-blooded warrior in history, how could he have any compassion for these foreigners who died in the war.

Only Yu Hanmou who was beside him looked at these corpses, with a flash of unbearable in his eyes.After all, some experiences of Yu Hanmou made him a Confucian general.

It was precisely because of these reasons that a look of unbearableness flashed in his eyes.

"Everyone attack immediately! Anyone who does not surrender will attack the team, and anyone who is hostile to us will be killed without mercy!"

After Sun Fumin gave an order, he turned around and got on the armored vehicle.

But Yu Hanmou's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything in the end.He knew that even if he said it, Sun Fumin would not listen to him.

The point is, even if this kind of thing gets to the imperial court, His Majesty will not punish Sun Fumin, on the contrary, there is a high possibility that he will praise Sun Fumin.Don't forget that Han Ling himself is an iron-blooded emperor.Except for the people of the Han Empire, when did he care about other people's lives?As long as he can win the war, even if Sun Fumin kills all the others, Han Ling will not frown.

The Han army has entered the city, and the streets on both sides have been bombed into ruins.Cairo is an ancient city. Their buildings are not as strong as other cities. Because of their age, these buildings are extremely fragile, plus buildings made of wood and some other plants.

This caused fires to ignite in many places throughout Cairo after a bombing!

These are irrelevant things to the soldiers of the Han army. What they care about is the soldiers of the Yingmi coalition army.

Along the way, many Yingmi coalition soldiers were killed, but many Yingmi coalition soldiers survived.

It's just that for them, the nightmare will never end so soon.

The bombing had just ended when the Han army arrived.

Facing the tanks in front of them, these unarmored soldiers of the Yingmi coalition army did not rush up to blow up the tanks like the little devils, nor did they have the courage of the little devils to kill the Han soldiers, so they surrendered .

Sun Fumin divided the team into several groups.Enter Cairo from multiple directions, then turn around at the Nile Bridge, and cross the bridge together to occupy the other half of Cairo.

Along the way, few Yingmi coalition soldiers who encountered the Han army would rise up and resist, and most of them surrendered.

Although many people survived the bombing just now, their weapons and equipment were lost.

Unarmed, they naturally would not fight recklessly with Han soldiers.

While Sun Fumin's team was advancing all the way in Cairo, Bradley and the others were sending power to various ministries, and then they were investigating the situation in the city.

Bradley knew that behind such a big bombardment was the attack of the army.And he had already received news before that the armored group of the Han army had appeared in the direction of Marj.

This time the bombing took so long, and according to their speed, they might have almost reached the outside of Cairo.

So he urgently needs to know everything in the city.

When the last information was compiled, Bradley was stunned.

The first is the loss of the Air Force. Bradley has more than [-] aircraft in his hands. Among the more than [-] aircraft, there are more than [-] aircraft in total, including the aircraft left over from the previous air battle and the carrier-based aircraft transferred from the aircraft carrier.

Four hundred were placed in Cairo!A total of four hundred fighters.

When the bombers of the Han army just bombed Cairo, about [-] or so planes took off successfully.

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