Although the loss was not small, there were still [-] teams.

It is still a force to bring these teams to Fayoum to rectify them.

It's just that sometimes God is just kidding him.

On the morning of the [-]nd, Bradley was still leading the team to retreat towards Fayoum.

Now the rest of Bradley's team had received his orders and was gathering in the direction of Fayoum.

Just as Bradley was sitting in the car and slowly leading the infantry forward on the road, there was a slight vibration on the ground.

Chapter 638: Desert Tiger [V]

"How is this going?"

Sitting in the car, Bradley, who was looking at the front aimlessly, suddenly felt a vibration on the ground. At first he thought the vibration was from the car body, but later he felt that it was definitely not from the car body, and this The stock vibration is getting bigger and bigger.

The commander next to him shook his head, he didn't know what was going on.

"Stop! Stop everyone!"

After Bradley finished speaking, he got out of the car as soon as it stopped.

"Go! See what's going on here. What's with this jolt?"

Bradley didn't need to send someone to investigate, because just as his voice fell, a jeep accelerated and chased after him.

"General! Something is wrong! The Han army is catching up!"

A captain got off the jeep, and the captain started yelling before he reached Bradley.

"What are you panicking about? Tell me quickly, how did the Han army catch up?"

The moment he heard that the Han army was catching up, Bradley also panicked.

Now they are on the plains, and now most of them are marching on foot, and most of the heavy weapons have been lost, and the team's logistics supplies are not much.

The organization of the team is in disarray, the organization is incomplete, and morale is low.How can such a team resist the attack of the Han army?

Especially if the Han army can catch up so quickly, it must be the armored team that catches up.How did they fight against the armored troops of the Han army?

But thinking that he is the commander of the first army, he can only force himself to calm down.

"General! Our follow-up team saw a large cloud of smoke and dust ten kilometers behind us. The big heads seemed to be armored clusters of the Han army. There was a blood-red Chinese character in front of them."

The captain spoke quickly about the situation, and Bradley frowned when he heard that.

A large cloud of smoke and a stick of blood-colored Chinese characters have revealed the identity of the visitor.

In today's world, only the military flag of the Han Empire will use a blood-red Chinese character as the military flag, which is also a symbol of the Han Empire.

"You go down first!"

After Bradley waved him away, he quickly took out the map and began to look at it.

Montgomery, who was in another car in the distance, trotted over.

"General Bradley! What's going on?"

"Viscount Montgomery, you came just in time. We just heard news from our follow-up team that a large-scale armored group of the Han army appeared ten kilometers behind us, and they have already caught up. Now we are surrounded by a group of It is located in an open plain, and in such an environment, it is impossible to fight the Han army!"

While talking, Bradley kept denying the various plans in his heart.

"What? The Han army is catching up? Ten kilometers? Doesn't that mean they will arrive here in about ten minutes?"

Montgomery was startled, and the pursuit of the Han army was completely beyond his expectations. This was completely unexpected.

"That's right! Now we can only go east! About five kilometers to the east of us is the Nile River. We leave a part of the army here to snipe the enemy, and the rest of the people go all out to the Nile River. As long as we cross the Nile River, the opposite is Helewan, when we cross the bridge and blow up the bridge, the Han army will not be able to catch up!"

Bradley said to Montgomery while looking at the map.

"En! This is the only way for now, otherwise we would not be able to fight the armored groups of the Han army on such a plain!"

Montgomery nodded.

"Okay! Order! Pass my order, and the whole army will quickly turn around and move eastward! The [-]nd Army will stay behind to defend against the pursuit of the Han army!"

The Thirty-Second Army is the only relatively complete one under Bradley's current organization.

Of course, this is only a relative term. In fact, this group army only has more than [-] people, and there are not many heavy weapons.

Bradley began to retreat to the east, and the armored group led by Sun Fumin arrived just a few minutes after they walked.

The commander of Citi's [-]nd Army Group felt the vibration on the ground, and his heart trembled when he saw the armored cluster appearing seven or eight hundred meters in front of him.

"Damn it! You actually asked me to stay and die!"

After the commander of the group army cursed severely, he ordered the team to prepare for battle.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Bradley's plan to leave him as a substitute for the dead ghost, he also knew that this was related to the life and death of the remaining [-] troops.

It is only five kilometers away from the Nile River.

The whole army ran quickly, five kilometers, and they could arrive soon.

Every minute he delays here, there will be more people crossing the Nile.

"Hmph! These Citigroups are really thinking! According to our information, they should have more than [-] people, but there are only tens of thousands of people here. It seems that their large team has already run away! The whole army is attacking! Go all out and break through Citi's line of defense!"

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