Sun Fumin used the binoculars on the roof of the car to look at the front that the [-]nd Army had formed temporarily relying on the terrain, with a sneer on his face.

More than [-] tanks and [-] army armored vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles started moving again.

The rumbling sound seemed to shatter everything. These tanks fired while advancing.

Shooting on the move is a high-tech job that only veteran tankers can do.

However, many of these tankers are clones. In addition, they have experienced the Siberian battlefield, mixed a few battles in Central Asia, and then traveled thousands of kilometers to the Middle East, and now they have rushed to North Africa.

Even a rookie tanker has become a veteran now, and it is naturally not difficult for them to fire on the move.

A distance of seven or eight hundred meters, a defense line of [-] people.

How can we stop the impact of more than [-] tanks?

The [-]nd Army was like a child in front of the armored group of the Han Army, and was broken through with even a little resistance.

The armored vehicle behind stopped, and a Han army soldier got out of it and shot at those Citi soldiers who had not put down their weapons.

All this happened so fast that the Citi soldiers hadn't even reacted to the onslaught of more than [-] tanks.

When they reflected, many soldiers had already been killed.

Only at this time did they hastily put down their weapons, expressing their surrender.

But Sun Fumin didn't care about the more than [-] Citigroups here. The Citigroup soldiers didn't arouse his interest. His interest was to kill the Citigroup and the bald eagle commander.They are much more valuable than the more than [-] eagle rice coalition forces!

Chapter 639: Desert Tiger [[-]]

With a distance of five kilometers, for the armored cluster, the effort of a bag of cigarettes is not enough.

A few minutes, almost ten minutes later, Sun Fumin's armored group appeared beside the Nile River.

At this time, Citi soldiers were constantly crossing the river, and these Citi soldiers scrambled towards the bridge.

"Attention all tanks, start to charge the Citi crowd with all your strength! But remember, don't go on the bridge. Our Tianyun-class tank weighs [-] tons, and the bridge here cannot bear the weight of our tank!"

Sun Fumin stood up, looked at the bridge with binoculars, and couldn't help getting into the car and talking to the tanks by radio.

There is no way to do this. The Tianyun-class tank is a heavy tank, weighing [-] tons.

For this weight in the current world, the bridge that can bear his weight is the bridge of Mijian and Yu.Of course, the bridges in the Han Empire will not be mentioned.

Because the bridges in the Han Empire were built with these in mind.For example, the Jingnan Yangtze River Bridge bears [-] tons. This is a trivial matter, and there is no pressure at all!

But the bridge over the Helwan on the Nile cannot afford it.

The Cairo Bridge is okay, it was built by the country that once ruled these places.They will have troop carriers a lot of the time, or vehicles that carry heavy equipment through.

So that bridge can bear the weight of the Tianyun tank.But it’s not good here, Helewan, it’s just a small town at this time, and the bridge is just for people and trucks to pass through.

A sixty-ton tank can't get through at all.

Although you can't cross the bridge, how many Citigroups have crossed the bridge now?

They had only arrived here for a few minutes, and they still ran all the way here.

There are more than [-] teams, and if they want to cross the bridge, they will not be able to cross the bridge in a short time.

Originally, according to Bradley's idea, where the [-]nd Army would resist for a while, let alone.

It only takes half an hour, and their Citi can pass a lot.

Because Bradley had just ordered the team to discard all unnecessary baggage and heavy equipment.

It can be said that it is another Dunkirk retreat!

For retreat, discard all heavy equipment and unnecessary baggage.

This is also the reason why Bradley's team arrived here so quickly and began to cross the bridge quickly, and it is also the reason why Bradley is confident that he will pass many people in half an hour.

It's just that he still underestimated the power of the armored group of the Han army. Sun Fumin didn't waste much time where he was, and rushed over immediately after breaking through the defense line of the [-]nd Citi Army.

Sun Fumin who arrived immediately led his team to charge those Citigroups.

At the end, Citi saw more than [-] tanks and countless armored vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles rushing towards him. The fear from the bottom of his heart was enough to make many Citi soldiers collapse.

Their morale is already low now, and now they see this large-scale armored group attacking themselves, can they not be afraid in their hearts?

Once a person has fear in his heart, he will do some incredible things.

For example, like a person holding a grenade and rushing towards the armored group, or raising the weapon in his hand high, waiting for the Han army to come, and then walking into the prisoner-of-war camp.

Of course, there are even more people who keep pushing forward desperately, wanting to cross the river.

All kinds of situations were staged here all at once, one after another tank shells flew into the crowd of Citi soldiers continuously, causing screams besides pieces of flesh and blood.

The shrill screams in this chaotic scene can make the Citi soldiers even more flustered.

Many Citi soldiers couldn't resist jumping directly into the Nile, hoping to swim across the river.

The sound of tank guns, the sound of light and heavy machine guns on tanks, the sound of light and heavy machine guns equipped on armored vehicles, and the sound of rapid-fire guns and light and heavy machine guns on infantry fighting vehicles.

All kinds of sounds resounded here, and at the same time, countless bullets and shells continued to fly into the crowd of Citigroup.

When the first tanks burst into the crowd and began to crush Citigroup, many broke down.

The armored vehicle began to stop, and countless Han soldiers descended from it, armed with AK47 assault rifles.

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