The muzzle of the gun continued to swallow, sending bullets into the bodies of Citi soldiers.

Citi has surrendered!They didn't have the courage of little devils to see death as home, let alone the idea of ​​pulling a back even if they died.

At this time when there is no hope of victory and their own weapons and ammunition are seriously lacking, they have no choice but to survive.

The Citi soldiers behind began to raise their weapons, and the Han soldiers asked them to stand on both sides so as not to block their way forward.

And the Citi soldiers next to the bridge are still crowded, they hope to get on the bridge and cross the bridge.

And the Citi soldiers on the bridge are crossing the river like crazy.

Bradley and Montgomery, who had already crossed the bridge before, couldn't help crying as they watched their soldiers on the other side being killed like pigs by the Han soldiers.


This is a defeat he has never suffered!

The defeat of this battle was so complete.

Now there are more than [-] teams, and no more than [-] people cross the bridge.

More than [-] soldiers were killed by Han soldiers on the other side of the river.

"General Bradley! Trust me! We will win!"

Montgomery stood beside Bradley, and there was also a touch of unwillingness and sadness in his eyes.

One hundred thousand bald eagles, so far, he has less than two thousand left.Of the remaining bald eagles, fifty thousand were lost east of the Nile at Cairo.

Later, when they withdrew from Cairo, they lost another [-] yuan!

Now the last [-], except for the [-] who are by my side, the other [-] people are all on the other side of the river!

"Victory? What a distant word! I brought them out, but failed to bring them back!"

Bradley, the Mianjian veteran, did not cry when Ismailia lost, and there was no sadness on his face.

When he withdrew from Cairo, he was not sad, nor did he shed a tear for the loss of more than [-] people. When he heard that the Han army was chasing him just now, he also held back all his emotions.

But at this moment, he couldn't help crying.

The young man of more than [-] Mijian was defeated by the Han army on the shore like this!

Chapter 640: Change

Bradley escaped in the end. After all, he had already crossed the shore, and Tianyun tanks could not pass on this kind of bridge.Even armored vehicles or infantry fighting vehicles can pass through.

But the question is, can you guarantee that Citigroup won't blow up the bridge?It will be embarrassing then.

Bradley left, taking with him the last [-] people who crossed the river.

In the end, of the more than [-] people here, only more than [-] were taken away by Bradley. The remaining Citi soldiers were either captured or killed, but most of them were captured.

Almost [-] captives, this should be a big victory, but Sun Fumin is not satisfied, because his target is Bradley and Montgomery, if they are not caught, it means The operation failed.

"General! What should we do? Continue to pursue?"

Sun Fumin's adjutant next to him looked at Sun Fumin and asked.

"Pursuit? No! Don't pursue for now! Let's ask Yu Hanmou to send some reinforcements. We got the information that Citi will gather in Fayoum. After Citi lost the [-] troops, they still have one hundred and twenty An army of about [-].

Now we have too few troops, even if we can defeat them in the fastest time, our troops are not enough to eat them.If I have an army of [-] in my hands, I will definitely pursue it now! "

Sun Fumin said somewhat unwillingly.If he really had [-] troops in his hands, he would definitely catch up and eat up these Citigroups in the Fayoum area one by one.

Now because of insufficient troops, we can only watch them regroup.

"Then what do we do now?"

The adjutant next to him asked.

"Wait on the spot! In addition, send power to General Hao Mengling and request air force support and army support. We need more troops!"


After Bradley escaped, he sent a telegram to the country again, to be precise, it was a telegram for help!

For this loss, he had to report it, and he had to report it.

Mijian, the capital.

When North Africa was still in the morning, it was evening in Mijian at this time.

Lao Luo was sitting in his wheelchair, with his right hand on a telegram, which was a telegram from Bradley.

There was no one around, or the person he summoned hadn't come yet.

"Sir, it's so late, what do you want me to do?"

After a while there were footsteps and Eisenhower's voice.

"You're here! I'm afraid you won't be able to go to the sea battlefield. I've decided to hand over the sea battlefield to General Mike Ashi!"


Eisen asked very puzzled.

"Because there is a place that needs you more!"

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