And there was no force that could stop them along the way. The first three million troops were killed and those captured were captured. It can be said that the three million troops were easily eaten by the Han Empire.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that the Han Empire stopped when it hit Yekaterinburg.

At that time, Lao Luo was still surprised for a long time. At first, he thought that the Han Empire was advancing too fast at the beginning, and he was going to take a break!

Who knew that the Great Han Empire would never advance any further.

Now Lao Luo understands that the emotional Han Empire also wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

"The Han Empire is guarding against mustaches? Sir, please redeem my stupidity. Isn't the relationship between the Han Empire and it very good? They are good enough to wear a pair of pants. Now they have to equip Type 29 medium tanks and Type 28 fighters , The Wuyue-class battleships and even the radars they use are all from the Han Empire.

How could the Han Empire guard against them?If you guard against it, you probably won't be able to sell these weapons and equipment!You know, these equipments are the most advanced equipments in the world! "

"No! Stilwell, some things are not as simple as what you see! Although the Han Empire sold these equipment to the mustache, you can see that these weapons and equipment are all discarded by the Han Empire and eliminated from the army Weaponry.

The tanks currently equipped by the Han Empire are what they call Tianyun-class tanks.

As for their fighter planes, you should understand that the Black Hawk fighter plane, even our country wants to get a Black Hawk fighter plane.

As for the Wuyue-class battleship!

This battleship with a displacement of [-] to [-] tons is indeed very good. Even if we want to imitate a battleship like this now, it takes a lot of effort, but do you know that the new battleship of the Han Empire has a displacement of [-] tons? "

While Lao Luo was talking, he was smiling wryly in his heart.The things that the Han Empire sold to Mustache were all things they didn't want.Then it was sold to Mustache as if it were junk, but I and others still used this as a basis, thinking that their relationship was very good.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, if their relationship is really that good, then would Xiao Huzi ask the Han Empire to buy Black Hawk fighter jets and Tianyun-class tanks, would they sell them?

Lao Luo doesn't think it will be sold, at least he can't find a reason to sell it, unless the weapons and equipment of the Han Empire are updated again.

"Okay! I admit that what you said makes sense! But if the Han Empire really wants to sit back and watch the tigers fight, and sit back and watch the Soviet army fight to the death, then why did they support this time? You know, this This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Hearing Stilwell's question, the corners of Lao Luo's mouth twitched, and he suddenly realized that recruiting Stilwell into his think tank team was a wrong choice.

"General Stilwell! Because the Han Empire doesn't want to fall at this time, he just wants to maintain a balance in Europe, or he is looking for a balance point in Europe!"

Lao Luo said that he will not talk about it here, but he has gradually felt Han Ling's ambition and some of his thoughts in his heart.

"Okay! I won't ask!"

Stilwell smiled helplessly. He also knew that he was weak and naive in politics. He really could only be a pure soldier, not a politician.

"But Mr. President! Now we urgently need a victory to restore the morale that has been lost. Which place do you think is more appropriate?"

"Oh? Then where do you think we should restore the victory?"

Lao Luo smiled softly and asked Stilwell.

"I think in North Africa! If we can win a victory in North Africa, it will be very valuable to us! It will also have a huge impact on our morale!"

"Oh? General Stilwell, you should know that we have just suffered a big defeat. Two hundred thousand American boys and one hundred thousand British soldiers were killed and captured in Cairo."

Lao Luo Niutou looked at Stilwell with interest, wanting to know what kind of answer he would give.

"Sir! It is precisely because we have suffered an unprecedented defeat in North Africa that we need to win a victory in North Africa. I heard that General Eisen HAOWEIER has rushed to North Africa, and another fighter plane in our country is flying towards North Africa.

In this way, is the master also planning to use a victory in North Africa to restore the lost morale? "

"Okay! General Stilwell, although your answer doesn't match my question, you are right. I also hope to win a victory in North Africa to restore the lost morale!"

Lao Luo had to admit that this politically stupid guy had a terrifyingly sharp military talent, and he could get the following things through some things.

"Okay! Let me just talk about it! North Africa is tens of thousands of miles away from the United States and the Han Empire, but specifically, we still have the advantage.

We only need to cross one Atlantic Ocean to reach North Africa.And unless the Han Empire is transported by airship, if they transport it by freighter, they will need to make more twists and turns than us!

Besides, even if they used airships, they would travel farther than we do!Coupled with their huge territory, we have an advantage in fighting in North Africa! "

Chapter 650: The Elite Deploy

Regardless of whether Lao Luo wanted to test Stilwell or what, but Mijian decided to launch a larger-scale campaign in North Africa, which cannot be changed.

Unfortunately, Mian Jian wanted to launch a war in North Africa and end it with victory to restore the lost morale.

Han Ling also wants to launch a larger-scale war in North Africa to end the war in North Africa as soon as possible, and devote his energy to the sea and Siberia battlefields.

The Han Empire, the capital, the Forbidden City, Xiyuan, and the command hall of the military headquarters!

"Dear dears! I got another news today that Mi Jian has changed generals! Mi Jian Lu Sifu sent Eisenhower to North Africa and transferred Bradley to the country.

In addition, Montgomery, the commander of Eagle Geely in North Africa, was also transferred back by Eagle Geely.In any case, the war in North Africa has once again entered a tense stage.

According to the information I received, Mijian sent reinforcements to North Africa with [-] fighter planes.Including their previous carrier-based aircraft, they have a total of [-] fighters.

Ha ha!The number is really huge, and the empire is only [-] fighters in the Middle East!But since Mi Jian wants to play, let's play a big one.

Mr. Zhan Ning, after a while, you will issue an order from the Air Force in my name, and order the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth air divisions to go to the Middle East immediately. There must be no mistakes!

In addition, I ordered the Quick Response Mobile First Army, the Quick Response Mobile Second Army, and the Quick Response Mobile Third Army to set off for the Middle East immediately. I ordered them to arrive in Ismailia within a week. "

As soon as Han Ling's words came out, everyone in the military department looked at Han Ling.

Although the war has been going on for so long and the Han Empire has fought so many battles, the elite troops of the Han Empire have never been used.

Even the three quick-response mobile armies on the Siberian battlefield were not the previous ten armies, but three of the eight armies formed later.

The same goes for the Air Force, from the [-]st Air Division to the [-]th Air Force Division. These [-] Air Force Divisions and [-] fighters are the backbone of the Han Empire Air Force, the elite of the elite. But since the war has been going on for so long, Le Yiqin and Gao Zhi The three heavenly kings, Hang and Li Guidan, were all sent out, but Liu Suigang was the only one who was not sent out.

why?Because Liu Suigang led the air force with [-] fighter planes.Liu Suigang, a lunatic in history, a warrior, crazy in combat, iron and blood was valued by Han Ling, and was finally appointed as a general. He is currently the only one among the four heavenly kings who has been promoted to general of the air force. The most elite air force member of the Han Empire.

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