This time, Han Ling was obviously angry, or he wanted to destroy the Citi Army in North Africa in the shortest possible time, and wiped him out.

The Air Force dispatched the First Air Division to the Fifth Air Division, and the Army directly dispatched the first three quick-response mobile armies.

This is the starting team of the mechanized team of the Han Empire, the original team!

He is the real elite of the Han Empire, the real elite of all battles.

The former commanders of these three teams, which one is not the marshal who guards one side and commands a front army?

"Your Majesty! Is it necessary to dispatch our most elite troops? Didn't you say that these most elite troops will be used in the mainland of Mijian?"

Mr. Zhan Ning next to him said with some concern.Under normal circumstances, the elite of the Han Empire would not be used.


Is it just because they are the most elite?

You can say that, or you can say that.

The soldiers in these elite teams of the Han Empire have never said that they have retired.

Many of them have been serving in the army since they started their family with Han Ling in the [-]s.

Up to now, it has been [-], and they have been soldiers for [-].

Some were conscripted in later [-], [-], and [-].

Up to now, the shortest serving time among these elite teams has been six years.

And the youngest is twenty-six years old and almost twenty-seven!

It can be said that every soldier here has participated in the battle, and before the founding of the country, these teams were present in almost every battle.

They were the team that established the Great Han Empire. Although some teams established later claimed to be elite, in front of these teams, no team dared to call themselves elite in front of them.

You said that your team is elite, and your soldiers can shoot accurately.

Randomly pull out a guard standing guard in the house, and others can hit any target within [-] meters by raising their guns at will.

These teams with the minimum military service age of more than six years, and have participated in countless actual battles, their combat effectiveness can be said to be the highest in the Han Empire.

Moreover, they can be said to be very familiar with their cooperation, infantry-gun coordinated operations, infantry-tank coordinated operations, infantry-air coordinated operations, etc.

And if they were to fight against the same elite teams as the First Air Division and the First Dive Bombing Brigade, it could be said that even Han Ling couldn't accurately estimate how strong their combat effectiveness was.

These years of tempering did not reduce their combat effectiveness because of their age. On the contrary, the treaty is getting better and better, but their training has become more rigorous.

For other teams, if you can hit a target at a distance of [-] meters, you are already very good.

But among these teams, at a distance of [-] meters, if you go out with a single shot, if it is lower than the seventh ring, then you are unqualified.

Eight rings, you can get a Liang!

Nine rings, that is an excellent one!

Ten rings, you get a nice compliment.

That's all!

If you can't even hit the seventh ring at a distance of [-] meters, the commander won't say anything, really!I really won't say anything, but the commander will ask someone to bring a box of bullets over.

Just let you stare at this target and hit it. When you can hit the seventh ring ten times, then you are barely qualified, and then you can go to eat.

Continue to fight the next day. As for when you don't want to fight, it depends on when you can hit the nine rings ten times!

This is still a dead target, and for the dead target, everyone can pass in the end.

But the key is the moving target. At a distance of [-] meters, hitting the eighth ring is considered qualified, and you can pass!

If you miss, practice with bullets!

The most indispensable thing for these elite teams is bullets. Their bullets are in unlimited supply. If they want ammunition, their commander can directly write to Han Ling, and then take Han Ling's warrant to the logistics department to get it.

They are the only team that does not have to go through the military headquarters for logistical supplies.

It is under this kind of training that the combat effectiveness of these teams can be said to be ridiculously powerful.

Chapter 651: Arrive

Mi Jian did not receive the news that the Han Empire dispatched elite troops, and even other countries in the world did not know that the Han Empire dispatched elite troops.

The elite army has always been a very secretive army in the Han Empire. No one knows how strong their combat effectiveness is, and likewise, no one knows how their training is carried out.

Mi Jian and the others only knew that the Han Empire had sent air force and army to reinforce North Africa.

Han Ling said that he had to arrive in Ismailia within a week. In fact, this requirement was very difficult to fulfill, and it could even be said to be a fantasy.

Because the straight-line distance from Shandong and other areas of the Han Empire to Ismailia is [-] kilometers.

Arrive within seven days, that is to say, within one day, the nectar must be [-] kilometers.

Although they are mechanized troops, and they are the first mechanized troops to be established, the configuration of the troops is relatively good.

But the nectar is [-] kilometers a day, even if you drive for twelve hours a day, the speed of one hour is [-] kilometers per hour, which is only more than [-] kilometers.

If you want to drive a thousand kilometers a day, this requirement is not generally harsh.

In fact, Han Ling also knows that this requirement is harsh. If this requirement is placed in later generations, it will not be considered harsh. If you take the expressway, you will cover more than [-] kilometers in one hour, and [-] kilometers in less than ten hours.

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