But now is not a future generation, and the maximum speed of the vehicle is only about [-] kilometers, which is still the speed of the Han Empire.

Generally, they run at a speed of about [-] kilometers per hour on the highway.

However, these troops have no objection at all. They don't run for twelve hours a day, but fifteen hours. They only have nine hours for eating and sleeping!

The three drivers take turns to drive, and they usually eat canned beef, canned fruit, etc. in the car, and they don't stop to light a fire to cook.

For these elites, what kind of difficult situations have they not experienced?

When Han Ling was still fighting the world, they suffered all the hardships.

Now that they have not fought for so many years, they have long been eager to fight!

And their marching route did not go all the way south to Nanyun and other regions, then enter Southeast Asia, finally reach Yindu, and then reach the Middle East.

They went to the Gumeng area.

Pass through the Gumeng prairie, enter the prairie of Central Asia, and then go south to the Middle East.

This is their marching route, why not go to Xinjiang and Tibet!

Madan!In the plateau area, highways and large railways have not been built yet, how do you go?

It took a lot of effort for later generations to open up the transportation lines in this area.

It's not built yet!Wherever you go, you can only let armored vehicles and tanks fly over.

That's why they walked the Gumeng prairie.

Along the way, the airship transportation brigade can be said to have brought them various supplies.

Enjoying the best treatment and experiencing the cruelest battles, this is the elite troops of the Han Empire.

Along the way, they crossed the Gumeng steppe and entered the Kazakh region of Central Asia. This region is still a grassland, and the former Kazakh cavalry came from here.

Then they went south to the Middle East. On this road, these soldiers didn't complain at all.

And this time to mobilize the three quick-response mobile armies, the current commander of the Siberian Front, Marshal Zheng Daxing, specially applied to Han Ling. He hoped to return to the first army to command this battle, even as an army commander.

However, Han Ling did not agree, but transferred Wang Chenggang back to command the three armies.

No way, as I said before, these three armies are the oldest troops of the Han Empire, among which the First Army and the Second Army are the originating troops of the armored forces of the Han Empire.

Their qualifications are old and their combat effectiveness is strong.

This kind of troops, except for their old chiefs, ordinary people can't command at all.

It's like Hao Mengling on the front line, you go and command them to try, I guess this group of veterans can't beat you!

As for Yu Hanmou or Sun Fumin wanting to command, ha ha!

Such elite troops are not something they can command. Elite troops have the pride of elite troops!Just like the gluttonous army, the criminals here have been in the army for five or six years.

These former criminal army, they are even more proud, that is, Song Dianyuan, the former big gangster, can command, others, you go in and try, they can throw you out!

So this time Han Ling specially transferred Wang Chenggang back.

Wang Chenggang, the old chief of the Second Army, and a veteran marshal of the Han Empire, commanded by Wang Chenggang, it must be a matter of beauty.

The Han Empire is increasing its troops to the Middle East, and Mi Jian is not to be outdone, they are increasing their troops to North Africa.

General Eisen's [-] fighter planes have arrived, but the [-] troops that Lao Luo gave him as reinforcements are still on the way.

[-] plus [-] million troops in North Africa, the United States did not receive the news that the Han Empire dispatched elite troops, and even other countries in the world did not know that the Han Empire dispatched elite troops.

The elite army has always been a very secretive army in the Han Empire. No one knows how strong their combat effectiveness is, and likewise, no one knows how their training is carried out.

In the United States, they only know that the Han Empire has sent air force and army to reinforce North Africa.

Han Ling said that he had to arrive in Ismailia within a week. In fact, this requirement was very difficult to fulfill, and it could even be said to be a fantasy.

Because the straight-line distance from Shandong and other areas of the Han Empire to Ismailia is [-] kilometers.

Arrive within seven days, that is to say, within one day, the nectar must be [-] kilometers.

Although they are mechanized troops, and they are the first mechanized troops to be established, the configuration of the troops is relatively good.

But the nectar is [-] kilometers a day, even if you drive for twelve hours a day, the speed of one hour is [-] kilometers per hour, which is only more than [-] kilometers.

If you want to drive a thousand kilometers a day, this requirement is not generally harsh.

In fact, Han Ling also knows that this requirement is harsh. If this requirement is placed in later generations, it will not be considered harsh. If you take the expressway, you will cover more than [-] kilometers in one hour, and [-] kilometers in less than ten hours.

But now is not a future generation, and the maximum speed of the vehicle is only about [-] kilometers, which is still the speed of the Han Empire.

Generally, they run at a speed of about [-] kilometers per hour on the highway.

However, these troops have no objection at all. They don't run for twelve hours a day, but fifteen hours. They only have nine hours for eating and sleeping!

The three drivers take turns to drive, and they usually eat canned beef, canned fruit, etc. in the car, and they don't stop to light a fire to cook.

For these elites, what kind of difficult situations have they not experienced?

When Han Ling was still fighting the world, they suffered all the hardships.

Now that they have not fought for so many years, they have longed for war!

And their marching route did not go all the way south to Yunnan and other regions, then enter Southeast Asia, finally reach India, and then reach the Middle East.

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