With just a few face-to-face events, hundreds of fighter planes from our side actually fell.

This was the first time Eisen watched the air battle between the Han Empire and his own air force at such a close distance, but the result was beyond his expectation.

Then Eisen continued to send planes up to fight these Black Hawk fighters.

The boys from the First Air Division are like the undefeated gods of war in the arena. These Citi Army pilots who have not experienced any battles have just met them face-to-face before they go up into the air, and then they continue to fall to the ground.

The defeat of the Air Force has already made Eisen feel very uncomfortable, but the defeat of the Army has made Eisen feel like he is about to vomit blood.

As the distance between the six tank divisions got closer, their accuracy became more and more accurate. Those light and heavy machine gun positions on the Citi Army's position were constantly pulled out by Tianyun tanks.

"Attention all units! Now we have entered within [-] meters of the enemy, and all tanks are ready for the final sprint. In addition, infantry fighting vehicles are ready to move forward for fire support! Armored vehicles are ready to stop and release infantry at any time!"

A colonel commander spoke over the radio channel to the tanks at the front.

There was no answer on the radio, but the colonel knew they understood.

On the Citi Army's position, as the Han army's tanks got closer and closer, they also began to prepare to launch their sharp weapons against the tanks!

"Han army tanks are approaching, bazookas are ready to fire!"

A major and battalion commander of the Citi Army couldn't help shouting loudly when he saw the Han army tanks getting closer.

And here, as the distance got closer and closer to the Citi Army position, the infantry fighting vehicles began to move forward to prepare for fire support to the tanks.

Although the 20mm rapid-fire gun on the infantry fighting vehicle is not powerful, its rate of fire is very fast.

With a rate of fire of 20 rounds per minute, the Citi Army on the ground couldn't lift their heads.


When the Han army's tanks approached a hundred meters, the Citi army's bazooka began to fire.

A rocket with a flame tail flew towards a Tianyun tank.


There was an explosion, well, it wasn't the tank that exploded, but the Citigroup soldier who fired the rocket just now.

The reaction ability and cooperation ability of these Han troops can be said to be at a super-class level. Just as the soldiers of the Citi Army here fired a rocket, a tank reacted quickly. The tank turret rotated rapidly, and then it took less than three seconds. Time aiming, it can almost be said that the moment the tank turret just turned over, a tank gun was fired from the barrel.

And more importantly, it hit, directly hitting the soldier.

This is the result of their long-term training. They have been trained for various situations over the years, so their reaction can be so fast, and their hit accuracy will be so high, which is completely fed by countless shells.

Looking at this side again, the tank that was entangled in rockets rushed out in a burst of explosions.

The bazooka left nothing but a black burn mark on it.


For the anti-tank force of the Citi Army, the caliber is said to be [-] mm, but it is actually only [-] mm!

And his range is [-] meters, able to penetrate about [-] millimeters of steel plate.

Well, it sounds like a lot, and Tianyun's tank has only [-]mm armor on the front slope, which should be penetrated logically, why not?

As I said before, the Tianyun-class tank is a tank made of alien technology in terms of technology and materials.

His armor defense is several times higher than that of a steel plate of the same thickness.

The [-]mm of the bazooka is the steel plate of this era of the earth, not the [-]mm of alien technology.

Coupled with the sloped armor, its defensive power will naturally be several times higher.

This is why Citi Army's rockets cannot penetrate Tianyun-class tanks.

But Citigroup doesn't know!

All the Citi troops were stunned when they saw the Han army tank that was hit by a rocket but was still advancing.

They never thought that there were targets that the bazooka could not penetrate. They remembered that when bazooka tried it out, he could easily penetrate a [-]mm steel plate.

"What are you bastards doing standing there? Hurry up and defend against the enemy! Where's the bazooka? Launch it immediately!"

A major of the Citi Army saw the Han army rushing up, his face was full of anxiety, and he kept yelling.

"Attention all units! Increase the accelerator and rush over! Infantry fighting vehicles, pay attention to protect armored vehicles!"

At this time, the tanks of the Han army were already very close to the Citi Army's position, only [-] meters away!

At this distance, a colonel immediately picked up the radio again and said.

Then all the tanks on the front line of the Han army rushed towards the Citi Army's position in a series of bodies.

The same is true for the armored vehicle behind. The sudden increase in recoil force pinned the driver of the armored vehicle to the seat.

"The Han army rushed up"

When a soldier of the Citi Army saw the first Han army tank directly crossing the trench of more than two meters, he couldn't hide the horror in his eyes and shouted.

It's just that within a few seconds of his screaming, a machine gun bullet hit his heart, and then he fell to the ground.

Six tank divisions and more than [-] tanks directly broke through the defense line of the Citi Army.

On this more than [-]-meter-long line of defense, all Citi troops are facing the killing of Tianyun tanks.

The armored vehicles behind immediately stopped in front of the position, and countless soldiers came down from above.

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