Armed with AK47 assault rifles, they began to clear the Citigroup from the position.

How about the elite soldiers of the Rapid Response Mobile Army!

Within a distance of [-] meters, they can raise their guns to the point where every bullet bites flesh.

Many Citi Army soldiers were headshot before they even had time to react.

These soldiers who were conscripted by the United States and trained for a few months before taking to the battlefield are simply not comparable to the veterans of the Han Empire who have served for seven or eight years. The combat quality of these veterans is beyond their comparison!

Chapter 657: Defeating You Didn't Discuss

Many of these Citi Army soldiers are on the battlefield for the first time. Generally speaking, their performance is already very good, but it is a pity that they were unlucky and encountered the rapid response mobile army of the Han Empire. Or the first, second, and third elite group armies.

The Citi Army on the ground couldn't stop the killing of the Han soldiers at all. After holding the AK47 assault rifles, these Han soldiers used their firepower to the extreme, firing bullets continuously.

At this time, the tanks in front of them were constantly breaking through the defense line with infantry fighting vehicles.

This is the first line of defense of the Citi Army. This line of defense is not just a trench as people imagine.

In fact, the composition of a line of defense is very complicated.

It consists of artillery positions, trenches such as ring fortifications, and various other components. Just now, the tanks broke through the Citi Army's defense line, rather than breaking through their first trench.

But it doesn't matter, because the moment the Han army tanks rushed up, the soldiers of the Citi Army on the ground were already panicked.

And the next performance is really unsatisfactory.

The three infantry divisions Eisen put on the first line of defense, with nearly [-] people, were broken through by the Han army before they understood what was going on.

"Okay! The brothers of the Tank Division did a great job! Power the Mechanized Infantry Division and let them deal with the Citi Army on the ground as soon as possible, don't delay!

If you surrender, send me to the back, and if you don't surrender, you will be killed!Be quick.Let the tank divisions continue to attack, don't stop!Now, before the Citi Army's second line of defense can react, take down their second line of defense! "

Lu Yinglin, who was watching from behind, immediately gave orders to the frontline troops after seeing that the troops had captured the first line of defense.

At this time, the Citi Army's second line of defense hadn't reacted yet. They would never have thought that the first line of defense would be breached so soon, and it would be broken by the Han army in less than two hours.

At this time, the six tank divisions on the front line of the Han army immediately turned their heads after receiving Lu Yinglin's order, and ran towards the second line of defense of the Citi Army with the sound of heavy engines.

Citi Army Front Command, General Eisen's headquarters.

"What did you say? The first line of defense has been breached by the Han army? Do you know that you will be court-martialed if you lie about military information!"

Eisen grabbed the collar of a staff officer and said fiercely.

"General! This is a telegram from the first line of defense! I really didn't lie to you!"

General Eisen grabbed the telegram with one hand and quickly read it before striding forward to the map.

After staring at the map for a few minutes, they turned around suddenly and said, "Quick! Tell the second line of defense to take precautions and be careful of the Han army attacking them!"

"General! The second line of defense has sent a telegram. The armored troops of the Han army have launched an assault on them. The attack is very fierce, and they are almost unable to stop it!"

Just when Eisen's voice fell, another staff officer hurried in.

"What? Attacking the second line of defense? Order them to block it! Go!"

The staff officer hurried to the confidential room again.

On the other hand, Eisen was staring at the map with a pair of eyes. He never imagined that this army, which he thought was a decoy, would be so powerful in combat.

"General! A telegram has been sent from China. They have found out the numbers and information of the [-] troops of the Han Empire!"

A security officer walked in.

"give me!"

After Eisen took it, he began to look at it slowly.

After a while, he put down the telegram with lingering fear.

"That's right! It turns out that the Han Empire actually dispatched their most elite troops! The first army of the Emperor of the Han Empire, at least six years old! The most professional army of the Han Empire. It has participated in various large-scale battles established by the Great Han Empire. Every soldier Soldiers are all veterans!"

When Eisen thought of the intelligence information, he couldn't help but feel shuddering.

The Han Empire actually sent these three troops here without making a sound.

Every soldier among them is a veteran of hundreds of battles, and this line of words shocked Eisen the most.

As a person who has been in the army for half his life, he knows the meaning of representing veterans.

In particular, the Han Empire itself was a powerful country established in the flames of war.

The number of battles these veterans have participated in is unknown, and they have survived to this day, and the number of lives in their hands is even more unknown.

They have beaten Neon people and Lao Maozi. It can be said that they are full of honor.

With such an army, you cannot measure their combat effectiveness by the number of people.

"Veteran of hundreds of battles! Veteran of hundreds of battles! Come on, pass on my order, immediately let the troops of the third line of defense go to reinforce the second line of defense, fast! Otherwise, it will be too late!"

Eisen seemed to have reacted, and he immediately yelled at the staff around him.

In fact, he was already too late, even if the order reached the third line of defense, it was too late.

At this time, six tank divisions had rushed to the positions of the second line of defense.

The light and heavy machine guns equipped on the tanks were constantly strafing, killing the Citi troops who hadn't reacted yet.

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