As for the infantry fighting vehicles that followed the tanks, the rapid-fire guns on them were constantly firing shells.

"Marshal! The tank division sent a telegram. They have successfully broken through the Citi Army's second line of defense, and are now cleaning up those Citi Army troops!"

Lu Yinglin's adjutant handed him a telegram.

"Okay! Let the three armies each deploy a mechanized infantry division to the Citi Army's second line of defense to clean up the Citi Army above.

Make them move fast!Clean up as soon as possible, and then build a defense line.The Citi Army on the third line of defense is estimated to have reacted.Let them be careful, don't let the Citi Army take the position back! "


The Han army was cleaning up the Citi Army on the two lines of defense, but Eisen was walking around in his headquarters at this time, feeling extremely irritated.

He never thought that the [-] people sent by the Han Empire this time were actually their elites, [-] veterans, Eisen shuddered when he thought about it.

In fact, this is just a quick-response mobile army.

There are not many veterans of the quick-response mobile army, that is, these three armies!

As mentioned earlier, the mobile group armies behind were all recruited and expanded.

Where are the real many veterans?

Standing Army!

Those seventeen standing armies have not been used so far. These [-] million veterans are the main backbone of the Han Empire and the key to supporting the Han Empire, but these generals Eisen don't know it!

Chapter 658: Falling into Contemplation

When Lu Yinglin was commanding the troops to clean up the Citi Army on the position, at this time in Beni Suwell, Sun Fumin was also commanding more than [-] tanks and [-] troops to attack the Citi Army in Beni Suwell. The army launched an attack.

However, the Citi Army here did not defend. The Citi Army, which had been reinforced by [-] troops, seemed full of confidence, and actually fought against Sun Fumin.

"The Citi Army is really confident enough to fight against us. They even sent fighter planes to compete with us for air supremacy!"

Sun Fumin said suddenly after looking at his headquarters for a while.

"Commander! The Citi Army has [-] more troops than us, and they also have a lot of fighter planes. I'm afraid our situation is not right!"

Next to him, Sun Fumin's adjutant said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? Wars don't depend on the number of people. If it depends on the number of people, everyone should stop fighting. At that time, everyone will stand together and count the number of people!"

Sun Fumin glanced at his adjutant angrily, then continued to watch the air battle in the sky.

The battle between the air forces of the two sides in the sky is in the middle of a fierce battle, and the P47 fighter planes of the Citi Army keep falling down.

"The Third Air Division is indeed the elite of the empire! I have hardly seen any of them fall. So far, all I have seen are Citi Army fighter planes falling! If things go on like this, within a few days, The Citi Army's fighter plane has to win!"

Sun Fumin said after looking at it for a while.

"It's the Citi Army's own fault. If it has a chance, it will fight us for air supremacy! Who can blame it?"

"Well! How's the situation with our troops?"

After Sun Fumin said something indifferently, he began to ask how the battle situation on the front line was.

"Now we are defending! The Citi Army is sending people to attack. Our casualties are not big, the key is that the consumption of ammunition is a bit high!"

The adjutant next to him said.

"The bigger the consumption of ammunition, the bigger it is! Our logistics force is transporting ammunition, and we also have a lot of ammunition in reserve. How are the casualties of the Citi Army now?"

"Not too big! The Citi Army is very cunning, they want to rely on the sharpness of their artillery to deal with us!"

The adjutant thought about it and said.

"Cannon? Hmph!"

Sun Fumin snorted coldly and said nothing more.

At this time, in the Beni Suweier position, the Han army is defending, but the Citi army is attacking!

These Huaqi troops didn't seem to want to rush to the Han army's position. They stopped at a distance of [-] meters in front of the Han army's position. They began to use mortars and artillery to deal with the Han army, but the Han army was not to be outdone, and immediately He took out the mortar and grenade and bombarded them.


"Ah, these bastard Citi troops are really addicted to bombing. Where's our grenadier? Get rid of the Citi troops in front!"

A second lieutenant company commander patted the dirt on his body, and shouted while hiding behind the trench wearing a black steel helmet.

Then a few grenade shells flew past.

"Company commander! When will we start our attack? When will our imperial army actually defend against the attack of these Citi troops?"

A squad leader stumbled, bent over and ran to the second lieutenant company commander.

"How did I know! You can ask Commander Sun about this! It's really bad luck for Grandma, it's the first time I've fought such an aggrieved battle!"

And at this time in a division headquarters on the front line.

A division commander is staring at a map.

"Chief of Staff! What kind of medicine do you think is sold in Commander Sun's gourd? Although our strength is at a disadvantage this time, we have an armored group of more than [-] tanks, which can completely rush into the positions of the Citi Army. They have been turned upside down, why are they passively beaten like this?"

It seems that the teacher is very upset!Everyone in their headquarters is complaining!

"Master, be careful! I think Commander Sun's move must have a deep meaning! The number of Citi troops this time is several times that of our army. Under such circumstances, I think Commander Sun wants to attract Citi troops here, and then The armored group suddenly launched a powerful attack and completely wiped out the Citi Army here.

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