The bombardment continued, but dive bombers and fighter jets appeared.

They began to hover over the Northwest Army's positions, as if they were waiting for something.

Now the heavy artillery suppression of the Pingyuan Army still exists, so the soldiers of the Northwest Army are still suppressed by the artillery fire.

This situation did not end until the troops of the First Division of the Pingyuan Army were about to reach the shore. After all, they were afraid of hurting their own people!

At this time, the surviving soldiers of the Northwest Army finally had a chance to catch their breath.

It's just that after taking a few breaths, I saw that the Pingyuan Army's crossing troops had already reached the river bank and were about to land.

Suddenly sporadic gunshots began to sound.

The Northwest Army opened fire, and the only remaining heavy machine guns and light machine guns acted as the backbone of the firepower, and began to fire bullets continuously.

It's just that their firing caught the attention of dive bombers and fighter jets in the sky.

The precise bombing of the dive bombers immediately wiped out the only remaining firepower pillar on their position.

As for the fighter plane, even though it was a fighter plane, a [-]kg aerial bomb was hung on each of its wings.

So in the fighter.Under the bombing and strafing of the dive bombers, the remaining firepower of the Northwest Army suddenly became a pile of scrap iron.

At this time, the troops of the First Division of the Pingyuan Army finally came ashore, and a Tinghan Type 30 general-purpose machine gun began to fire bullets.

The task of the battalion they landed on was not to destroy how many enemies, but to hold the beachhead, suppress the enemy's firepower, and maintain a landing area for the continued landing of the follow-up troops.

The ships that transported them also quickly returned.

They are going to pick up those soldiers from the other side!

Because Xiaolong has to take a plane back to his hometown today, today's update will be a little later!

Don't ask Xiaolong if he wants a eunuch!Old book friends all know that Xiaolong's reputation is still guaranteed!

Chapter 68: The Strength of the Pingyuan Army [[-]]

"Da da da"

A Tinghan 30-type machine gun began to assume on the river beach, and the ferocious firepower began to continuously suppress the firepower of the Northwest Army.

At the same time, the ammunition hand next to him is also constantly loading the ammunition belt to ensure the continuity of firepower.

The more than 28 general-purpose machine guns in this battalion are constantly firing bullets, and at the same time, the Type [-] dive bombers in the sky are constantly dropping bombs on their bodies.

The two aerial bombs hanging on the wings of the fighter jets were also thrown towards the position of the Northwest Army.

On the Yellow River, countless wooden boats began to row towards the other side of the river.

As long as the follow-up troops arrive, the Pingyuan Army can control a beachhead and fight towards the Yellow River Bridge.

Control the Yellow River Bridge and welcome the passage of the large troops of the Pingyuan Army.

"Master seat! It's not good! The Pingyuan army has successfully broken through our army's beachhead, and they are defending where they are now. Their second wave of landing troops is about to go ashore!"

Just as Dong Zhentang was looking at the battlefield with a telescope at the observation port of his headquarters, a major ran in panting.

"I know! Why are you panicking! Can panic help you solve the problem?"

Dong Zhentang reprimanded the major before slowly saying: "Order our people to withdraw from the beachhead and retreat to the rear. By the way, the Yellow River Bridge must be blown up, and the Yellow River Bridge must not be left to the Pingyuan Army! "

When it came to the end, Dong Zhentang was also a little helpless.

Just now when he saw that the Pingyuan Army dispatched the plane, he was shocked.

He didn't expect that the Pingyuan Army even had such things as airplanes.

The participation of the planes made Dong Zhentang realize that it would be very difficult to hold the river beach position now.

Earlier, he was thinking of using the Yellow River Bridge to plot against the Pingyuan Army.

After all, if an ordinary commander wants to cross a river to fight, if he sees a bridge, he must go to the bridge first, or fight for the bridge first.

But who knew that the Pingyuan Army didn't follow this way, and actually forcibly crossed the Yellow River directly.

It was as if he hadn't seen the bridge.

Now that the Pingyuan Army has established a firm foothold on the beach, instead of dying here, it will consume its own strength.

Don't retreat all the time, just like what the chief of staff said.

The Pingyuan Army was introduced into the interior of Shaanxi, and then the pockets were tightened, and the two cavalry divisions charged, and the Pingyuan Army was driven down the Yellow River again.

But before leaving this time, Dong Zhentang was going to blow up the Yellow River Bridge.

The reason is very simple. Although the pocket plan is to be carried out, Dong Zhentang does not want all the Pingyuan Army to come.

After all, there are [-] people, and the most important thing is that he heard that the Pingyuan Army has heavy artillery.

That thing is too powerful, so the Yellow River Bridge must be blown up, and the heavy artillery units of the Pingyuan Army cannot be allowed to come.

Dong Zhentang thought very well. The place where the Pingyuan army crossed the river was no more than one kilometer away from the Yellow River Bridge, in order to be able to seize control of the Yellow River Bridge as soon as possible.

After the second wave of a regiment's troops successfully landed, two battalions of troops began to go north to seize control of the Yellow River Bridge.

At the same time, two dive bombers rushed to stop the Northwest Army's bridge bombing plan.

Han Ling stood on a hillside, constantly watching everything on the Yellow River Bridge with a high-powered telescope.

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