Now the Yellow River Bridge is related to the question of whether one's own troops can cross the Yellow River as they like in the next period of time.

At this time, an infantry battalion of the first division and one regiment and an infantry battalion of the sixth regiment, the two infantry battalions are constantly rushing towards the Yellow River Bridge.

Guided by general-purpose machine guns, these two battalions continued to kill and shoot the soldiers of the Northwest Army who came to block them.

To be honest, the combat effectiveness of the Northwest Army is good, and their fighting will is very firm.

But their weapons and equipment are too poor.

A strong will to fight does not mean that the body can block bullets.

It does not mean that the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army can be stopped from attacking.

Those who ran towards the Pingyuan Army with a big sword on their backs, and wanted to approach the Pingyuan Army for hand-to-hand combat, undoubtedly became corpses on the way to the charge.

You want to be close to hand-to-hand combat against a general-purpose machine gun with powerful firepower, which is a joke.

At this time, the soldiers of the Northwest Army on the Yellow River Bridge were gnashing their teeth, risking being killed by dive bombers and being strafed by machine guns, pulling the lead.

Ever since they received the order to blow up the Yellow River Bridge, they began to pull the lead.

Explosive packs and these have been secured long ago, and it is only a matter of pulling the fuse.

I thought it would be a simple matter to pull the lead wire.

But in front of dive bombers, this is not easy.

More than [-] soldiers have fallen under the machine guns of the dive bombers.

"Quick! Go up two more people! We must pull the lead over as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will have no chance when the infantry of the Pingyuan Army arrives!"

The Northwest Army guarding the Yellow River Bridge is a company of troops.

At the same time, they were also responsible for blowing up the bridge.

Now hearing the gunshots from the south getting closer, he felt that time was running out, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

The dive bomber pilot of the Pingyuan Army looked coldly at the soldiers of the Northwest Army below.

Seeing that someone wanted to pull the lead wire again, he pressed the launch button with his fingers without any accident, and then a series of bullets were fired at the two soldiers. Under the obstruction of two dive bombers, the soldiers of the Northwest Army could not succeed. .

This made the company commander of the Northwest Army guarding here anxious.

"Give me all up! I don't believe they can stop us!"

In desperation, the company commander decided to go up all of them, and at the same time, he also took the detonator up, and did not send anyone up to pull the fuse.

When the time comes to explode, they run faster, it is not that there is no chance of surviving.

Just as they were about to get up, a soldier next to the Northwest Army commander suddenly had his head explode.

Then fell down softly.

As soon as the company commander of the Northwest Army turned his head, he saw more than a thousand Pingyuan Army soldiers rushing towards him.

Shocked, he immediately wanted to resist, but how could they resist?

They lacked the support of firepower, and they were at a disadvantage in numbers, so they were quickly broken through by these two battalions of the Pingyuan Army.

"Okay! Order the Second Division to cross the Yellow River Bridge immediately and eat up the [-]th Division of the Northwest Army!"

After seeing through the binoculars that the Yellow River Bridge had fallen into the hands of the computer room, Han Ling, overjoyed, immediately issued an order.

Chapter 69: The Battle of Infantry and Cavalry

When Han Ling's name was issued, the second, third, and fourth infantry divisions of the Pingyuan Army immediately began to cross the Yellow River Bridge.

But now Dong Zhentang naturally saw all this.

"Quick! Order the troops to speed up the retreat, and those unnecessary supplies are gone!"

When Dong Zhentang saw that the Pingyuan Army had captured the Yellow River Bridge and began to march here, he immediately roared loudly.

He knew that once the Yellow River Bridge fell into Han Ling's hands, his division would not be able to resist it at all.

He had given the order to retreat before, and at that time his [-]th Division had already begun to retreat.

It's just that the Northwest Army, which is used to being poor, naturally can't discard things, and everything they brought before has to be carried away.

This greatly affects their speed.

This is why Dong Zhentang is now ordering to give up those unnecessary supplies.

If they bring those things with them again, they won't be able to leave.

After Dong Zhentang's order was conveyed to the troops below, those retreating troops frantically discarded their luggage, and then began to retreat towards the rear.

It's just that the third regiment of the thirty-sixth division couldn't withdraw.

Because they have been entangled by the Pingyuan Army.

"Order the Second Division to cut off the retreat of the Northwest Army's Thirty-sixth Division. The Third and Fourth Divisions go to Muguachuan to intercept the Northwest Army's reinforcements."

After Han Ling got the news that Dong Zhentang was going to escape, he immediately gave such an order.

The large-scale mobilization of the Pingyuan Army can't be hidden from the Northwest Army, but can the large-scale mobilization of the Northwest Army be hidden from Han Ling?

It is not unknown to him that the Northwest Army has mobilized two cavalry divisions, one infantry division and one group army to help Shaanxi.

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