Now Dong Zhentang's thirty-sixth division is about to be eaten by him, it's strange that they don't come to support!

And the Northwest Army was indeed exactly as Han Ling had imagined. Liu Fengke's First Cavalry Division and Xi Yechi's Second Cavalry Division were rushing towards Fugu County.

"Hurry up! Speed ​​up! We must arrive at Fugu County within two hours!"

The face of Liu Fengke, the commander of the First Cavalry Division, was covered with sweat, but he was still drinking heavily.

Feng Yuxiang sent a telegram just now, asking him to rush to Fugu County as quickly as possible to rescue the [-]th Division!

There was no other way, he could only wave the whip quickly, and at the same time secretly scolded Dong Zhentang for his incompetence in his heart.

An infantry division, more than [-] people, collapsed in less than a day after resisting the Pingyuan Army.

Now he still has to dare to come to the rescue.

And because of Dong Zhentang, their previous pocket plan was completely ruined, how could this not make Liu Fengke angry.

Besides Liu Fengke who was angry, Xi Yechi, the commander of the Second Cavalry Division, was also angry.

He thought Dong Zhentang was just incompetent.

An infantry division, more than [-] people, did not even block the Pingyuan Army for a day.

"Master seat! Our situation is not very good. The first regiment, the second regiment, and the third regiment are all entangled by the Pingyuan army. The soldiers can't leave even if they want to!"

Liu Zhenya looked at Dong Zhentang with a serious face and said.

Just now, only the third group was entangled, but now even the first group and the second group are entangled.

"How is the Pingyuan Army now?"

Dong Zhentang asked after being silent for a while.

"According to reports from our people, there is a brigade of troops from the Pingyuan Army rushing towards our rear. I guess they are going to intercept our reinforcements!"

After Liu Zhenya's voice fell, Dong Zhentang felt a shadow lingering in his heart.

"Master seat! It's not good! The Pingyuan army has cut off our retreat and is now attacking from our rear!"

At this moment, a soldier ran in with a panicked face.

"What did you say? The Pingyuan Army cut off our retreat? Are they attacking from our rear? How many of them are there?"

This time Dong Zhentang could no longer be calm.

A look of panic flashed across his face.

"There are tens of thousands of them! Our rear is almost overwhelmed!"

There was a tear on the soldier's face.

"Ten thousand people?" Dong Zhentang cried out.

Then there was a dejected silence.

Liu Zhenya didn't speak, just looked at Dong Zhentang quietly.

"Surrender! Command the brothers to surrender, we can't stop it! Don't let the brothers die here in vain!"

After a long time, Dong Zhentang said with a disheartened face.

"Marshal! The [-]th Division has surrendered! Now their division commander and chief of staff are being escorted to the headquarters by our soldiers!"

In Han Ling's temporary headquarters, Han Ling was looking at the map when a staff officer walked in and said.

"The thirty-sixth division surrendered?"

Han Ling was a little stunned, but then he came to his senses.

It is normal for the [-]th Division to surrender under the attack of its two infantry divisions.

"Where are the Northwest Army reinforcements ahead? How are they and our troops doing?"

Han Ling asked after looking at the map.

"A battle report has been sent from the front. A cavalry division of the Northwest Army has arrived at Papaya River! It is expected that they will launch an attack quickly!"

At this moment, a confidential officer came in with a telegram and read.

"What? Bring it here and let me see!"

Han Ling grabbed the telegram.

At this time, the front line of Papaya River.

The [-]rd and [-]th Infantry Divisions are deployed here to block reinforcements from the Northwest Army.

And this time the cavalry division that arrived first was the First Cavalry Division of the Northwest Army, and it was also Liu Fengke's unit.

"Damn! These Pingyuan troops are fast enough! They have actually built fortifications!"

Liu Fengke rode on the horse, took a telescope to look at the simple fortifications built by the Pingyuan Army, and then said.

In fact, the Pingyuan Army had just arrived. They simply built it, and even dug a little trench. As a result, the Northwest Army came.

As a last resort, they had to stop building fortifications and prepare to resist the cavalry charge of the Northwest Army.

"Order the first regiment of cavalry to charge immediately! We must defeat the Pingyuan Army in the shortest possible time and go to Fugu County to rescue the [-]th Division!"

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