At this time, Liu Fengke didn't know the news that the [-]th Division had surrendered, and he was still thinking about going to rescue the [-]th Division!

Sorry readers!I am so tired today because of flying and traveling!

Only three chapters have been updated.

Let Xiaolong rest for one night first, and after twelve noon tomorrow, Xiaolong will make up the chapters owed today and yesterday!

Chapter 70: Taking Advantage of the Victory

"Da da da"

"Quick! Launch! Launch now! Shoot those sons of bitches down to me!"

At this time, on the front line of the fourth division in Papaya River, Zhao Tiezhu was waving a pistol in his hand and roaring loudly.

As Han Ling reorganized his troops, Zhao Tiezhu was also promoted from a company commander to a battalion commander because of his military exploits.

In war years, the promotion of soldiers is very fast.

As long as you have military exploits, you are capable.Even if you are only in your twenties, Han Ling dares to promote you to the position of teacher.

And Zhao Tiezhu, who was an honest farmer half a year ago, is now a major battalion commander.

Now the First Cavalry Division of the Northwest Army is attacking their positions.

And his soldiers are constantly firing bullets.

The charge of the cavalry is very shocking.

In this far east, at this time, the cavalry is well used, and it is also a powerful force.

Thousands of horses galloped at the same time, this scene deeply shocked the hearts of the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army.

But they will not be afraid.

Although the fourth division has not been established for a long time, the human soldiers in it have not been a soldier for a long time.

But in the past few months of continuous battles, they have begun to grow slowly.

The Type 30 general-purpose machine gun was still firing bullets continuously, with a rate of fire of hundreds of rounds per minute, causing a large number of bullet casings to accumulate in front of the simple positions of the Pingyuan Army.

"Battalion Commander! The regiment sent us three good things! Look, three heavy machine guns!"

Just as Zhao Tiezhu commanded the troops to resist the Northwest Army's attack, his deputy battalion commander approached him from behind with a smile on his face.

And there was a group of people behind him, and these people came up carrying three Type 30 heavy machine guns.

"Is there a heavy machine gun? Very good! Quick! Set it up. Give me a hard hit on these sons of bitches!"

Zhao Tiezhu's eyes lit up when he saw the heavy machine gun.

When three heavy machine guns were added to it, it was like three metal storms that swallowed metal bullets at the cavalry of the Northwest Army.

"Damn! Why is the firepower of the Pingyuan Army so fierce!"

Liu Fengke, who was watching the battle from behind, put down his binoculars. The firepower of the Pingyuan Army was not ordinary.

When his own cavalry rushed to a position of more than two hundred meters, they couldn't rush up.

It seems that there is a line of death somewhere.

"Order the troops to step up their attack! Be sure to charge up! As long as they charge up, they will be nothing to worry about!"

After Liu Fengke looked again, he gritted his teeth and said.


"Old Liu! How is your attack going?"

Just then, a voice came from behind.

Liu Fengke turned around and saw Xi Yechi, the commander of the Second Cavalry Division, coming.

"Old Xi, why did you come here?

Our situation is very bad!The brothers have been unable to break through their [-] meters.

I have already lost half of the regiment!There is no way to withdraw now, so we can only bite the bullet and knock this place down.

Otherwise, our loss will be even greater! "

Liu Fengke couldn't help saying when he saw Xi Yechi coming up from behind.

Xi Yechi didn't speak, but picked up his binoculars and looked.

Seeing the bullets that looked like a rain of bullets, Xi Yechi couldn't help frowning.

He found that the Pingyuan Army has a machine gun with a particularly fast rate of fire, and this machine gun is equipped with the most!

"The Pingyuan Army has such powerful firepower! What kind of machine gun is this machine gun of theirs? How can the persistence of firepower be so strong? Our Czech-style light machine guns are like fire sticks in front of this kind of gun!"

"I don't know! I have also observed it just now. I have never seen their machine guns. Not to mention their powerful power, the persistence of firepower is still very good! I really don't understand where they got such good things! "

He had already discovered just now that the reason why his troops were unable to rush through was that this kind of gun played a large part in it.

"It's impossible to fight like this! Our troops suffered too many casualties! You see, you have lost more than half a regiment now, but you can no longer break through their defense!"

Xi Yechi looked at it again for a while and said very seriously.

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