"Old Xi! Is there anything you can do? After all, we have to rush to rescue the [-]th Division in Fugu!"

Liu Fengke frowned again.

"I don't think so"

"Report! Commander Feng sent a telegram telling us to retreat immediately! The [-]th Division in Fugu County has been eaten by the Pingyuan Army! Their large forces are about to encircle us!"

At this moment, a confidential officer ran to Liu Fengke and said.

"What did you say? The [-]th Division was eaten? The [-]th Division has more than [-] guns! Even if there are [-] pigs, the Pingyuan Army can't catch them all in one day!"

Liu Fengke looked very surprised, he couldn't believe all this.

An infantry division was eaten up in less than a day!

"It's true! This is Commander Feng's telegram. Mr. Dong was forced to surrender at the last moment because he couldn't hold his ground!"

While listening to the confidential officer, Liu Fengke grabbed the telegram and read it.

And Xi Yechi next to him also looked over his head.

"Bastard! Dong Zhentang is incompetent! A traitor! We are here to fight for his life, and he has already surrendered!"

After reading it, Liu Fengke said angrily.

"Okay! Old Liu, now is not the time for us to talk about this. Now we have to retreat as soon as possible! If we wait until the other troops of the Pingyuan Army encircle us, it will be difficult for us to leave!"

Although Xi Yechi was also very angry in his heart, he still maintained his rationality.After knowing that the [-]th Division has surrendered, their situation will not be better!

"Order the troops to retreat immediately and quickly!"

Liu Fengke gave an order immediately after his anger passed.

Here, the benefits of cavalry are reflected.

Run if you can't beat, and the speed is very fast.

The infantry couldn't catch up even if they wanted to.

But this does not mean that the Northwest Army can fight and leave if they want!

Liu Fengke's [-]st Cavalry Division and Xi Yechi's [-]nd Cavalry Division had just started to retreat when more than a dozen planes appeared in the sky.

They are the Type 28 dive bombers and fighter jets of the Pingyuan Army.

They are the cover to carry out the farewell ceremony for the Northwest Army!

"Commander! The two cavalry divisions of the Northwest Army have retreated, and our air force has been ordered to pursue them!"

OK!Nothing happened!Successfully escaped marriage, continue to code in the afternoon, and make up the manuscripts owed these days!

Chapter 71: Killing with a Borrowed Knife

"Retreat? Hehe! What do you think I am here? A vegetable market? Come and leave whenever you want?"

Han Ling's words left Huang Kelin speechless.

My handsome personality is getting more and more domineering!

This Fugu County has only been conquered today, and he regards the surrounding area as his own territory.

Han Ling didn't care what Huang Kelin thought, but lowered his head to look at the map and asked, "Where is the [-]th Army of the Northwest Army currently deployed?"

"It's here, Shenmu County! According to the information we have received, the [-]th Army of the Northwest Army has set up defenses in Dianta Town, Shenmu County Town, and Jinjie Town in Shenmu County."

Huang Kelin pointed out to Han Ling on the map.

"Shenmu County? Arm your defenses in these three places?"

Han Ling frowned!

"Does the cavalry unit they transfer have other cavalry units besides the First Cavalry Division and the Second Cavalry Division?"

"I don't know for the time being! We are in the Northwest Army, and there are no intelligence personnel for the time being!"

Huang Kelin felt a little helpless when he talked about this. The foundation of the Pingyuan Army is too weak. At present, Han Ling has not established an intelligence organization. He just selected some clones to inquire about information. The information is not easy to come by.

Although Han Ling plans to form an intelligence organization after this battle, but there is no such force yet.

"No? No, no! Order our air force to return. In addition, the First Infantry Division, the Second Infantry Division, and the Third Infantry Division will take down the three places of Xinmin, Tianjiazhai, and Lananbao! After taking them down, don't do it again Forward!

The Fourth Infantry Division went south to Xiejiapu Township, occupied him, and then held him!Then wait for my order! "

Han Ling looked at this area and said with a flicker of eyes.

"Master! We won't advance? We won't attack Shenmu County?"

Huang Kelin looked puzzled.

"Attack Shenmu County? No! This time I want to defeat the Northwest Army! There is only one army in Shenmu County, how can this be enough for our Pingyuan Army?

[-] Northwest Army!I want to see how many troops Feng Yuxiang can mobilize! "

A gleam flashed in Han Ling's eyes. It was obvious that he hadn't told Huang Kelin the truth.

But it's telling the truth.

He said that he wanted to defeat the Northwest Army, which is true.

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