But as for why they didn't attack Shenmu County, before Feng Yuxiang transferred other troops, he ate up the Northwest Army for the purpose of attacking later.

The Northwest Army is located in the northwest of China, and it is close to the grassland. Feng Yuxiang has a lot of cavalry troops in his hands.

If I want to take Guanzhong as my foundation, I must first eat up the cavalry troops of the Northwest Army.

Now I don't have any armored troops, so I can only defend against such cavalry that come and go like a shadow, and I want to attack unless you can catch up with them or take down the city where they are.

But you are on the way forward, it is easy to encounter their surprise attack.

So in order to fight better in the following battles, what Han Ling has to do now is to gather and annihilate them.

Gather the cavalry of the Northwest Army, and kill them in one go.

Now the main force of the Northwest Army has also been dragged to the front line, and it is not easy to return to Shaanxi quickly.

Only cavalry units!

The cavalry can quickly return to Shaanxi.

And where did Han Ling order the four infantry divisions to occupy?

Loess Plateau!

Here, although the cavalry can also exert good power, it is not so easy for them to come and go like the wind and go like a shadow, and leave as they want!

This is why Han Ling ordered four infantry divisions to deploy their defenses here.

Defending here created a situation where Feng Yuxiang was short of troops and could only defend.

Attract the cavalry of the Northwest Army to come over!

"Mr. Feng, now the [-]th Division has surrendered. The [-]st Cavalry Division has lost more than [-] cavalry. The other troops have not lost much! They are currently being repaired in Shenmu County!"

Liu Yufen was in Feng Yuxiang's headquarters, looking at the map and saying.

"What about the Pingyuan Army now?"

Feng Yuxiang's face was a little gloomy. He didn't expect the [-]th Division, which he was optimistic about, to surrender.

Although the [-]th Division is not the trump card of the Northwest Army, Dong Zhentang is a talent.

Fighting bravely, resolutely, and with the style of a general, this is why he transferred the [-]th Division back, but he didn't expect the [-]th Division to surrender.

"According to the information we have received, the Pingyuan Army has set up defensive positions in Xinmin Town, Lanlanbao Town, Tianjiazhai Town, and Xiejiabao. It seems that they will not go west in a short time!"

Liu Yufen said with some puzzlement.He didn't understand why the Pingyuan Army had four elite infantry divisions, why they stopped at these four places.

After Feng Yuxiang heard this, he couldn't help but put his eyes on the map, and said after a while: "Two days ago, you got information that the Pingyuan Army has expanded its army on a large scale in Shanxi, and is still training?"

"Yes! The Pingyuan Army has recruited [-] troops in Shanxi. If they finish training these [-] people, they will have nearly [-] troops in their hands!"

For this point, Liu Yufen also has to sigh!

How long has it been since Han Ling rose?

After two or three months, the Pingyuan Army will have nearly [-] troops. It can be said that another big warlord has risen.

"Hmph! The training is complete! I think Han Ling just doesn't have enough troops. He is going to defend here, and he will not continue to attack until their recruit training is completed! Now he has provoked our Northwest Army and Yan Baichuan at the same time." Jinsui Army, is his current strength enough?"

Feng Yuxiang snorted coldly.

"Go and pass on my order to let the first temporary cavalry division in Gansu, the seventh temporary cavalry division in Ningxia, and the second and third temporary cavalry divisions in Qinghai rush to Shenmu County immediately.

In addition, Lu Zhonglin's [-]th Army and Pang Bingxun's [-]th Army were transferred back to Shaanxi!Stand by in Yulin! "

A gleam flashed in Feng Yuxiang's eyes, and he kept giving orders.

"Mr. Feng, do you want to"

Liu Yufen looked at Feng Yuxiang in astonishment, and at the same time understood what he meant.

The first division, second division, and third division of the Temporary Cavalry are all troops of the Ma family in the northwest.

These three cavalry divisions are currently ruled by Ma Hongkui, Ma Hongbin and Ma Buqing of the Ma family.

Although they expressed obedience to Feng Yuxiang on the surface, both Feng Yuxiang and other people in the Northwest Army knew about it.

These people are only superficially obedient!

All along, their relationship with the Chairman of the Nanjing Committee has not been broken.

This time, they can use the hands of Pingyuan Army to consume their strength.

Chapter 72: Home of the Returned Talented Students

Both Han Ling and Feng Yuxiang had their own plans.

Han Ling was going to use this to consume Feng Yuxiang's cavalry troops, and Feng Yuxiang wanted to use the hands of the Pingyuan Army to eradicate dissidents and eliminate the Ma's army.


This trick didn't work very well for Han Ling, because it was Han Ling who benefited in the end.

Regardless of whether Ma Jiajun has two hearts towards Feng Yuxiang or not, they are now Feng Yuxiang's subordinates after all.

After all, they belong to the establishment of the Northwest Army.Still listening to Feng Yuxiang's order, it can be regarded as the strength of the Northwest Army.

Even if Han Ling entered the northwest and entered the Guanzhong area later, these cavalry troops were still enemies of the Pingyuan Army.

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