Han Ling never thought of recruiting these feudal Ma's troops.

So, no matter what Feng Yuxiang thought, Han Ling finally got his wish.

It's just Feng Yuxiang!

Ha ha!Now that it is consumed, there will be no more troops in Guanzhong and Northwest China that can pose a threat to the Pingyuan Army.

So what Han Ling has to do now is to return to Guisui, prepare for the next development plan, and at the same time speed up the process of expanding the army.

Now my own army, in the final analysis, is still small.

The reorganized five infantry divisions, the [-] troops in the new barracks, and the two infantry regiments in Guisui.

So far, I have a total of about [-] people.

[-] people sounded like a lot, but Suiyuan's location made Han Ling feel that time was tight.

To the west is the Northwest Army, to the south is the Jinsui Army, and to the east are the Northeast Army and the Jinsui Army.

And in the north of oneself, where is it eyeing.

And his own territory is currently the entire Suiyuan, a small half of Shanxi, and a part of Shaanxi.

It is not moving now, but it does not mean that it will not move when it sees itself rise in the future.

And the Northeast Army, now huddled in places such as the Northeast and Chahar, watching the world, where is it sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The Jinsui Army and the Northwest Army, because of their own arrival, some of their things have changed, who knows what will happen next?

Yan Baichuan's recruits will finish their training in two or three months.

At that time, Yan Baichuan may have no shortage of troops in his hands. Will he send troops to attack him again?

Therefore, Han Ling's time is very tight now, and he has to rush back to Sui as soon as possible for the next step of great development.

As for the four infantry divisions.

Han Ling was not worried. They had built complete fortifications, and with such firepower, they would not be afraid of the Northwest Army's attack at all.

And it's just defense. If even the Northwest Army can't stop it, how can we talk about sweeping China!

On July [-], [-], after Han Ling stayed in Baode County for a while, he decisively returned to Guisui by truck.

Now two airships have been manufactured.

It is completely possible to provide all the logistical supplies for these four infantry divisions, and it will not be too busy.

Now Pingyuan Army has many things waiting for him to deal with.

Like the Air Force!Like the Artillery Corps!

"came back!"

Outside the city of Guisui, Han Ling came back with his guard group and some people.

Ya Siqi brought some important officials of the current Suiyuan military government and stood outside the city to welcome Han Ling.

"Well! I'm back! I've been away for two months! It's time to come back!"

Looking at Guisui City, which was so close at hand, Han Ling couldn't help but sighed.

"You should really come back! Your government affairs are piled up like a mountain! During this period of time, because our Suiyuan military government's people's livelihood policy is very good, a large number of people have poured in. Now the development is very rapid. If you don't come back, the development I'm afraid the speed will be stopped!"

"En! I'm back! Let's go! I'll meet these people first, and we'll catch up later!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he smiled and walked towards the important government officials behind him.

"Welcome to the return of the commander-in-chief!"

"Congratulations to the handsome!"

"Hi handsome!"

"Welcome the commander-in-chief to return to court!"

These are all government officials of the Suiyuan military government.

Many of them are some unsatisfactory people from the previous Suiyuan government.

Those successful people can be promoted by Li Peiji, I am afraid that there is a lot of moisture.

Many capable people were suppressed because they could not please Li Peiji.

After Han Ling came to power, he beat down all those officials who were incapable and corrupt.

Promote these capable grassroots officials vigorously.

At the beginning, although these officials were grateful for Han Ling's promotion.

But after knowing that Han Ling had offended several major powers in China, they felt flustered.

I am afraid that others will attack me and destroy me.

But who knew that when Han Ling led tens of thousands of Pingyuan troops on the expedition, two months later, not only were the Pingyuan troops not destroyed.

It is still developing and growing.

So far, the site has more than doubled in size.

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