Lu Yinglin said sincerely after saluting.

Han Ling was very satisfied with Lu Yinglin's attitude.It seems that he still recognizes his position.

"Ruifeng! Don't be like this! Sit down and talk! Since I believe in you, I have to hire people without doubt! Your ability to be an infantry division commander is completely beyond words! Going to be a regiment commander, isn't it because I don't know how to employ people? !

Well, don't talk too much!Now the recruits we have recruited are almost finished training.Next, I plan to reorganize several infantry divisions.You take orders and that's it! "

Finally, Han Ling said in an unquestionable tone. ,

"Thank you, Marshal, for your trust!"

Lu Yinglin was a little moved. He didn't expect that Han Ling would hand over an infantry division to him.

He knew about the configuration of the Pingyuan Army.The firepower is strong.And the standard configuration of an infantry division is [-] people.

This infantry division can beat the two infantry divisions of other warlord troops.

The infantry divisions of some other warlord troops have only more than [-] people per division, and less than [-] people.

But what about the Pingyuan Army?

Each infantry division is equipped with [-] people as standard, and each infantry division will have a heavy artillery regiment!

Heavy artillery regiment!

How many forces own this thing now?

Even if there is, it is like a baby.They are all alone.

Unlike the Pingyuan Army, each infantry division has a heavy artillery regiment.

Chapter 79: Starting the People's Livelihood and the Military 【Seven】

"Hehe! You don't need to thank me! As long as you lead the troops well, it will be better than anything else!"

Han Ling looked at Lu Yinglin with a smile on his face.

"You go out first!"


After Lu Yinglin went out, Han Ling picked up the phone on the table and dialed it.

"Clin, come to my office!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he put down the phone.

After a while, Huang Kelin walked in.

"How about what I asked you to do?"

Seeing Huang Kelin coming in, Han Ling asked.

"It's almost there! Currently we only have dozens of fighter jets and dive bombers. They can be organized into two air battalions and two bombing squadrons!"

Han Ling did not accept the document handed over by Huang Kelin, but looked at him and said, "There is no rush for the air force, let's solve the army's problem first.

The results of the training of our [-] new recruits in the boot camp are very good.Those instructors have sent a message that they can form an army in advance.

So at the moment I'm going to use these [-] recruits, plus some of our clone soldiers, to form five infantry divisions.

In addition to forming an infantry division, I also plan to form a heavy artillery division.

But now we lack clone soldiers, precisely those artillery and other arms.

During this time, you should take the time to keep an eye on the talent training base, count one as one, as long as it comes out of it, you will count it to me immediately.

By the way, in addition, you can ask the people below to issue a recruitment order.

Now that our five infantry divisions have formed an army, plus the previous five infantry divisions, we have only ten infantry divisions in total, less than [-] people.

This is not enough!If we want to obtain sufficient benefits in the following operations, we must have [-] troops in our hands.

We also need a field force of [-] men. "

Han Ling is going to reorganize the infantry division of the army, but for the heavy artillery division, there is currently a lack of heavy artillery and artillery.So it was temporarily put on hold by Han Ling.

As for the air force, Han Ling is only going to pull out a shelf now.

There are too few planes now, and he plans to wait until there are more fighter planes before conducting a comprehensive reorganization.

He had seen the upgrade progress bar of the weapon manufacturing base two days ago.

He estimated that the weapon manufacturing base would be upgraded to level five within two days.

It was more than two months ago that the last weapon manufacturing base was upgraded.

The upgrade of this weapon manufacturing base will be slower as it goes further, but Han Ling estimates that the production capacity will increase a lot this time.

Time passed slowly like this.

He is doing the reorganization of the army and the development of people's livelihood.

However, in Xinmin Town, Tianjiazhai Town, Lanlanbao Town, and Xiejiabao, four places in Shenmu County, a very weird defensive battle was going on.

The Majia Army in the northwest, because of Feng Yuxiang's strong request, had to bring their own cavalry troops to attack the Pingyuan Army in these four places.

It's just that their offense is really unsatisfactory.

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