They have been fighting for so long, but others are still standing still.

The firepower of the Pingyuan Army exceeded their expectations.

No matter how they attack, they cannot be broken.

And weirdly enough, hit so far.

The cavalry troops transferred by Feng Yuxiang now have less than [-] troops left.

However, the Pingyuan Army still had no intention of counterattacking, and was still a defender there every day.

This made Feng Yu's teeth itch with hatred.

Feng Yuxiang felt that these Pingyuan troops were going to come out when he and Jiang Jun fought to the death.

"Did they still fail to capture the four places occupied by the Pingyuan Army?"

Feng Yuxiang walked up and down in his headquarters, very irritable.

Now he is indeed a little irritable, when he was fighting with the committee chairman before.

At the beginning, the Chairman's Central Army attacked fiercely.

Later, with their efforts, the Northwest Army has gained a certain advantage.

But now because the Pingyuan Army dragged some of their energy here, Yan Baichuan also lost half of Shanxi.

Therefore, their anti-Jiang coalition forces have shown a not-so-good trend.

The point is that the four infantry divisions assigned by the Pingyuan Army in Shenmu County are like four nails, which they cannot pull out no matter what.

"Yes! Now the Ma family army has suffered heavy losses, and the cavalry troops in their hands have only more than [-] people!"

Liu Yufen looked at Feng Yuxiang who was walking back and forth.

"More than [-] people?"

After Feng Yuxiang heard it, he let out a sigh of relief and said to himself.

"Forget it! Tell them to stop attacking! Build fortifications on the front line! First get rid of Jiang, and then get rid of Han Ling, the little bastard!"

Feng Yuxiang thought about it, and decided to deal with the chairman first.

At that time, it will be easier for me and Yan Baichuan to clean up the Pingyuan army together.

When Feng Yuxiang decided to suspend the attack on the Pingyuan Army, Han Ling was looking at the upgraded weapon base.

On August [-], [-], the weapons base was officially upgraded.

After this upgrade, the weapon base will be upgraded to level five.

However, the output of various weapons also made Han Ling's eyes shine.

Although it will take a long time to upgrade later, the increase in production is also impressive!

First of all, there is the issue of rifles. The previous manual rifles were [-] a day!

With this upgrade, the output of manual rifles has not increased much, only three hundred!

Upgrade from [-] to [-] every day.

But the output of semi-automatic rifles has been greatly upgraded.

Previously, only [-] pieces could be produced a day, and Han Ling had kept them for about a month, and now there are only [-] pieces in stock.

It is still impossible to replace the equipment of the first five infantry divisions.

As a result, the production of semi-automatic rifles soared from [-] to [-] this time, more than doubling.

The light machine guns have increased from [-] per day to [-] per day.

In addition, heavy machine guns have gone from one to five per day.

Mortars, five per day.

[-]mm field guns, four per day.

Two [-]mm howitzers and two cannons per day.

[-]mm howitzers and cannons, one per day.

[-]mm howitzers and cannons, one every two days.

Type 28 fighter jets, two per day, Type 28 dive bomber, one per day.

The production rate of airships has also dropped from one every ten days to one every four days.

These improvements are very good for Han Ling!

Half a month after this production increase, he will have seven airships in his hands, and there will be no logistical problems in a short period of time.

The five infantry divisions on the front line can also be fully equipped with semi-automatic rifles.

At the same time, Han Ling can also increase the vitality configuration for the infantry division, such as the number of heavy machine guns!

For example, the field artillery battalion.

Previously, a field artillery battalion had only ten field artillery, but now Han Ling can increase them to fifteen.

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