When there is a shortage of people, will Han Ling let go of the nearly [-] surrendered troops?

I only need to train them a little bit, and then tie them with money sticks and benefits, and I have an extra [-] troops.

In this way, under Han Ling's operation, Ping Yuan's army began to grow like a balloon.

The growth of the Pingyuan Army finally attracted the attention of Yan Baichuan, Feng Yuxiang, and the Chairman.

Chapter 81: People's Declaration

Yan Baichuan and the others are very wary of the increasingly powerful Pingyuan Army.

So they are also starting to expand their army in order not to be robbed of their territory.

Yan Baichuan tried every means to raise funds and weapons to expand his troops.

And Feng Yuxiang is even more so. In order to expand the troops, it can be said that the Northwest Army has tightened their belts.

But the Chairman is secretly guarding against the rise of the Pingyuan Army.

On September [-], [-], one month later, Han Ling delivered his first speech in Guisui.

"Fathers and folks! Today I am here to deliver the first speech in my life.

In January [-], I came to this land.

Once I looked at the people living in poverty, looking at the people in naked clothes, I swore in my heart that I would let the flowers of prosperity float in the sky of this land.

But there are always a small group of people in this world who always disregard the interests of the people and fight for their own self-interest.

Constantly oppressing us.Turn a blind eye to those foreigners who are swaggering in our land.

So I have another goal in my heart, that is, the days of foreigners showing off their power in our land will no longer exist.

In order to achieve this goal, my colleagues and I have worked hard for nine months, and the size of the Pingyuan Army has finally reached the size of [-] people.

We finally have a little strength.With the power of self-protection.

As for our people, after nine months of hard work, I can proudly announce to everyone that under the rule of the Suiyuan military government, no one died of starvation, and no one was left without food.

Everyone can eat steaming white-faced steamed buns every day, and everyone can eat canned pork.”

Han Ling stood on a high platform and gave a loud speech, and there were tens of thousands of people below.

They all looked at the young man on the high platform with fiery eyes.

Once, they were just farmers living at the bottom.

The food grown every year, in addition to paying taxes.I don't have much left.

In some bad years, even half a year of food and half a year of wild vegetables have to be lived.

And now!This is the young man!

This young man is only 21 years old, less than 22 years old.

It only took him more than half a year to allow himself to live a life with enough food and clothing.

In more than half a year, they have undergone earth-shaking changes.

White flour buns are no longer out of reach.

Meat eating is no longer the stuff of legend.

And their status is no longer the bitterness that anyone can bully, haha.

Here, no officials dare to bully the people.

Here, no bandits!

No exploitation here!

There are no corrupt officials here!

Everything here is so beautiful, and everything here is full of longing for future life.

"But all of this is not enough! Now the Suiyuan military government has only more than [-] million people. And we have [-] million people in China.

They are all our compatriots, all our sisters.

Our goal is to let brothers and sisters all over China live such a life.

So today I declare war.I declare war on those vile warlords.I want to eliminate them on behalf of all suffering brothers and sisters in Huaxia!

The [-] soldiers of the Pingyuan Army are ready to challenge all warlord troops at any time.

Brothers and sisters under the Suiyuan military government!Let us cheer for the Pingyuan Army together! "

As the saying goes, one word stirs up waves!

Han Ling's speech was called the People's Manifesto by Suiyuan newspapers, saying that Han Ling was the leader representing the vast majority of peasants and workers in China.

At the same time, after Han Ling's speech, all the warlords in China were stunned by Han Ling's declaration.

What is he going to do?Kill us?

Where did he get the courage to claim to destroy them in public?

And Han Ling also became the enemy of all the warlords in China at this time.

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