However, Han Ling ignored them, and in the next few days after the speech ended.

The Suiyuan military government held major events such as "Farewell to the Soldiers on the Expedition" and "Worship to the Hall of Martyrs".

At the same time, Han Ling also gave the soldiers three days off and allowed them to go home and visit their relatives.

On September [-], [-], Han Ling led tens of thousands of soldiers and officers of the Pingyuan Army to hold a grand swearing-in ceremony outside the city of Guisui. The second swearing-in opened the curtain for the Pingyuan Army to calm the world!

"I swear! I will fight for the rise of China with all the loyalty and bravery of my soul!

Water our honor with blood, retrieve the lost glory with all of our flesh!

Fight to the end with fearless will and save the last bullet for yourself! "

"Keep the last bullet for yourself!"

"Save the last bullet for"

"Put the last bullet"

"Will the last one"

Countless echoes resounded through the empty land.

When the last voice fell, Han Ling suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "Play the military song! Present the military flag!"

"Wolf smoke rises from the mountains and rivers and looks north

The dragon rolls up, the horse neighs, the sword is like frost

Heart like the vast waters of the Yellow River

Who can resist in [-] years

Hateful long sword

How many brothers and feet are buried in the bones

He Xibai die to report the country

I can't bear to sigh, even more speechless, full of blood and tears

Horseshoe goes south to people look north

People look north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying

I would like to defend the land and restore the frontier

Tangtang China wants to let the Quartet


The wolf smoke rises from the river and the mountains to the north

The dragon rolls up, the horse neighs, the sword is like frost

Heart like the vast waters of the Yellow River

Who can resist in [-] years

Hateful long sword

How many brothers and feet are buried in the bones

He Xibai die to report the country

I can't bear to sigh, even more speechless, full of blood and tears

Horseshoe goes south to people look north

People look north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying

I would like to defend the land and restore the frontier

Tangtang China wants to let the Quartet


Horseshoe goes south to people look north

People look north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying

I would like to defend the land and restore the frontier

Tangtang China wants to let the Quartet


The passionate singing began to sound.

Military song - loyal to the country!

This is the military song that Han Ling personally set for the Pingyuan Army!

This song is originally a song of passion, and every time I listen to it, I feel the blood boiling in my body.

And award the flag!

That's right!It's the awarding of the military flag!

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