I have to say, as Yan Baichuan's favorite generals, they must have some skills, not those who can't do things after eating dry food!

Chapter 84: Battle of Taiyuan [[-]]

September [-], [-], six o'clock in the morning.

Han Ling was eating porridge and steamed buns in his headquarters, watching the rising sun slowly in the distance.

"Klin! Are you running out of time now?"

"Two minutes past six!"

Huang Kelin on one side was also like Han Ling, holding a bowl of porridge in his right hand and eating a bun in his left hand.

Although it is a clone, it is not a robot, so it naturally needs to eat.

"Two minutes to zero? The shelling is about to start in [-] minutes! Look at the positions of the Jinsui Army on the opposite side. They are in a defensive posture. It seems that the Jinsui Army is also playing tricks!"

Han Ling took a bite of the bun while talking.

As for the Jinsui army's main defense at this time, Han Ling also guessed a little bit in his heart.

The history of this time and space has changed because of itself.

In the original history, the chairman and them were still at war at this time.

But this time and space has changed.

My own development is too fast, and I have pulled up a [-] troops in less than a year.

Yan Baichuan, Feng Yuxiang, and the chairman of the committee were all very vigilant against themselves.

Especially after they delivered that speech, they even regarded themselves as the enemy.

The chairman was afraid that after the Great War in the Central Plains, his Pingyuan Army would develop to the point that even he would be difficult to deal with, so he gave up the war with Yan Baichuan and Feng Yuxiang at this time.

And because Feng Yuxiang and Yan Baichuan had suffered from their losses before, and now they hated themselves so much, they had to join forces to deal with them.

Now attacking Taiyuan by himself, Yan Baichuan gathered all his troops—[-] troops in Yangqu County.

Although they thought in their hearts that they could defeat themselves, they still had an army of [-] here, so they didn't want to suffer too many casualties, and wanted to drag Feng Yuxiang into trouble.

They didn't start to fight against themselves until Feng Yuxiang also attacked, and now they are thinking about delaying time here!

For these little Jiujiu of the Jinsui Army, in fact, as long as you are not a fool, you can think of these things.

Air has a superior force, and facing the inferior force not only does not attack, but actually defends, looking like I want to defend to the death, it is a person who will doubt their motives.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the artillery of a heavy artillery division and two heavy artillery regiments concentrated by Han Ling was already on standby at the artillery position.

Several large artillery scout balloons began to appear on this side of the Pingyuan Army.

"The Pingyuan army is about to bombard, order the brothers to hide!"

Yang Aiyuan saw the balloons in Yuanfang's sky through the telescope, and immediately knew that the Pingyuan Army wanted to attack.

The Jinsui Army began to hide, hoping to escape the shelling of the Pingyuan Army.

In fact, it's not that Yang Aiyuan never thought of using his own artillery unit to carry out counter-bombing with the Pingyuan Army. After all, he still has seven artillery brigades!

But thinking about the [-]mm mortar with the largest caliber in his artillery unit, he still gave up.

Of course, this is talking about mortars. In addition, their main artillery is the [-]mm field artillery and mountain artillery.

The heavy artillery of the Pingyuan Army is at least [-]mm howitzers and cannons.It is said that there are larger calibers, and I don’t know if it is true. No one has confirmed this.

But even if it is [-] caliber, it is enough for one's own artillery unit to drink a pot.

"Target—the enemy's circular position!"

"Ruler two hundred and eight!"

"Azimuth to the left [-]!"

"Add three to the height!"

"Reload! Prepare high-explosive bombs!"

"Good shot!"

"Second Pao!"

"Hello Three Cannons!"

On the artillery position of the Heavy Artillery Division, Li Dahai, the commander of the Heavy Artillery Division, was standing behind and watching his troops.

Hearing the voice of the report sentence by sentence, he nodded in satisfaction.

The quality of these artillerymen is very good, and I don't know where the commander was trained.

As a general, Li Dahai was promoted by Han Ling to the position of the Heavy Artillery Division, for which he was very grateful.

I think he was only the head of a military field artillery regiment in the Jinsui Army.

Now after surrendering to the Pingyuan Army, Han Ling not only ignored his status as a surrendered general, but promoted him to major general division commander, which made him very grateful to Han Ling.

"The time is up! Let the brothers fire!"

Li Dahai looked at the watch on his wrist and said in a deep voice.

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